Sunday, July 3, 2016

I have a darkened heart admits abortionist Dr. Robert Santella

“I have a darkened heart” Dr. Robert Santella the abortionist said to the pro-life activist.

“You have a darkened heart,” the pro-lifer repeated, who was taking a video of the exchange. 

“I do, I do, very, very much so.”
The abortionist was Dr. Robert Santella at the San Diego’s Family Planning Associates clinic. His gestures were very disturbing and dark in nature.

“You’ve got to repent, sir, for murdering babies,” the activist said calmly as the doctor exited the clinic. 

The doctor then got up in the activist’s face with a modulated voice, “Why?”

“Because it’s a sin before God,” the activist replied.

 The doctor growled back, saying 

“Stinky breath!”

“Murdering children is evil of you, sir.”

“Yes, yeah, I am.”

The doctor then did sick disgusting hand gestures that weren't  caught on video. “Wow,” the activist said, “Is that how you murder babies?”

“Yeah," the Doctor replied.   "I love it, love killing babies, yeah, I do.” 

The activist then said he hoped the doctor would come to Christ. 

“Oh, I’ll never go to Christ,” the abortionist got very angry and replied, “No, never will I go to Christ, I don’t listen to Christ.”

The activist then told the abortionist he would one day stand before God in judgement. When the activist said he would be judged “for all the babies you have killed.” The unrepentant  abortionist gleefully responded..

 “I love it, I love killing babies..I love it!”

Dr. Santella was also holding scissors during the exchange, which he held up in his hand at various points. It’s unclear whether he meant to threaten the pro-lifer with them.

Other pro-choicer activist have referenced the demonic in their exchanges with pro-lifers. In April, a group of Satanists staged a bizarre demonstration that, among other things, mocked Catholicism, outside of a Planned Parenthood clinic. 

Most noticeably, in 2013, angry pro-choice activists chanted and sang “Hail, Satan!” as pro-lifers prayed and sang “Amazing Grace” in the Texas state capital.

Make no mistake this abortionist who openly mocks GOD will stand before his creator and he will have to give account for all of the lives he brutally murdered.  I can only pray that before he draws his last breath that he repents before it is too late... 


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