A Soul From Hell
A widow who was a sleazy slumlord and porno dealer for 30 years became a God-fearing
pillar of society overnight – after her husband paid her a visit from Hell! "I'm a
changed woman," trembling Sophia Neri, 53, told reporters in Rome, Italy. "I've had a
glimpse of Hell through my husband's eyes, and I'll do anything to keep from joining him there."
Before her eerie encounter, the widow operated a small empire of rat-infested slum
apartments outside Rome and ran an underworld porno ring that produced magazines for
sale overseas. "My husband Sal and I ran the business together before he died last year,"
Sophia recalled. "We lived in style, but we were living off the misery and appetites of
others. After Sal died, I took over the entire operation myself and was pleased with the life I was leading."
But all that changed the day Sal appeared in Sophia's bedroom. His eyes burning like coals.
"He stood before me a shrunken, broken soul, so different from the cocky, confident man I
knew for 30 years," the reformed porno queen told reporters. "He told me he had been
condemned to a life in Hell. He said it was far worse than anything he had imagined – and
he warned me I would be joining him there if I didn't mend my ways. 'To live in Hell is to
have a body that is constantly on fire,' he said.
Then he pressed the palm of his hand against
a heavy wooden door and his palm burned into the wood like a branding iron. A moment later he
vanished leaving his handprint behind as a reminder of his warning. But believe me, that terrifying
message burned itself into my mind as clearly as his handprint had burned into the door.
I wasn't about to forget."
That night, Sophia visited a priest to confess her sins and beg for forgiveness. "She took me
to her home and showed me the handprint on the door" [now at the Purgatorial Museum in Rome],
said Father Angelo Macchi. "After seeing that and hearing her story, I have no doubt her husband
paid her a visit from Hell." The next day, the shaken lady disbanded her illegal pornography
operation and began turning her run-down tenement into luxury apartments, which she gave to
the city to be used as low-rent housing for the poor.
"Sophia made a full confession of her activities to the police," Father Macchi said. "But
so far nothing has come of it because she is living the life of a model citizen. She has
given her money to charity and lives in a tiny apartment right next door to my church. She
is a woman who truly has found God – and probably just in the nick of time."
The Young Lord and His Mistress
In London during the winter of 1847-1848, a wealthy young widow in
her late 20's suddenly found herself in an illicit relationship with a
young lord. Late one night as she was falling asleep, a glimmer of light
started to grow and expand at her door.
To her astonishment the door started
to slowly open, and there was the young lord. He approached, grabbed her
left wrist, and hissed: "There is a Hell." The pain in her wrist was so
great she lost consciousness. When she came to, she had a terrible burn
into her wrist down to the bone. The carpet also was scorched where his
footsteps had come and gone.
The next day she learned that the night before,
her lord had been found drunk and had died in his servants' arms. She apparently
lived the rest of her life with her charred scar as a reminder.
St. Francis Jerome and the Obstinate Sinner
In the year 1707, St. Francis. Jerome was preaching, as was his wont, in the neighborhood of the City of Naples. He was speaking of Hell and the awful chastisements that await obstinate sinners. A brazen courtesan (prostitute), who lived there, troubled by a discourse which aroused her remorse, sought to hinder it by jests and shouts, accompanied by noisy instruments. As she was standing close to the window, the Saint cried out: "Beware, my daughter, of resisting grace; before eight days God will punish you." The unhappy creature grew only more boisterous.
Eight days elapsed, and the holy preacher happened
to be again before the same house. This time she was silent; the windows were shut.
The hearers, with dismay on their faces, told the Saint that Catherine (that was
the name of the bad woman) had a few hours before died suddenly. "Died!" he repeated.
"Well, let her tell us now what she has gained by laughing at Hell. Let us ask her."
He uttered these words in an inspired tone, and everyone expected a miracle.
"I was present at that event," says one of the witnesses, "but I could never
convey the impression it produced on me and the bystanders, nor that which I
still feel every time I pass that house and look at that window. At the sight
of that ill-fated abode, I still hear the pitiful cry resounding: 'In Hell,
I am in Hell.'" With fear and trembling work out your salvation (Philip. 2:12).
The Old General and The Count
In Russia shortly before the horrible military campaign between Napoleon
and Russia in 1812, two high-ranking military men, one a Count and the
Military Governor of Moscow and the other a General, were scoffing over
drinks about the existence of God, life after death and Hell. They made
a mocking "pledge of honor": if there were a Hell, the first there would
come to inform the other of it. A few weeks later, the General departed
for the front.
One morning, while the Count was lying in bed, the General
suddenly appeared before him, pale, with his right hand on his breast,
declaring: "What do we do now? There is a Hell and I am there! What do
we do now?" He then disappeared.
The Count ran to friends, eyes wild, hair
on end, and exclaimed what had just happened. Two weeks later, word was
received in Moscow that the General had died in battle
– on the same day
and at the very hour he appeared to the Count. He had kept his word of
honor: Hell exists.
Your Time is running Out!!!
How many days do you have left?
Are you guaranteed tomorrow?
The Poor Souls killed in the Oklahoma Tornadoes on 5-20-2013 surely never thought on that Sunny morning that it was their last day on earth.
JESUS CHRIST suffered and died on the Cross so that NO ONE should have to suffer the eternal fires of Hell.
Ask JESUS CHRIST to be your Savior RIGHT NOW!!! Its this easy...
"JESUS I am a sinner. Please be my Savior."
If you take one step toward the Lord JESUS CHRIST He will do the rest.
The Poor Souls killed in the Oklahoma Tornadoes on 5-20-2013 surely never thought on that Sunny morning that it was their last day on earth.
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