Friday, September 30, 2016

Eternal Hell Awaits all Those who Mock and Deny GOD


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1) Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich: “No one could behold without trembling”

Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich lived in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in the Holy Roman Empire. She was a mystic who claimed to have had visions of all sorts of spiritual things. Here is an excerpt of one of her visions of hell:

The exterior of Hell was appalling and frightful; it was an immense, heavy-looking building, and the granite of which it was formed, although black, was of metallic brightness; and the dark and ponderous doors were secured with such terrible bolts that no one could behold them without trembling.

Deep groans and cries of despair might be plainly distinguished even while the doors were tightly closed; but, O, who can describe the dreadful yells and shrieks which burst upon the ear when the bolts were unfastened and the doors flung open; and, O, who can depict the melancholy appearance of the inhabitants of this wretched place! 

All within it is, on the contrary, close, confused, and crowded; every object tends to fill the mind with sensations of pain and grief; the marks of the wrath and vengeance of God are visible everywhere; despair, like a vulture, gnaws every heart, and discord and misery reign around. 

 In the city of Hell nothing is to be seen but dismal dungeons, dark caverns, frightful deserts, fetid swamps filled with every imaginable species of poisonous and disgusting reptile. 

In Hell, perpetual scenes of wretched discord, and every species of sin and corruption, either under the most horrible forms imaginable, or represented by different kinds of dreadful torments. All in this dreary abode tends to fill the mind with horror; not a word of comfort is heard or a consoling idea admitted; the one tremendous thought, that the justice of an all-powerful God inflicts on the damned nothing but what they have fully deserved is the absorbing tremendous conviction which weighs down each heart.

Vice appears in its own, grim disgusting colors, being stripped of the mask under which it is hidden in this world, and the infernal viper is seen devouring those who have cherished or fostered it here below. In a word, Hell is the temple of anguish and despair…

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2) St. Teresa of Avila: “On fire, and torn to pieces”

The great 16th century mystic and Doctor of the Church claims to have had this experience of hell:
The entrance seemed to be by a long narrow pass, like a furnace, very low, dark, and close. The ground seemed to be saturated with water, mere mud, exceedingly foul, sending forth pestilential odors, and covered with loathsome vermin. At the end was a hollow place in the wall, like a closet, and in that I saw myself confined. 

I felt a fire in my soul.  My bodily sufferings were unendurable. I have undergone most painful sufferings in this life… yet all these were as nothing in comparison with what I felt then, especially when I saw that there would be no intermission, nor any end to them. 

I did not see who it was that tormented me, but I felt myself on fire, and torn to pieces, as it seemed to me; and, I repeat it, this inward fire and despair are the greatest torments of all. 

I could neither sit nor lie down: there was no room. I was placed as it were in a hole in the wall; and those walls, terrible to look on of themselves, hemmed me in on every side. I could not breathe. There was no light, but all was thick darkness.
I was so terrified by that vision – and that terror is on me even now while I am writing – that though it took place nearly six years ago, the natural warmth of my body is chilled by fear even now when I think of it. 

It was that vision that filled me with the very great distress which I feel at the sight of so many lost souls, especially of the Lutherans – for they were once members of the Church by baptism – and also gave me the most vehement desires for the salvation of souls; for certainly I believe that, to save even one from those overwhelming torments, I would most willingly endure many deaths.

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3) St. John Bosco: “Indescribable terror”

In 1868, St. John Bosco claimed to have had a dream about hell. His full narration is fairly long, so here is just a short excerpt:

As soon as I crossed its threshold, I felt an indescribable terror and dared not take another step. Ahead of me I could see something like an immense cave which gradually disappeared into recesses sunk far into the bowels of the mountains. They were all ablaze, but theirs was not an earthly fire with leaping tongues of flames. The entire cave – walls, ceiling, floor, iron, stones, wood, and coal – everything was a glowing white at temperatures of thousands of degrees. Yet the fire did not incinerate, did not consume. I simply can’t find words to describe the cavern’s horror. 

My guide seized my hand, forced it open, and pressed it against the first of the thousand walls. The sensation was so utterly excruciating that I leaped back with a scream and found myself sitting up in bed.

