Saturday, December 19, 2015

Zaevion Dobson a Hero Among Men


Zaevion Dobson, a 15-year-old high school football player, was a sophomore at Fulton High School in northern Knoxville.   On 12/17/15 he was killed as he shielded three girls from gunfire, covering them with his own body.  The police believe that the senseless crime was perpetrated by several men on a shooting spree in Tennessee on Thursday night.  

Dobson was hanging out on a porch with his brother and some friends when a group of men walked up and started shooting at them, Zach Dobson said. 

Police said the shooters, who they believe may have been gang-affiliated, picked a group at random who were 'just hanging out and trying to celebrate the holidays'.

Zaevion Dobson is a Hero, who at 15 years old, without hesitation, laid down his life so that others might live.  Zaevion acted to protect those who could not protect themselves.  There is no higher duty, no greater sacrifice, no deeper love, then to lay down your life for another.  

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