Friday, October 30, 2015

Isabelle Rose Ledesma has a Angelic Vision

On October 2, 2014 (the Feast of the Guardian Angels) I had a vision. I was at Mass in school and I was kneeling because it was about 30 seconds before the consecration. I heard a quiet and soft dreamy twinkling sound next to my ear so I looked next to me and one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen was there, an angel. But I was not afraid. I looked at his face and he smiled the most beautiful smile at me. 
I looked around and I saw an angel kneeling next to every person in my school so they just had to be guardian angels. Then I looked at the priest and the one next to him was dressed differently. He had a silver chest plate and a red skirt with slits in it and sandals and shoulder plates and a sword on his right side and big gray wings which were extended. Later I found out that it was St. Michael the Archangel.
 Fr. Nick said St. Michael stands at the right side of the priest at every consecration. The other angels had big white wings that were hovering behind the backs of their person.  Some of the angels had togas and some had a white gown with flowing sleeves and they all had ropes tied in a certain way and all had sandals on their feet. They had either blond or very light brown curly hair and light, light, light blue eyes. Fr. Walter's angel was behind him, between Father and St. Michael.

Then about 10 baby angels came down through the roof, their eyes were looking up towards heaven as they came down and surrounded the altar. Then the priest (Fr .Walter) raised the host and all of the angels left their person zoomed to the altar.  They zoomed through the air as if they were flying but their wings were tucked behind them.  
Some were kneeling and some were floating and they all had wide, beautiful, amazed eyes as they focused on the consecration.  They stayed at the altar for the entire consecration. After the consecration was over the baby angels went through the roof and the guardian angels came back to their person and all sang "Hallelujah Sing to Jesus" but St. Michael did not sing.
 Then I looked at my angel and he looked at me and smiled and waved and then all of the angels started to vanish one by one. It was a wonderful gift to have this heavenly vision and the Lord has truly blessed me by permitting me to have this beautiful encounter.

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