Monday, June 11, 2012

Jim Wilhelm dies an goes to Heaven

Pastor Lloyd Stoops of Happy Trails Christian Fellowship in Surprise, AZ mentioned that he knew someone who had died briefly, went to Heaven, then was resuscitated and came back to earth. This was exactly what I was praying for, so I contacted Jim!! We became good friends, & I eventually produced his audio testimony and helped him post it online.

Jim passed away on December 16th, 2010. In fact, I attended his memorial service today, Jan 16th 2011. I am sad for my loss, but know he is EXACTLY where he wants to be. What a blessing it must have been to transition back to Heaven after already being there!! He knew where he was going, that's for sure!

I pray that this testimony lives on for many years, & that many more people will learn to perceive Heaven as a real place. But the Bible talks about two places.... A Heaven and a hell. It's so very important to recognize that this life is short, & our ultimate life decision is in whether we accept Christ, or reject Him. The consequential results are a Heaven too glorious for words, or a hell too evil, pain ridden and hopeless to imagine.

Jim's words are filled with the unmatchable JOY of seeing Heaven and knowing that HIS Savior JESUS CHRIST came to save us all. All we have to do is ask JESUS CHRIST to be our Lord and Savior and the unmatchable gift of Salvation will be ours.  GLORY to Almighty GOD our Father in Heaven who loves us so much that HE sent HIS only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST to comer and die for our sins. 

The words are this simple..."Lord JESUS CHRIST I ask you today to be my Lord.  Please forgive me my sins and wash me in your precious blood that I might receive Salvation eternal in your arms Oh Lord!"  

Then, jump up and down for by the Divine Grace of Almighty GOD you will be there when the Saints go walking into  their Eternal reward! 

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