Thursday, May 10, 2012

Richmond Gyimah Encounter With God

By the Divine Grace of Almighty GOD this testimony has been translated to English  from the native language of Ghana which is located in West Africa.

The testimony is from  Richmond Gyimah who died on the operating table. The following is his Encounter With Angels, Heaven, Hell, and Almighty God, and HIS Divine Son JESUS CHRIST.  

After this part finishes Youtube streams the rest of his story seamlessly

It is well worth your time and edification to watch all 10 parts of his testimony.  The Powerful aspects of Richmond Gyimah's testimony are to me as follows:


1: The Divine Blood of JESUS CHRIST lies fresh on the Altar before GOD in Heaven.  The Divine Blood shed at Calvary is just as fresh as when it was shed for mankind 2000 years ago.  

2: It is ONLY the shed Blood of JESUS CHRIST which has kept the FATHER from calling the Saints home in the Rapture and bringing Judgement down upon the Earth.

3: Humanity is living on Divine Grace. The time for the Rapture has come and each day that passes is borrowed time bought by the Divine Blood of JESUS CHRIST.   The Rapture could happen at ANY second. 

4: The time of  EXTRA Grace given by the Father to HIS Only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST is at an end.  The timing of the Rapture has been set.  The countdown has begun.

5: The ONLY way to Heaven is accepting JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior AND obeying the commandments of Almighty GOD AND living a GODLY life. 

I just finished watching the entire Series for the first time and I will add more points later when I watch it again.  

I cannot  Say, Speak, Shout, Yell, Write, Post, Email, Telephone call, enough the message that the ONLY was to Salvation, the Only way to Heaven, the Only way to avoid an eternity in HELL-FIRE is to...

Accept JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior NOW!

 Right NOW! This Very Second, because the Rapture could happen at any second. 


Please, I beg you for your own sake, Stop and accept the Lord JESUS CHRIST as your Savior.

 If I am wrong what do you have to lose?  

If, I am right, think what you will have to gain! 

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