Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sam Childers, the ‘Machine Gun Preacher

Sam Childers, the ‘Machine Gun Preacher’ speaks  about his work in Africa

I have seen the Movie and it pales in comparison to the man Sam Childers.  Sam is a tenacious, uncompromising Old tyme Fire and Brimstone Gospel Preacher.  His thoughts are..."If it needs to be done...DO IT!"   Don't talk about it, don't have meeting to discuss it, just DO IT!"
In the summer of 1992, Childers experienced what he described as a conversion during a revival at an Assembly of God church. Childers has claimed that was also the same evening that his pastor prophesied that he would go to Africa. At the end of 1998, Childers made his first trip to Sudan. In that first trip and the many that followed, he was exposed to the acts of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) which he described as atrocious.

Over 30,000 children have been abducted by Joseph Kony and the LRA in the region.  Relief organizations report as many as 50,000 children have been abducted and 1.7 million people have been displaced. The abducted children are generally forced to be child soldiers or sex slaves until they escape, are rescued or killed. Thousands of children have become orphans as a result of brutal LRA attacks on remote villages in Southern Sudan and Northern Uganda.

Not long after his first trip to Sudan, Childers and his wife Lynn founded the Angels of East Africa, the Children’s Village in Southern Sudan. The Children’s Village currently houses and educates over 300 orphans, with over a thousand children rescued since its inception. The staff at the Children’s Village are primarily Sudanese orphans and widows themselves. This is currently the largest orphanage in Southern Sudan and is unique in its approach of leading armed rescue missions directly into LRA territory. The Children’s Village is the only non-governmental organization that does not pick up and leave when fighting breaks out in the area.

1 comment:

  1. Wow....I just watched this movie. I can't stop crying...My admiration, love and Prayers will be with you forevermore! I'm sure you must have a place on this page for donations? I don't have much, but what I do have I would like to send to help you continue these selfless, loving, caring, compassionate acts, in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Such wonderful things that you do for a people that need everyone to pay attention and help!
    God bless you and keep you able to continue to work on your missions for at least another 50++ years....then pass it to another good person! God bless your wife Lynn, for she is a much stronger wife than I believe I could have ever are truly blessed with your wife and daughter. Thank you all, for all that you do for these wonderful people who need you so desperately! The heart and words of the child that saved Sam's life are so, so true and I know, which I'm sure Sam also knows, when he was asking himself, where is God now? God sent Sam the words of Babes; You cannot let them consume you with HATE because then they have won; you cannot let them take your HEART! Close anyway, but so well said by the little boy that didn't speak...he did say just what Sam NEEDED to hear at that exact moment...that is where God was!