My hand was stinging and I kept rubbing it to ease the pain. When I got up this morning I noticed that it was swollen. Having my hand pressed against the wall, though only in a dream, felt so real that, later, the skin of my palm peeled off.

Bear in mind that I have tried not to frighten you very much, and so I have not described these things in all their horror as I saw them and as they impressed me. We know that Our Lord always portrayed Hell in symbols because, had He described it as it really is, we would not have understood Him. No mortal can comprehend these things.

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4) Sr. Lucy of Fatima: “Shrieks and groans of pain and despair”

Sr. Lucy of Fatima isn’t a saint (she died recently, in 2005), but she was one of the visionaries of Fatima in the early 20th century, an approved apparition in the Church. As a part of that vision, she claims she saw hell:

We saw, as it were, a vast sea of fire. Plunged in this fire, we saw the demons and the souls [of the damned.

The latter were like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, having human forms. They were floating about in that conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames which issued from within themselves, together with great clouds of smoke. Now they fell back on every side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fright (it must have been this sight which caused me to cry out, as people say they heard me).
The demons were distinguished [from the souls of the damned] by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals.

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5) St. Maria Faustyna Kowalska: “A place of great torture”

St. Maria Faustyna Kowalska, often known simply as St. Faustina, was a Polish nun who claimed to have a large number of mystical experiences in the 1930s. Here’s an excerpt from her diary about one of her visions:

Today I was led by an Angel to the chasms of hell. It is a place of great torture; how awesomely large and extensive it is!

The kinds of tortures I saw: the first torture that constitutes hell is the loss of God; the second is perpetual remorse of conscience; the third is that one’s condition will never change; the fourth is the fire that will penetrate the soul without destroying it – a terrible suffering, since it is a purely spiritual fire, lit by God’s anger; the fifth torture is continual darkness and a terrible suffocating smell, and, despite the darkness, the devils and the souls of the damned see each other and all the evil, both of others and their own; the sixth torture is the constant company of Satan; the seventh torture is horrible despair, hatred of God, vile words, curses and blasphemies. 

Each soul undergoes terrible and indescribable sufferings, related to the manner in which it has sinned. There are caverns and pits of torture where one form of agony differs from another. 

But I noticed one thing: that most of the souls there are those who disbelieved that there is a hell. When I came to, I could hardly recover from the fright. How terribly souls suffer there! (Diary of St. Faustina, 741)

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excerpted from:

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Amazing witness Testimony of Roy Schoeman, Harvard Business School professor

Amazing witness Testimony of Roy Schoeman, Harvard Business School professor who had mystical experiences of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary which brought him into the Catholic Church.

Roy was a former Jew who became a functioning atheist after attending college.  While walking one morning suffering deep depression Almighty GOD removed the veil and Roy was given a glimpse of the Divine truth and spiritual reality. In one single moment everything that Roy had been taught, everything he knew was wrong.  You will be amazed by his clarity and depth of commitment to sharing the Divine truth imparted to him by Our Father in Heaven.  

I HIGHLY recommend and adjure you to listen to his testimony. Just listen to the first 15-20 minutes and I promise that you will be uplifted as well as gain new insight to the absolute truth of Christianity.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Conversion from Satanism

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Nicolas had been a part of the prayer group all year long, but this was the first time that he had talked about his life before his conversion. He told us about how he became involved in Satanism while in his late teens. It enslaved him, bringing despair and utter loneliness to his life, to the point where he was tormented with thoughts of suicide. He felt trapped and helpless in its grasp. It was only through the constant prayers of his mother that he was finally freed from this slavery a couple of years ago, and he began to give his life back to Christ.

I had never met anyone like Nicolas, openly admitting a past involvement in Satanism. After the initial shock, I bombarded him with three questions, one after another. First, how did they ‘worship’ Satan? I had always heard that it was not anything like worshipping an image of Satan or singing hymns, but by having a so-called “Black Mass.” In other words, their entire service is a mockery of the Catholic Mass. Was this true, I asked him? Not a Protestant preaching service, not a Buddhist temple ritual, but an explicit mockery of our Mass? “Yes,” Nicolas told us, “that is true.”

