Monday, September 5, 2016

Prayers That Go Unanswered

On this episode of Sid Roth's 'It's Supernatural' a stranger unexpectedly jumped into Aliss Cresswell's car, he got more than he bargained for! The Glory of God jumped off of her and onto him. Sweating profusely, he began to shake! That’s when Aliss led him to Jesus.

All the way from Chester, England, Aliss Cresswell shares the adventures of her amazing walk with the Holy Spirit in her new book, The Normal Supernatural Christian Life. Aliss and her husband Rob minister in England through MorningStar Europe ministry. Aliss has a special relationship with the Holy Spirit and she says He is NOT a respecter of persons!

If you are in great need cry out to the Holy Spirit.  Do not stop praying, seeking the Holy Spirit till your prayer is answered.  Sometimes, people's prayers are answered right away. Other times it takes longer, and sometimes even longer still.  The ANSWER, the KEY to receiving the blessing of GOD is to pray till it arrives.  

The Pentecostals from the old days called this 'Praying Through' which means you pray and pray and pray till you receive an answer.   Just like digging a tunnel through rock, you dig and dig and dig till you see the light of day.  

Prayer should be approached in the same manner. If you have a great need then set your heart upon the LORD and pray like you life depends on it.  Why is it people will work 20 years towards a medical degree, but get frustrated when their prayers aren't answered instantly. Anything worth something is worth working hard for it.  

When a woman gives birth she doesn't expect the child to be born in the first 30 days.  No, every woman knows that it takes time and effort for a child to develop in the womb.  True prayer is just like a child in the womb in that it takes time for our hearts to grow and strengthen, it takes effort and commitment for our wills to become aligned with the Will of Almighty GOD.  Then, and only then, will our hearts desire be answered by our loving Father in Heaven.

GOD Hears your prayer and I assure you that anything, which is important to you, is important to GOD.  Our Father in Heaven is not slack concerning HIS promises, nor is HE too slow to act.  If your prayers are stagnating, if you are not getting the answer you are praying for then STOP and ask GOD why is it your prayer is not being answered.  


The HOLY SPIRIT will answer you


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