Thursday, July 5, 2012

Muhammad the False Profit


islam started when Muhammad, a seventh century Arab, purported to be the Messenger of god. . The Qur'an, he claimed, was a series of revelations he received directly from a nameless lord.

The inspirational experience was described by Muhammad to be like a bell, clanging in his head, causing him to shake and sweat profusely. These rather nasty experiences continued, he said, until he was able to decipher the message. Thus the Qur'an, Muslims believe, is god’s revelation to man through his final and most important prophet.

Yet only Muhammad heard these "revelations." He offered no evidence of his divine inspiration - we take the Qur'an solely on his word. The Bible, by comparison, had forty authors, all literate, who told a consistent story over the course of fifteen centuries. Muhammad, who was admittedly illiterate, acted alone in the formation of Islam and is alleged to have invented his religion over the course of twenty-two years.

Over a billion people live in nations controlled by Islamic principles the very same nations which are among the world's poorest, least free, and most violent.  These same nations are the fountain of terror, providing the money, men, motive, and means for mass murder world wide.This is the fruit of islam.  The BIBLE tells us..."You will know them by their fruit!"

There were ZERO miracles to prove Muhammad’s claim of being a godly conduit. There were no healings, walking on water, parting seas, raising folks from the dead, or feeding multitudes. And there are ZERO fulfilled prophecies, like the exacting and detailed predictions that Biblical prophets routinely made to demonstrate their divine authority.  However, the most troubling part about our absolute reliance on Muhammad’s testimony that he and his Qur'an were divinely inspired is that the prophet's character was as deficient, and his life was as despicable, as the worst blood thirsty tyrants who who ever lived.

The prophet's "ministry" in Mecca was filled with troubling episodes. Following his first Qur'anic revelation, Muhammad HIMSELF claimed to have been demon possessed. By his own admission, he tried to commit suicide. Those who knew him best, HIS OWN FAMILY and neighbors, said that he had gone mad. "He is a demon-possessed sorcerer fabricating scripture," they said, accusing him of plagiarism and of having purely selfish motives. They mocked his prophetic claims, ridiculed his Qur'an, and said that his preposterous notion of turning many pagan idols into the one God was insane. As a result of this verbal abuse, all chronicled in the Qur'an, Muhammad pledged to slaughter his kin.

With the Quraysh Bargain, the Meccans proved that Muhammad had established Islam to garner what he craved: power, sex, and money. The Satanic Verses, which followed, demonstrated that Muhammad was inspired by Lucifer...

Muhammad’s hallucinogenic Night's Journey to the nonexistent Temple in Jerusalem, confirmed that he could not be trusted. This flight of fancy was followed by the Pledge of Aqaba, where Islam turned political and declared war on all mankind.

Ninety Qur'an surahs were revealed during this period. They open with a score that mirror the style and content of Hanif poetry composed by Zayd, a contemporary of Muhammad. At this point, the prophet's revealing spirit was an unnamed "Lord." When we're finally introduced, we learn that the Islamic god's name is Ar-Rahman. And he is a dark and demented spirit, one who spends his days in hell. He deceives men, leads them astray, shackles them, dragging them to their doom. Ar-Rahman personally participates in hell's torments, turning men on a spit, tearing them apart, forcing them to eat thorns, pitch, and boiling water. His paradise is a brothel. Its rivers flow with wine, and multiple virgins satiate the carnal desires of the faithful.
The Qur'an takes us into a demented and violent realm. It’s a bad job of plagiarizing held together by a childish rant. Paradise and hell are both decadent and disgusting, more satanic than divine. And the Sunnah, which professes to be inspired scripture, is no better. Stroke by stroke they present an ugly picture of Muhammad, an abused child who became an abuser, murder, pedophile, thief, and all around criminal.

Having destroyed the "religion" of Islam in Mecca, Muhammad created the political doctrine of "submission" in Medina. He became a pirate, dictator, and terrorist leader.

Muhammad made up Qur'anic scripture to justify his horrific behavior.  All in the name of amassing copious amounts of sex, power, and money.   Pedophilia, incest, rape, torture, assassinations, thievery, mass murder, and terror, all in the name of appeasing his cruel god.

 Again, this summation simply reflects the EXACT words documented in the Islamic Sunnah and confirmed in the Qur'an.

When he was fifty, Muhammad married a six-year-old child. Then he stole his son's wife. After forcing young girls to watch his men execute their fathers, Muhammad then publicly raped them.  He tortured his victims to make sure no gold escaped his grasp. He committed mass murder, slaughtering jewish people in genocidal rage.

In ten years, he ordered a score of assassinations and conducted seventy-five terrorist raids. He used the sword to force Arabs into submission and used the slave trade to finance Islam. He was more interested in collecting slave girls and taxes than anything else.

He ruled through fear, terror and murder most foul, and his supposed god condoned it all.

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