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I had also heard, I continued, that Satanists steal consecrated communion bread from their local Catholic churches which they desecrate at these black services. For example, I have heard of Catholic parishes where this is such a problem that the pastor is forced to post special attendants during Holy Communion who watch to make sure that no one receives the Eucharist and walks away without consuming the host.

 The Satanists take these consecrated hosts to their services these wafers of “bread” that Catholics believe have been miraculously transformed by the Holy Spirit into the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ  and desecrate them with spit, bodily waste, and other such unimaginable blasphemies. Before your conversion, I asked Nicolas, did you and your fellow Satanists steal consecrated hosts for this purpose? “Yes,” Nicolas answered, “we did.”
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The poor guy probably felt like he was being interrogated by the CIA by this point, but knowing that I might never have this opportunity again, I asked Nicolas one final question. I told him that I had also heard that those who were very deep in Satanism could actually tell whether a communion host had been consecrated or not. For example, they will not steal communion bread from Protestant communion meals, nor will they steal unblessed communion bread for desecration at these “Black Masses.” It would not work because some of the Satanists would immediately recognize that it was just ordinary bread. They would be able to tell that Jesus Christ was not sacramentally present there.

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I asked Nicolas whether this also was true. He again replied that it is, and he told us that he could do this himself before his conversion from Satanism. A chill went down my spine. If someone were to put ten identical communion hosts in front of him, nine unconsecrated and one consecrated, he would have been able to point directly and immediately to the host that had been consecrated. I asked him in amazement, “But how were you able to know?!?” He looked at me and the words he spoke are forever burned in my memory: “Because of the hate,” he said. “Because of the burning hate I would feel toward that host, apart from all the others.”

His words hit me like a baseball bat. Some of the saints also had this mystical knowledge of the Lord’s Eucharistic presence, but this knowledge flowed from their deep union with Christ. Nicolas, on the other hand, knew Christ’s presence because his worship of Satan had worked the opposite mystical connection to the Eucharist—he knew Jesus was there not because of his love for Jesus, but because of his deep hate. It makes my skin crawl just to think about such hatred.
This is how Satan operates. He loves to mock whatever is holy and sacred, to imitate the truth and twist it in a perverse way. The Mass is the most sacred prayer on earth, the most awesome way for us Christians to offer worship to our Lord, so Satan has his followers worship him through a mockery of that prayer. Instead of lifting the Eucharist high with adoration and loving reverence, the Eucharist is thrown to the ground with loathing and derision. Rather than knowing Christ’s true presence in the sacrament through their love, they perversely recognize Christ’s presence through their hatred.
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Let’s not pretend otherwise—it is scary to hear a story like Nicolas’. It is terrifying to realize that such evil exists in this world. But more than frighten us, his testimony should give us hope, comfort, and strength. Satan does exist and he is powerful, but Jesus Christ is infinitely more powerful. Even the most wicked sinner can be brought back to the love of the Lord, through Christ’s grace and through the prayers of believers (like Nicolas’ mother!) If Satan so despises the Mass, then we should be moved to even greater devotion, preparation, and participation in Mass. If Satan so despises the Lord’s true presence in the Eucharist, then our hearts should burn with even greater love and thirst for worthily receiving Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

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story from:

Msgr. Charles Pope recalled an experience he had 15 years ago

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 Msgr. Charles Pope recalled an experience he had 15 years ago while celebrating the traditional Latin Mass at St. Mary, Mother of God, in Washington DC...
As you may know, the ancient Latin Mass is celebrated “ad orientem” (toward the Liturgical East). Priest and people all face in one direction. What this means practically for the celebrant is that the people are behind him. It was time for the consecration. At this time, the priest is directed to bow low with his forearms on the altar table and the host between his fingers.

As directed, the venerable words of Consecration were said in a low but distinct voice, Hoc est enim Corpus meum (For this is my Body). The bells rang as I genuflected.
But behind me there was a disturbance of some sort; a shaking or rustling sound came from the front pews behind me to my right.

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And then a moaning or grumbling. “What was that?” I wondered. It did not really sound human, more like the grumbling of a large animal such as a boar or a bear, along with a plaintive moan that also did not seem human. I elevated the host and again wondered, “What was that?” Then silence. As the celebrant in the ancient Latin Mass I could not easily turn to look. But still I thought, “What was that?”

