House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tried in high-profile lobbying effort to pressure San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone not to attend the controversial March for Marriage event, which she characterized as "venom masquerading as virtue."
This is what the evil people led by the enemy will now do in all public discourse. They will now begin to portray Christianity are non-inclusive, hateful, bigots. Words have great power and if used with forethought those framing the conversation can bring the mind of the people to any end they wish.
This is EXACTLY why the Apostle Paul said that we are to take all thoughts into captivity. The enemy is adept at twisting words and their meanings. The people, due to being lazy and having a 100 years of liberal ideology shoved down their throats, question nothing and accept everything Washington spews at face value.
Back in March Pelosi, who PRETENDS to be the country's most powerful Catholic politician, made a passionate appeal to the archbishop to NOT support "traditional marriage."
Notice how the words were was Nancy Pelosi who was making the Passionate Appeal. The Liberal media made it look like Nancy Pelosi was some poor under dog crying out for social justice.
When, in fact what it really should say is..."Strong Abortion supporter and Anti-Catholic rails against the teachings of JESUS CHRIST." That is what really occurred, but that was NOT what was written in the liberal media.
"We share our love of the Catholic faith and our city of San Francisco," Pelosi wrote to Cordileone, who, as head of the 560,000-member Archdiocese of San Francisco, has become the Catholic bishops' point man against gay marriage. She urged him to abandon an event in which some of the participants show "disdain and hate towards LGBT persons.
Again, look at the words used by the Liberal Media...Love of Catholic Faith, Urged the Archbishop not to disdain or hate...
In reality the truth should read....Anti-Catholic who misleads ignorant Catholics away from the teachings of the Church. Who also ignores the explicit teachings of the BIBLE to further her political career.
Then, the Liberal media goes on by misleading the Catholic faithful by invoking the words of Pope Francis with regard to gays and lesbians. Nancy wrote, "If someone is gay and is searching for the Lord and has good will, then who am I to judge him?"
IF you know someone who is GAY and you Do NOT turn to them and warn them that they are risking eternal hellfire for their actions then either you don't love that person OR you don't believe what the BIBLE clearly says about Homosexuality being an abomination to the LORD!
I never said be rude or obnoxious. Nor, did I say be judgmental, but for the love of GOD be Honest. Nancy and her ilk will all be judged in the Lake of Fire for outright Hersey against the very people she and they were called to lead.
I wonder what Nancy will say to those who are burning in hell as they look to her from the flames and cry out..."Nancy your were Catholic, you knew what the BIBLE said and you NEVER told us. Now we are condemed to an eternity of Hellfire because you never shared the truth with us. What will she say to them then?
Nancy, and those in Washington like her, have sold their Souls to gain the thimble full of earthly power they now possess. When, she, and they, close their eyes for the final time, they will open them to an all knowing righteous judge who will place the blood of all the lost souls she lead astray, rightly on to her shoulders.
I wonder then if she will think Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone was wrong in supporting the teachings of the BIBLE, which is the written word of GOD?
"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea"
Matthew 18:6
This is what the evil people led by the enemy will now do in all public discourse. They will now begin to portray Christianity are non-inclusive, hateful, bigots. Words have great power and if used with forethought those framing the conversation can bring the mind of the people to any end they wish.
This is EXACTLY why the Apostle Paul said that we are to take all thoughts into captivity. The enemy is adept at twisting words and their meanings. The people, due to being lazy and having a 100 years of liberal ideology shoved down their throats, question nothing and accept everything Washington spews at face value.
Back in March Pelosi, who PRETENDS to be the country's most powerful Catholic politician, made a passionate appeal to the archbishop to NOT support "traditional marriage."
Notice how the words were was Nancy Pelosi who was making the Passionate Appeal. The Liberal media made it look like Nancy Pelosi was some poor under dog crying out for social justice.
When, in fact what it really should say is..."Strong Abortion supporter and Anti-Catholic rails against the teachings of JESUS CHRIST." That is what really occurred, but that was NOT what was written in the liberal media.
"We share our love of the Catholic faith and our city of San Francisco," Pelosi wrote to Cordileone, who, as head of the 560,000-member Archdiocese of San Francisco, has become the Catholic bishops' point man against gay marriage. She urged him to abandon an event in which some of the participants show "disdain and hate towards LGBT persons.
Again, look at the words used by the Liberal Media...Love of Catholic Faith, Urged the Archbishop not to disdain or hate...
In reality the truth should read....Anti-Catholic who misleads ignorant Catholics away from the teachings of the Church. Who also ignores the explicit teachings of the BIBLE to further her political career.
Then, the Liberal media goes on by misleading the Catholic faithful by invoking the words of Pope Francis with regard to gays and lesbians. Nancy wrote, "If someone is gay and is searching for the Lord and has good will, then who am I to judge him?"
I never said be rude or obnoxious. Nor, did I say be judgmental, but for the love of GOD be Honest. Nancy and her ilk will all be judged in the Lake of Fire for outright Hersey against the very people she and they were called to lead.
I wonder what Nancy will say to those who are burning in hell as they look to her from the flames and cry out..."Nancy your were Catholic, you knew what the BIBLE said and you NEVER told us. Now we are condemed to an eternity of Hellfire because you never shared the truth with us. What will she say to them then?
Nancy, and those in Washington like her, have sold their Souls to gain the thimble full of earthly power they now possess. When, she, and they, close their eyes for the final time, they will open them to an all knowing righteous judge who will place the blood of all the lost souls she lead astray, rightly on to her shoulders.
I wonder then if she will think Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone was wrong in supporting the teachings of the BIBLE, which is the written word of GOD?
"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea"
Matthew 18:6
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