Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Stories of Apparition Hill

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A gynecologist in her sixties who spent her entire professional career performing abortions on demand came to Medjugorje seeking to answer a question which had haunted her her entire life.  She had come alone, bu traveled with a large group of women.  Some of these women were young, middle age, Nurses, Doctors like herself, mostly just women coming to Medjugorje for the first timeAfter their arrival it was decided that the group would brave the climb at a place called Apparition Hill.  Setting out on this daunting climb  Valentina fell in step behind everyone as she was unsure what to expect add to the fact she was in her sixties and was concerned if she could make the climb.  

With an iron will and steadfast determination Valentina began her she climb up Apparition Hill. 
 Having been a Doctor her entire life Valentina had seen many things and endured difficult tasks but she was a Doctor and had taken it all in stride.  Valentina had a notion of what this trip might entail, such as proselytizing, people trying to convince her of their dogma, or even outright preaching.  What Valentina  was not prepared for was that GOD was waiting at Apparition Hill expressly for her.

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Inspired by the Gospa for all her pilgrimages: atheist or not, upon arriving at the top,  everyone consecrates himself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! 

Not thinking that this consecration was mean anything Valentina followed along and concentrated herself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

 The proud abortionists and gynecologist did this like everyone else. After all they were just words.  What harm could it do if she offered herself in consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?   

In the evening she gathered her group together, because she wanted to share something very important. Her throat tightened. She had difficulty talking, her entire life she was the boss, the Doctor that everyone looked up to.  She was a big shot in her country who oversaw all the services of her hospital.  With trepidation and deep remorse Valentina spoke.,..

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“I had scarcely put my foot down on Apparition hill, when suddenly everything changed before my eyes. The beautiful scene before me disappeared; the sky turned dark and menacing. Everything became deathly silent. I felt like I was the last person alive on earth.

 Then, like a thunder clap I saw the scene stretched out before me. From the bottom to the top, the entire hill, was covered in blood and broken bones.  I wanted to recoil in horror to shout who did this evil thing.  Everything in my body screamed at me to run, but my foot was rooted to the ground.  

I wanted to look away.  I wanted to look anywhere, but at the little empty skulls of all the dead babies staring back at me.  

A searing thought burned all the way though my brain and into my Soul.  I did this... I killed them... These are all the children I aborted. My pride had led me down a path where the sum of my life was a grave yard of dead babies.  My entire professional career,  over forty years I had spent convincing myself that I was a leader of women, that my work was important.  What a fool I was... I was wrong!

I looked at my hands and they were covered in blood. I wanted to shout...'Look at these hands, these hands have murdered an entire city of innocent children.  (In front of the group she stretched out her hands in horror). 

  Her sobbing was painful to watch, the weight on her soul forced her tears out in torrents.   GOD had removed the devil's lies and had shown her the truth and the cost of her pride.  It is then that I thanked GOD that we have a Divinely Merciful Savior in JESUS CHRIST.  

Image result for jesus forgives woman

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