Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Lie that Mormons Believe

The Book of Mormon was published in 1830, but the founder, Joseph Smith, soon began teaching that God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost were 3 separate entities with bodies of flesh and bone.

They have added 3 books of scripture to their official canon, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants (D&C), and the Pearl of Great Price.  Mormons believe that God created multiple worlds and each world has people living on it and Each has it's own god.

 They also believe that multiple Gods exist but each has their own universe. All people on Earth are only subject to one God until they become gods themselves.

Mormons believe their leaders are living prophets and must be obeyed. This is problematic because their early prophets said some fairly immoral things by today's standards. All of them claim they wouldn't mislead anyone, yet the early ones clearly did.

They believe God changes his mind with the times. He changed his mind about the equality of Black and polygamy.  All this, just as the United States government closed in on the church to discipline them for breaking laws.

More False Teachings of Mormons 

1) They are protected by special/magical underwear.

2) That Adam was God in the flesh and Eve was his wife and that they "sinned" so that they could start the redemptive plan.

3) That Jesus Christ is a created being that the devil is his brother, and is so is Michael the archangel,

4) That God lives on a planet called Kolob.

5) That our God was at one time a physical man just like we are and that He lived the perfect Mormon life and earned the ability to be God of this world. This implies that there are literally hundreds of other gods just like ours out there in the universe.

6) That Native Americans are descendants of Jews, but were cursed by God and were given their "dark skin" as a punishment. This shows that Joe Smith had racist leanings.

7) That Joe Smith received a revelation from an angel called Moroni (or Nefi depending on the version you read) and was given two golden tablets to translate into the book of Mormon. No one but Joe actually saw the golden tablets (those that said they did later recanted). They were supposedly written in Reformed Egyptian despite no one on earth having ever heard of that language before. 

Addendum: I would like to state unequivocally that this post has ZERO relation to Mitt Romney or his campaign for the United States Presidency.  I am simply trying to highlight that JESUS CHRIST is the Divine Son of Almighty GOD and that the ONLY way to the FATHER is through HIS Divine Son JESUS CHRIST.   Mormonism is a false religion and cannot save ones soul.   

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