Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Christian Missionary in Lesotho, South Africa

The following account is a testimony of a Christian missionary of Lesotho, South Africa.

One day Father Oblat was hiking across the high mountains of Lesotho Sotuh Africa, a rosary in his hand and prayer on his lips.  The faith filled Priest was there visiting with the few Christians spread across the distant scattered villages.  Suddenly, a vicious explosion of thunder struck him like a hammer, knocking him to the ground.   Getting up with the help of his catechist, blood running down the back of his head he gingerly began to walk forward.   His assistant having witnessed the power of the devil was very afraid and begged him to turn back.   The Priest under the unction of the HOLY SPIRIT said “The devil is annoyed because there is a soul crying out to be saved.”  Emboldened, the pair carefully continued their route praying even harder.


After many grueling days and nights climbing treacherous high mountain passes, the pair heard a lone weak cry emanating  from a distant remote village.  The good father stopped, “Someone is calling us, let us go there!” he said.  The catechist turned white with fear and begged, “No, not there, not that village, it is full of witches.  This is a trap, they are luring us in to kill us!"

Unfazed, the priest answered, “Perhaps, it is a trap, but if there is the smallest chance that there is even one soul to save there we must take that chance.  I must go and find out.” 

With that the priest set off to the village, followed by his terrified assistant who seemed ready to faint with each step closer to the village.   

When the pair arrived, several women surrounded the priest and hurriedly whisked  him into a tiny mud hut with animal hide for a door.   There Father Oblat found  an emaciated young  girl weighing maybe 60lbs about 17yrs old.  It was obivious by her appearence that she was at deaths doorway. 

In broken english, one of the women said, “She has been calling for you night and day.  She says she wants to be baptized by a Catholic priest so she can be with the beautiful lady.” 

The father knelt down close to the straw mat holding the dying girl.  Gathering what strength she had left and with great effort she said... “Are you a Catholic priest?” 

With Heavenly authority Father said boldly “Yes, I am.” 

Between her labored breathing she said “Then baptize me quickly. Please, please hurry…”

While the catechist was preparing things for the baptism, Father Oblat asked the dying girl a few questions to which she answered "YES!" without hesitation. 

 Without delay the priest gave her the sacrament of Baptism.  When he spoke these words, “Mary, I baptize you in the name of the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY GHOST…” a radiant joy lit up her face and a new force of life flowed through her.

The priest took advantage of this betterment to ask her why she wanted to be baptized. She replied, “I had a dream: I saw a beautiful white lady wearing a belt the color of the sky. She smiled at me and kissed me lovingly. I wanted to get closer to her, but she said, ‘Not yet. , You must be baptized by a Catholic priest and then I will come and get you.’”

 The priest was deeply touched and he gave the dying girl a Miraculous Medal.  With great joy she cried out...“This is the lady! This is the one I saw!”

She kissed the medal with love, then, exhausted, she fell into a coma . 

Father Oblat blessed her and went back on his mission of visiting distant Christian villages.   He wasn’t very far down the road when one of the witches cried out... “She has passed away.”

GLORY To Almighty GOD who sends his Servants to those in need.  

The BIBLE tells us.."Ask and you shall receive."

Right now if you are lost, alone, hurting, in need, cry out to the Father in Heaven!  Ask JESUS CHRIST for Deliverance, Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to fill you with new life. And I guarantee you that Almighty GOD will be Faithful to answer your heart felt cry. 

JESUS CHRIST is Faithful and True.  All you have to do is call upon HIM.

HE will NOT let you down, I am living proof of this... 

GLORY Be To Almighty GOD, to HIS Only Begotten SON JESUS CHRIST, and to HIS Most HOLY SPIRIT    Forever and Ever Amen.


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