Wednesday, January 13, 2010


If, by chance, accident, or pure luck you have found your way to this web-page, then let me tell you a fact, a open secret, a Spiritual Truth so valuable that only in death will you be able to truly comprehend the magnitude of it's worth.

There is LIFE after death.

You will live ETERNALLY.

In Eternity you will live in only one of two places, either HEAVEN or hell.

There is ONLY one way to get into Heaven, there are an infinite ways to end up in hell.

The first step in getting into HEAVEN, is that you must TRULY accept JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and Savior.

The second step is spending the rest of your life living by Faith in JESUS CHRIST and HIS finished work at the Cross.

The third step trusting that JESUS CHRIST loves you and will NEVER forsake you nor abandon you.

The fourth step is to thank ALMIGHTY GOD in Heaven that HE gave HIS only begotten Son as ransom for your sins.

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