Monday, August 13, 2012

GOD Does Answer Prayers

A blind lady was led to a great healing evangelist for prayer. After he had prayed for her, he asked her, “Now, tell me what you see.” She opened her eyes only to be told, “Close your eyes. Tell me what you see.” She opened her eyes again only to be told, “I didn’t say to open your eyes. I asked you what you saw. Close your eyes! Now, tell me what you see.”

This went on for a while, until the lady realized that the evangelist was asking her what she saw on the inside. Did she see herself seeing? When she understood that, she said, “I see myself with sight.” Then, the evangelist told her, “Now, slowly open your eyes.” That moment, she opened her eyes to perfect vision!

When you pray what is in your heart?  Have you been praying for someone’s healing, but you think I don't have the gift of healing.  Have you been praying for needed money, but you don't have any hope that the Lord will bless you financially. If you don't really believe that Almighty GOD loves you and has great things for you, why are you praying in the first place? 

You see, you don’t get what you pray for. You get that which you BELIEVE you will get when you pray.  It's like people who buy lottery tickets, yet when they buy them they say..."Oh I will never win."  You get what you believe when you pray.

JESUS said, “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

JESUS once told a centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” The centurion’s servant was healed that same hour. Matthew 8:13 The centurion BELIEVED that he would receive his miracle even before he saw it with his own eyes.

JESUS said..."I am come that YOU may have life, and may have it more abundantly!" John 10:10

So when you pray, what do you really believe and see on the inside?

If you can’t see it, can't believe it possible then don’t pray yet. Change your vision on the inside first. Start seeing yourself with the answer. See yourself healed. See yourself living in the bigger house that you need. See yourself enjoying more than enough. When you can see it and believe it, then pray in faith, AND if it is in the Father's Will for your life then you will receive it.

GLORY To ALMIGHTY GOD Our Father who Art in Heaven, Hallowed be HIS Holy Name Forever and Ever!

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