It was time for the consecration of the chalice. Again I bowed low, pronouncing clearly and distinctly but in a low voice, Hic est enim calix sanguinis mei, novi et æterni testamenti; mysterium fidei; qui pro vobis et pro multis effundetur in remissionem pecatorum. Haec quotiescumque feceritis in mei memoriam facietis (for this is the cup of my Blood, of the new and eternal covenant; the mystery of faith; which will for the many be shed unto the remission of sins. Whensoever you do this, you do it in my memory.)

Then, I heard another sound, this time an undeniable moan and then a shriek as someone cried out, “Leave me alone, Jesus! Why do you torture me?” Suddenly there was a scuffling noise and someone ran out with the groaning sound of having been injured. The back doors swung open and then closed. Then silence.

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Realization – I could not turn to look for I was raising the Chalice high over my head. But I knew in an instant that some poor demon-tormented soul had encountered Christ in the Eucharist and could not endure His real presence displayed for all to see. And the words of Scripture occurred to me: Even Demons believe and tremble (James 2:19).

Repentance – But just as James used those words to rebuke the weak faith of his flock, I too had to repent. Why was a demon-troubled man more aware of the true presence and more astonished by it than I was? He was moved in a negative sense and ran. Why was I not more moved in a positive but comparable way? What of the other believers in the pews? I don’t doubt that all of us believed intellectually in the true presence. But there is something very different and far more wonderful in being moved to the depth of your soul! It is so easy for us to be sleepy in the presence of the Divine, to be forgetful of the miraculous and awesome Presence available to us.

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Friday, September 16, 2016

Jesus my Savior

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Jesus Christ is in every book of the Bible.
In Genesis, Jesus is the Seed of the Woman.
In Exodus, He is the Passover Lamb.
In Leviticus, He is the Priest, the Altar, and the Lamb of Sacrifice.
In Numbers, He is a Pillar of Cloud by day and the Pillar of Fire by Night.
In Deuteronomy, Jesus is the Prophet, like Moses.

Come and kneel before Him now.
In Joshua, Jesus is the Captain of Our Salvation.
In Judges, He is our Judge and Lawgiver.

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In Ruth, He is our kinsman Redeemer.
In 1 and 2 Samuel, He is our Trusted Prophet.

In Kings and Chronicles, He is our Reigning King.
In Ezra, He is the re-builder of the broken down walls of human life.
Come and kneel before Him now.
In Nehemiah, Jesus is our Restorer.

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In Tobit, He is the Messenger of New Life.
In Judith, He is Weakness Turned into Victory.
In Esther, He is our Advocate.
In 1 and 2 Maccabees, He is the Leader who dies for God’s law.
Come and kneel before Him now.
In Job, Jesus is our Ever-living Redeemer.
In Psalms, He is our Shepherd.
In Proverbs, He is our Wisdom.
 In Ecclesiastes, He is our Hope of Resurrection.

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In the Song of Songs, He is our Loving Bridegroom.
In Wisdom, He is the emanation of God’s thought.
In Ecclesiastics (Sirach), Jesus is our security.
Come and kneel before Him now.
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In Isaiah, Jesus is the Suffering Servant.
In Jeremiah, He is the Righteous Branch.
In Lamentations, He is our Weeping Prophet.
In Baruch, He is the Mercy from the Eternal One.
In Ezekiel, He is the One with the Right to Rule.
In Daniel, Jesus is the Fourth Man in the fiery furnace.
Come and kneel before Him now.
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In Hosea, Jesus is the Faithful Husband forever married to the sinner.
In Joel, He is the One who Baptizes with the Holy Spirit of Fire.
In Amos, He is the Restorer of Justice.
In Obadiah, He is Mighty to Save.
In Jonah, He is our great foreign missionary.

In Micah, He is the feet of one who brings Good News.
Come and kneel before Him now.
In Nahum, Jesus is our stronghold in the day of trouble.
In Habakkuk, He is God my Savior.
In Zephaniah, He is the King of Israel.

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In Haggai, He is the signet ring.
In Zechariah, He is our Humble King riding on a colt.
In Malachi, Jesus is the Son of Righteousness.
Come and kneel before Him now.
In Matthew, Jesus is God with us.

