Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The truth will set you free, even at age 93

By the Divine Mercy of Almighty GOD one who has recently come to a saving faith in the Lord JESUS CHRIST  is a 93-year-old imam of a large local mosque. Over five years ago, one of our Chinese co-workers had befriended this man, who has embraced Islam his whole life. As their friendship grew, they would talk regularly about Scripture and God, and a deep sense of trust and respect also grew between them.

Last year, a new translation of the Bible came out that is much easier for East Asian Muslims to understand. After reading the Scripture and asking our co-worker many questions over several months, the imam gathered his family into the living room, three generations in all, not excluding the women and children, as would be their custom.

He told them to sit and listen to what this man had to say.

 Then he declared...

“I believe that the only way to God is through Isa (Jesus) the Messiah!”

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