Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Guardian Angels

When does one receive their Guardian Angels?

Here is an interesting testimony given by a Korean pastor Kim, Joo-Eun...

A week after the New Year I went to my maternal grandparent’s house. My grandfather and grandmother greeted me joyfully.

My pastor and father said, “Joo-Eun, right now your grandpa and grandma will be reciting the sinner’s prayer of repentance so observe carefully with you spiritual eye” and then he began preparing for prayer.

My father asked my grandparents to kneel down and repeat the prayer after him. They both repeated “Our heavenly father I am a sinner. I did not know you and lived until now worshiping an idol. Please forgive me of my sins! From now one I will accept and worship your son Jesus Christ as my savior!”

After they prayed God sent two angels to descend from heaven and took their place besides my grandparents. The two angels were my grandparent’s guardian angels who will protect them until the end.

As soon as the angels descended from heaven they respectfully bowed their heads before Jesus, and by raising one hand they displayed what looked like a gesture of taking a pledge.

This scene looked heroic yet humbling. Jesus spoke to them with His glorious and majestic voice. “You have been entrusted with the duty of protecting brother Kang, Soo-Yong, and sister, Haam, Oak-Boon until they depart from this earth. Do you understand?”

As soon as the command was given the angels bowed their heads and knelt their knees slightly and respectfully answered, “Yes, my holy Lord! We will do as you said.”

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