In Mark, He is the Son of God.
In Luke, He is the Son of Mary, feeling what you feel.
In John, He is the Bread of Life.
In Acts, Jesus is the Savior of the World.

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Come and kneel before Him now.
In Romans, Jesus is the Righteousness of God.

In 1 Corinthians, He is the Resurrection.
In 2 Corinthians, He is the God of all comfort.
In Galatians, He is your liberty. He sets you free.
In Ephesians, Jesus is the Head of the Church.
Come and kneel before Him now.
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In Philippians, Jesus is your Joy.
In Colossians, He is your Completeness.
In 1 and 2 Thessalonians, He is your Hope.
In 1 Timothy, He is your Faith.
In 2 Timothy, Jesus is your Stability.
Come and kneel before Him now.
In Titus, Jesus is Truth.

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In Philemon, He is your Benefactor.
In Hebrews, He is your Perfection.
In James, He is the Power behind your Faith.

In 1 Peter, He is your Example.
In 2 Peter, Jesus is your Purity.
Come and kneel before Him now.
In 1 John, Jesus is your Life.
In 2 John, He is your Pattern.
In 3 John, He is your Motivation.
In Jude, He is the Foundation of your Faith.

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In Revelation, Jesus is your Coming King.
He is:
The First and the Last.
The Beginning and the End.
He is the Keeper of Creation and the Creator of All.
He is the Architect of the Universe and the Manager of All Time.
He Always Was, He Always Is, and He Always Will Be Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and Never Undone.

He was bruised and brought healing.
He was pierced and eased pain.
He was persecuted and brought freedom.

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He was dead and brought life.
He is risen and brings power.
He reigns and brings peace.
The world can’t understand Him.

The armies can’t defeat Him.
Schools can’t explain Him and the leaders can’t ignore Him.
Herod couldn’t kill Him.
The Pharisees couldn’t confuse Him.

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The people couldn’t hold him. Nero couldn’t crush Him.
Hitler couldn’t silence Him.
The New Age can’t replace Him.
And Oprah can’t explain Him away.
He is Life, Love, Longevity, and Lord.
He is Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness and most of all He is God.

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He is Holy, Righteous, Mighty, Powerful, and Pure.
His Ways our Right, His Words Eternal, His Rules Unchanging, and His
Mind is on me.

He is My Redeemer, He is My Savior, He is My God, He is My Priest, He is My Joy, He is My Comfort, He is My Lord, and He rules my life.

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Monday, September 12, 2016

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On a Sunday morning in 1997 Julie Kemp, her husband Andy and their eight-year-old son London were driving home from church when an ambulance returning to its station broadsided their car in an intersection. Andy died instantly. Rescuers stabilized Julie but did not initially realize there was a third passenger in the car.

Julie says, “They couldn’t see his body because of the damage that was done to the driver’s side of the car and Landon was sitting behind his dad. And when they saw Landon’s shoe, it took a deeper search for his body. When they pulled Landon out from the back of the car, he was not breathing. And they all started working on him right away to bring him back.”
Landon was resuscitated and life-flighted to Carolina’s Medical Center.

 He died two more times that day and both times he was he was brought back to life. Doctors didn’t give Julie much hope for his survival.

“They told me that if he lived, which did not look good, but that if he lived, that he would be like an 8-year-old baby. That he would not know how to walk or talk or to eat because of all the brain damage,” says Julie.  
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“I was so desperate that that was okay. I would take that just to have him.  He was all that I had.”
At her husband’s funeral Julie remembers feeling abandoned by God

She says, “I was very disappointed, heartbroken. And when I’m sitting at the funeral I’m fussing at God. I don’t understand why this happened. I don’t understand why He didn’t send angels to protect us. But in the very next breath I’m praying as hard to Him as I’ve ever prayed in my life for Landon to live.”

Landon had suffered massive head trauma during the accident and remained in a coma.

“He’s hooked up to all kinds of machines to keep him alive,” Says Julie “And there are no signs. There’s nothing good or bad. They see nothing happening. I kept praying that he would open his eyes.”

After two weeks in a coma, Landon opened his eyes. To everyone’s amazement he had no brain damage. But in the midst of her joy, Julie knew she had to tell Landon that his dad had died in the accident.

