Sunday, October 23, 2016

GOD Showed Roderickus Pickens JUDGMENT DAY

GOD Showed Roderickus Pickens 


Imagine waiting in line to be judged by Almighty GOD who is so large that you can not take HIM all in with your eyes.  Imagine the voice of the Creator of all things, seen and unseen, crashing down upon all those waiting in line like booming thunder.  Imagine seeing mighty Angels the size of skyscrapers flanking GOD on either side with very stern looks on their Angelic faces.  

Then, imagine that your turn is next and while you are waiting you hear GOD speaking to the person directly before you.  You hear GOD mentioning sins that you KNOW you committed while you were alive. 

 Then, imagine watching as the person in front of you is told..."Away from me into eternal HELLFIRE!"

You watch as an Angel the size of the Empire state building seizes the person ahead. In an instant the Angel opens a trap door in the floor. Suddenly, white hot flames and sooty, black smoke shoots up into the air outlining the Angel in red and orange hues.  In a blink of an eye the Angel drops the person SCREAMING into the flames.  It all happens so fast that the person is gone the trap door closed before the sound of their eternal screams cease to exist. 

In terrible shock, with your mouth still hanging open, your eyes the size of dinner plates, your heart beating wildly in your chest, your breath stuck in your throat, your knees shaking, threatening to give way,  you suddenly find your self before the omnipotent, omniscient, Alpha and the Omega...GOD, HIMSELF... who sees the heart of men as an open book. 

Judgment awaits all Men 

Are you ready?   

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