Thursday, May 10, 2012

Muhammad is buring in HELL by Pastor Bo Ra Choi

South Korean Pastor Bo Ra Choi has been seen vision of hell for the last several years. She has seen so many people in hell. She saw the Prophet Muhammad was suffering in hell. Muhammad was screaming and shouting not to come to hell. The audio sound was recorded in the local church in South Korea during the worship service. She speaks in Korean what she heard from Muhammad.

Note: Pastor Bo Ra Choi is speaking loudly in Korean but the words are translated into English on the screen.  I can only say that her words though not understood still convey a powerful statement as to the AGONY that the False Prophet Muhammad is enduring.  Each Soul that enters hell because they followed the lie of islam increases Muhammad's suffering.  In the video Muhammad begs those being mislead by satan through islam to flee islam and follow the Divine Son of GOD JESUS CHRIST.

For the only way to Heaven is through the Son of GOD JESUS CHRIST!


  1. Yes, Yesus is the only way to heaven. He is from heaven.

    1. all Christians would rot in hell

    2. Wrong. All muslims and athiests rot in Hell. Neither of u have salvation. Nobody gets into Heaven except through Christ. The God of Abrahim has made that specifically clear 👈🏼

  2. It is a powerful video. But if you watch it turn down the volume.

    1. Any person will cry to get out of hell. Nobody will say all these from hell fire. Bo Ra Choi or whatever you are first learn to convince people then pretend to have vision.

    2. You're a total moron. You're clearly a low IQ muslim. You're going to Hell when you die, just like the Bible says you are. Your false prophet is in Hell, you're going to join him. And NOBODY cares. Good riddance you low IQ 3rd world shithole degenerate 👈🏼

    3. And with that language you are thinking of going to heaven my brother ? That thought of you is hilarious itself. May Allah bless you with knowledge.

  3. Jesus is THE ONLY solution to human problems. Slap the TRUTH, lie against Him, persecute him, do any un-imaginably evil and opposition to the TRUTH; The Eternal Truth will triumph forever. Yes, forever!


  5. Oh my god!! So fake! Prophet Muhammad [SAWS] never initiated wars. He preached Islam and then because of persecution that he and his followers faced moved to Madinah [Yathrib at that time]! She is just doing this for attention. Also "I killed so many people". That is allowed only if the attack us first and if the cease we cease."Weakaning the words of Jesus"!What rubbish! Its the same message calling people to Islamic monotheism. Only that the bible was changed

    1. My friend, You are Islamic but I still love you. You may fight for Islam but Jesus still loves you. Take away the bias in your heart, the difference in culture and take away religion too...then ask yourself who do I believe in. If the answer you recieve from God (not from yourself)is truly muhammad then good luck to you but I have to tell you that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, there is no other way. I hope you will listen, I beg you to listen and if you wont listen to me mabye listen to a former muslim. btw to kill Gods creation is a sin, only EVIL will try to justify killing another man or woman. I love you and pray for you and your family.

  6. I have to say something that I’m very surprised no other Muslim pointed how. Muslims do infact believe in one god believe in Jesus and the second coming of Jesus And even Muhammad himself loved and beileved in Christ. Muhammad never insulted any prophet To add on this we Muslims even beileven Adam and Eve someone please tell me Like a man like Muhammad who was said in our bible the Quran that god made him rid of any evil in his heart a man who bieleved in Christ and a man who only attacked defensively would be in hell.

    1. Mohammed is a murderer pedophile. There's nothing good in him OR his false doctrine Koran 👈🏼

  7. Jesus is the way,the truth and life ❤️❤️

  8. Yeshu hi marg satya aur Jivan hai.
    hame uspar visvash hai.

  9. All Muslims... Kindly seek Jesus just for once and see. He will reveal himself to you as the true Savior.

  10. Islam is devil's lies. Mohammad is definitely in hell fire. JESUS IS ONLY GOD. Jesus is the SON OF GOD. Hallelujah

  11. Islam denies Lord Jesus as the Son of God. Islam denies the crucification of Lord Jesus. Islam denies resurrection of Lord Jesus. Islam denied the divinity of our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ. SO ISLAM IS SATAN's RELIGION. Flee from Islam and accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior with penitent heart.