Julie remembers, “He had scars on his face. And his head was just full of hurt. And I didn’t want to hurt him anymore. So I asked Landon, I said Landon, do you know where your dad is at? And he told me, ‘Yes, I know where he’s at. I saw him in heaven.’”  
Years have passed since the accident but Landon still clearly remembers his amazing experiences in Heaven.

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He says, “I remember being able to see my dad and his friend Olan Palmer who had passed away less than a month before he did, also in a car accident, and Olan’s son Neil Palmer who had died on a 4-wheeler years before. And it was funny because I remember us all like standing in a square.  Never one of us said a word to each other, but we were just all standing there.”

Julie says, “He looked over to me and he says, ‘Oh mom, by the way, I forgot to tell you. I saw your other two kids.’ And I just looked at him because I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. But I had two miscarriages before Landon was born. And he saw them in heaven. We had never shared that with Landon. He did not know that we had lost two children before him.”

Landon remembers, “I knew that they were my siblings even though no one had ever told me about them.  Just being in Heaven, I guess you know—you know your own or you know who everyone is.”

He says each time he died he had a different experience in heaven. During the third time he says he met Jesus and was given a mission.

He says, “It was almost as if like a preview of a movie to where you only get to see certain bits and pieces of things. Jesus came to me and told me that I have to go back to earth and be a good Christian and tell others about Him.”

Today through grief share, Landon and Julie share their story with others who are struggling with loss and in need of hope.

Julie says, “I didn’t understand in 1997, you know, why God didn’t send an angel. But I know that there were angels there. And I know that we were protected and we are living out what His plan is for us. Instead of staying stuck in grief or instead of staying mad at Him, I was able to use this story to help others not to give up and to keep their faith on their grief journey.”
Landon says, “I just want people to realize that Jesus is real, there is a heaven, there are angels. And to follow His word and the Bible and life does get better at the end.”

In her book Faith Has Its Reasons, Julie says God has used their experience to bring others to Him and has brought new blessings to their lives in the process.
Julie says, “It is a huge blessing that I get to watch my child tell others about Jesus. He is always willing to let others know that there is a heaven. Cause he’s been there.”

“I know I’m doing it for Jesus,” says Landon,  “I know that He’s real. I know that angels are there. I know that there’s a heaven. I’ve seen Jesus. I know He’s there. He’s asked me to do this and this is what I’m doing.”

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 Watch the Video at: 

Sondra Abrahams description of Heaven,Hell,and Purgatory

Sondra Abrahams description of Heaven,Hell,and Purgatory as shown to her by Jesus during her clinical death. This is an amazing, heart wrenching interview of this woman's first hand account of dying.  

She cries many times about those she saw in Hell.  You can not watch this video and not understand that this life is very important and we should not waste  the gift we have been given.

Monday, September 5, 2016

GOD speaks to Believers in many different ways

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Prayer is a conversation with our Father in Heaven. GOD speaks to Believers in many different ways.  Sometimes He speaks to me through a verse in Scripture. It will almost literally jump through the pages at me. Other times GOD uses a person to send me a message.  Sometimes, GOD will show me a sign and other times HIS silence is all the answer I need.

 I remember one time when I sensed God was speaking to me concerning a particular chapter in the Bible. It was a mighty word of blessing and favor.
I asked, "Lord, are you really speaking to me through this chapter? Can I really claim these words?"

 I recorded all of this in my prayer journal. That evening we visited a church service and the pastor preached a sermon based on a verse-by-verse study of the very chapter I had read that morning. I sat in tears as I was ministered to by God in a powerful way.
Some of His words have come through others, maybe through a sermon or a song. There have been times when others have shared a "word from the Lord." How I appreciate it when brothers and sisters have obeyed the leading of the Lord and shared these messages with me. But I can honestly say that the times I've heard the Lord's voice the most was in the quiet of my prayer times alone with Him.

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Sometimes the words come with a sense of His presence so strong that I don't want to move. I hardly want to breathe. Other times His voice is just a knowing, an awareness. I don't hear from the Lord every time I pray, but when I do, it is more than special to me. 

When He speaks to me it's often through what people describe as that "still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12). It's an awareness of information. I just know that I know! Scripture teaches that "His sheep ... know His voice" (John 10:4). I recognize His words, be they ever so soft!

