Saturday, August 27, 2016

Testimony of Doctor Gloria Polo

This testimony is from Doctor Gloria Polo was an orthodontist living in Columbia when she was struck by lightning and had a near death experience in which she was judged by Jesus and condemned for mortal sin. 

Fortunately, for her, a very pious, humble farmer who saw a picture of her in the newspaper prayed for her soul and Jesus granted her a second chance, with a mission to repeat what she witnessed not only a thousand times, but a thousand times a thousand. 
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She was also commanded that when she comes back before Jesus to be judged again, she will be judged with greater severity, due to her second chance and all that was revealed to her while over there. 

Spiritual insights given by GOD to Dr. Gloria Polo.

1. That our words have power. If you curse someone you release demons into the world and into that person's life.  Those demons also attach themselves to you bringing destruction into your own life. 

2.If you say to someone 'GOD Bless You'  what happens is that the blessing you just gave goes up into Heaven and sits until that person needs a serious blessing. Then, when GOD deems it the blessing is poured into that persons life when they need it most. 

3. In Heaven the Saints are clothed with garments brighter then the sun. These garments are made from all the Eucharists which the Saint received during their life time.  So, the Saints are eternally clothed with the body and blood of the Lamb. 

4.  Prayer works. Period, end of story. A person who prays from their hearts not only blesses themselves but blesses many others like a rising tide lifts all boats. 

5. Abortion is murder. It is the Devil's favorite sin.  The devil delights each and every time a woman murders her unborn child.  The sin of Abortion causes the Lamb of the world great agonizing pain.  When the baby is murdered in the womb the baby screams so loud that the Angels in Heaven hear the baby screaming.  

6. Adultery is a sin which destroys not just the sinner, but the spouse, the children, everyone involved.  It robs the entire family of so many Heavenly graces. It also opens the entire family to Spiritual darkness, devouring demons, and generational curses. 

7. GOD loves each and everyone of us beyond anything we can comprehend. HIS desire to love you and I is bursting at the seams. It is our sins which turn us away from the love of GOD, from HIS divine graces, his many Spiritual and temporal gifts which HE looks to bestow upon us. It is NOT that GOD has turned from us; it is our callous disregard of HIS tenets, which distance us from receiving our Heavenly blessings. 

8. Everything we do have repercussions. Nothing we say or do will be ignored when we stand before GOD after our death. It is ONLY through the sacrament of Confession that our Souls can be freed from the entanglement of sin and it's dire consequences. 

9. The Catholic Church has the real presence of GOD in the Eucharist. It is ONLY through the Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST will anyone see the kingdom of GOD. There is no other way into Heaven.  It is only through the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST on the cross at Calvary that we may attain our Heavenly home.   

10. Many of our prayers are answered by GOD. A great bounty is unknowingly bestowed upon us from GOD.  We need to stop and thank GOD for all that we have, all that we have been given. To often we take for granted everything we have. 

 In the accident Dr Polo looked at her burned and charred legs and begged for them to be healed.  In a moment of clarity she realized she had never thanked GOD for her legs, for he body, for her health, etc.  We should look at our lives and instead of complaining for all that we do not have, be thankful for all that we do have. 

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Susanna Vallejo personally met Dr. Gloria Polo on several occasions and painstakingly translated her testimony from Spanish audio recordings to English and sent me this copy which I have posted on this website. I personally hope and pray that the mission given to Dr. Gloria Polo by Almighty GOD our Father in Heaven is furthered on this website.
Image result for LIFE AFTER DEATH? [Gloria Polo's Testimony]

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