Wednesday, May 16, 2012

CRY out for the In-filling of the HOLY SPIRIT

Pastor Paul Washer preaches on the fact that NO ONE can be saved unless he is Born-Again.  Unless you cry out from your heart and ask the LORD JESUS CHRIST to fill you with the HOLY SPIRIT you will NEVER see Heaven. 


I beg you Brothers an Sisters right now, this very second, ask Almighty GOD to fill you with HIS HOLY SPIRIT.  If you do this right NOW with a true heart I guarantee that the Lord JESUS CHRIST will be faithful to answer you prayer.  Lets do it right now... I will do it with you...

Lord JESUS CHRIST I (Your Name) Cry Out to you to be filled with your most Holy Spirit! I ask you here and now Lord JESUS CHRIST to be washed in your precious blood to be Born Again a new Man-Woman in you Lord JESUS CHRIST this day.    



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