I remember when we first moved to Houston. We were doing church planting, so needless to say our money was more than tight! About a quarter of a mile from our house was a small strip mall with a large corner room for rent. 

The Lord began to minister to me to claim this place as our place of ministry. I remember arguing with the Lord that it was impossible. "Are You sure I'm hearing You? Are You sure?" 

I have to confess that I doubted God in this. It was so far beyond what we were able to do. However, I shared this information with my husband and we began praying for this place and claiming it as ours. For the first few weeks I regularly drove into the parking lot, either alone or with others, and thanked the Lord for it, praying for protection for the building and blessing for our future ministry.

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As the weeks turned into months, my times of prayer for this possible opportunity began growing farther and farther apart. Soon I was barely praying and in several months, I gave up. 

One day, as I drove by, the Holy Spirit spoke as clearly as if He was sitting next to me: "When did I tell you to stop praying for this building?" I confessed my sin of unbelief to Him and began claiming it again. 

Within six months we were renting this property. What a blessing it has been in our ministry! I have to tell you, the best part was not the building, but seeing the miracle of how God provided and knowing He spoke it into my life! What a joy to hear from the Lord!

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There are times when we need to pray in faith without constant reassurance from God that what we're praying for is in His will. 

As I pray, I ask the Lord for guidance. Many times He confirms His leading through Scripture, agreement from another Christian brother or sister, or another way of His choosing.

There are those times, though, when I need to pray solely according to how I sense He's leading me. During these times, I trust Him to redirect me if I'm not praying on the right path.

 I remind myself that His strength is made perfect in my weakness, that He knows my flaws and human boundaries, and that His ability to work things together for good far outweighs any of my human limitations. The important thing is that I want His will, I'm fully surrendered to Him, and I understand my role is that of a tool in His hands. My desire is to completely follow His leading. The answer depends on Him and Him alone!

It's as if we're coming before the Lord with our prayers and leaving them at His throne. We're saying, "God, this is what I believe You want done in this situation. I trust you to answer as You see fit. I trust You! Show me if there's something I'm not seeing. This is all about You." That, my friend, takes both faith and hearing from Him, as we lift our requests to the Lord.

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Prayers That Go Unanswered

On this episode of Sid Roth's 'It's Supernatural' a stranger unexpectedly jumped into Aliss Cresswell's car, he got more than he bargained for! The Glory of God jumped off of her and onto him. Sweating profusely, he began to shake! That’s when Aliss led him to Jesus.

All the way from Chester, England, Aliss Cresswell shares the adventures of her amazing walk with the Holy Spirit in her new book, The Normal Supernatural Christian Life. Aliss and her husband Rob minister in England through MorningStar Europe ministry. Aliss has a special relationship with the Holy Spirit and she says He is NOT a respecter of persons!

If you are in great need cry out to the Holy Spirit.  Do not stop praying, seeking the Holy Spirit till your prayer is answered.  Sometimes, people's prayers are answered right away. Other times it takes longer, and sometimes even longer still.  The ANSWER, the KEY to receiving the blessing of GOD is to pray till it arrives.  

The Pentecostals from the old days called this 'Praying Through' which means you pray and pray and pray till you receive an answer.   Just like digging a tunnel through rock, you dig and dig and dig till you see the light of day.  

Prayer should be approached in the same manner. If you have a great need then set your heart upon the LORD and pray like you life depends on it.  Why is it people will work 20 years towards a medical degree, but get frustrated when their prayers aren't answered instantly. Anything worth something is worth working hard for it.  

When a woman gives birth she doesn't expect the child to be born in the first 30 days.  No, every woman knows that it takes time and effort for a child to develop in the womb.  True prayer is just like a child in the womb in that it takes time for our hearts to grow and strengthen, it takes effort and commitment for our wills to become aligned with the Will of Almighty GOD.  Then, and only then, will our hearts desire be answered by our loving Father in Heaven.

GOD Hears your prayer and I assure you that anything, which is important to you, is important to GOD.  Our Father in Heaven is not slack concerning HIS promises, nor is HE too slow to act.  If your prayers are stagnating, if you are not getting the answer you are praying for then STOP and ask GOD why is it your prayer is not being answered.  


