Saturday, August 18, 2012

The V-Sign is the Sign of the occult

"The "v sign" has a DARK history. "V" is the Roman sign for the number five and Adam Weishaupt used it in the Illuminati to symbolise the "Law of Fives,'' but there's more.

 In the Cabala:
"the meaning for the Hebrew letter for V (Van) is 'Nail which is one of the secret titles of Satan within the Brotherhood of Satanism. s. This why the PENTA-gram (Penta = five!) and the FIVE-fold salute used in Masonry and Witchcraft?''

Those who serve the devil by his command MUST declare everything they do. Of course since the devil is a liar, they are allowed to hide who and what they are from the uninitiated.  Thos with knowledge and eyes to see can root out these servants of the devil if YOU know what to look for.   

When ever Hitler had any important photographs taken of his high command he always made sure there was a "V" in the picture. Look closely at these pictures and notice all of these people are strangely and for no apparent reason flashing the "V" sign.  This is to let other satanists know that they are servants of the devil.  Here is one of there hidden IN THE OPEN, signs that they serve the devil. 

 The sign of "V"



  1. Thanks for the blog post buddy! Keep them coming... sign stands

  2. They liVe backwards Yeht eVil Part Parcel under the policy Doctrine edict Auspicious of the Grand Deception Freemasonry Illuminati Demonic Luciferian Rothschild 🔯Zionists🔯NWO Deep State Feemasons bull DjiT 666 frequency.les Deception Wickedness Satanic Lucifarian Synagogue of Satan cabal Talmud Babylonian triple horn Beast System Mammon money usury 🔯 usual suspects Jew world order ( dissOrder) but U already know this???

  3. They liVe backwards Yeht eVil...Pure Evil. .lies Deception Falsehood Wickednes treacherous treasonous Judas iscorate Benadict Arnold inVerted perVerted unsuitable... Corrupted Sellouts Zealous Zealots should be treated like pure filth thrust into the spiritual world and sorted out in due course ...V 666 Frequency. Shills gate keepers and honey pot traps pure filth overtones. The Grand Deception propergander mongers Luciferian Rothschild 🔯Zionists🔯NWO Deep State Feemasons Illuminati CFR Bilderberg UN Totalitarian Dystopian future society CFR Commitee of 300 Jesuites IMF Luciferian GoldmansuX Rockefeller PriVate Corperate Banker Muscle Part Parcel under the umbrella policy Doctrine edict Auspicious of the Grand Deception Jew world order dissOrder..

  4. They liVe backwards Yeht eVil...Pure Evil. .lies Deception Falsehood Wickednes treacherous treasonous Judas iscorate Benadict Arnold inVerted perVerted unsuitable... Corrupted Sellouts Zealous Zealots should be treated like pure filth thrust into the spiritual world and sorted out in due course ...V 666 Frequency. Shills gate keepers and honey pot traps pure filth overtones. The Grand Deception propergander mongers Luciferian Rothschild 🔯Zionists🔯NWO Deep State Feemasons Illuminati CFR Bilderberg UN Totalitarian Dystopian future society CFR Commitee of 300 Jesuites IMF Luciferian GoldmansuX Rockefeller PriVate Corperate Banker Muscle Part Parcel under the umbrella policy Doctrine edict Auspicious of the Grand Deception Jew world order dissOrder..

  5. It’s really a nice and helpful piece of info. I’m glad that you just shared this helpful info with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing. spirituality