The HOLY SPIRIT will answer you


Friday, September 2, 2016

The Undeniable Power of Jesus Christ's Holy Name

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Maz grew up in the UK under a strict and even abusive form of Islam until she ran away. Her sister, then a minor, was placed in foster care by the Department of Community Services, and for a time was under Maz’s care.  But the abuse is not what drove her to Christ. It was the demons. 

“I’d be waking up in the middle of the night, and I’d feel like there was someone there choking me. I couldn’t breathe, she said. “Or I’d feel like someone there was stabbing me with a knife. I’d feel the pain – all sorts of paranormal activities that you can think of: doors slamming at night, I’d hear someone breathing next to me. It was absolutely terrifying.”

After she could stand it no longer, she sought help from people of every walk of life – but none could help her. She even called a sheikh. But then she spoke to a Christian friend, who brought a man practiced in spiritual warfare.

“As soon as he commanded every evil spirit to leave in the name of Jesus Christ, you could feel peace. You could feel the power of the name of Jesus Christ,” Maz said. “Something moved me from the inside. It was so powerful. His name is incredibly powerful and everything would just run. We knew there was something there (to Jesus), something very special.”

Confronted with the undeniable power of Jesus’ name, she began to attend Bible study to learn more about Jesus, but for her Islam-inculcated mind the gospel didn’t make much sense – especially the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

 How could God die?” she asked. “It was like a foreign language for me. I didn’t understand what it was all about.”

Whenever the demons returned, she would rebuke them in Jesus name and find tranquility. But one day she came home to find her sister in complete terror, and it took hours to convince her to explain. The demons had threatened that if the Christian man ever returned, they would exact revenge on Maz and her sister.

It was midnight, but Maz didn’t hesitate or doubt. She called her Christian friend, and he came and prayed immediately. “I knew the demons were terrified of Jesus.”

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She also decided to get baptized forthwith in her bathtub.
Still for weeks and months, the confusion persisted. She battled with questions about the differences between Islam and Christianity and decided to reject neither but use Jesus’ name to maintain the upper hand over the demonic oppression.

 That’s when she sustained a time of “tribulation.” She lost her job, her house and her sister. She was riddled with pain in her heart. “It was hell on earth,” she said.
Feeling at rope’s end, she resolved to commit suicide to stop the hurting. On the selected day, she was headed to the park to get drunk to carry out her plan, but a spiritual presence opposed her.

“I felt like this invisible power stopped me there,” she said. “There was someone there stopping me and sort of pulled my face and look at the direction that I saw a church.”

She went in. It was a Korean church. She didn’t understand a word but felt Jesus was speaking to her. After 10 minutes, she left.

As she walked back home, she argued, screaming to the skies, with Jesus.
“I don’t think You can help me. The glass is already broken,” she said to Christ. “I walked home and got very angry. I was screaming at Him. I asked him How could You say You’re my Father and sit there and do nothing? You say You were crucified for me, but I feel like I’m being crucified right now. I said a lot of hurtful things to Him.”

At home, she dropped to her knees. “Listen Jesus, I don’t know who you really are,” she said. “All I know is that every time I call on You, You help me. Please take this pain away from me.”

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She fell asleep and in her dream, she was running and running in an endless darkness. She screamed, “Jesus! Jesus!”

A voice at her ear responded. “You don’t have to scream. I can hear you.”
“When I turned around, there was Jesus Christ standing right next to me.” she said. “I was looking at Him. There’s this authority, this majesty, this power standing next to me, and He’s looking at me, and He says, ‘There’s no need for screaming. Even if you call me in your heart, I’ll be there.’

“He takes my hand and takes me out of that darkness,” she said. “He takes me into this place where there’s these amazing lights that I had to cover my eyes and put my hands over my face because I couldn’t see anything because of the brightness.”
She woke up in a state of awe.

“There is this beautiful thing when you see Jesus Christ, that amazing love that you feel coming out of Him. You know He loves you. You just feel it. At the same time, He is so powerful. When I had the dream, I understood that God cares for me.”

She understood finally the true identity of Jesus. “He’s not just a prophet. He’s not just a man. He is the Almighty.”

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