Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fiona's Rescue and GOD'S Love for HIS Children

When I saw this video is made me cry. It also made me see how much like Fiona WE live in a fallen, sick, evil, world and are blind to the state of our wretchedness.    When we are filled with the HOLY SPIRIT of Almighty GOD we are given sight to see the wretchedness with which we had previously been living. Then, washed in the precious blood of JESUS CHRIST we are set free from sin and made new again.

I pray very soon that we are ALL reunited with our Father who art in Heaven-Glory be to His Holy name forever and ever!  I pray soon that we are ALL filled with the joy of our Savior JESUS CHRIST which passes all understanding.  I pray that soon, VERY SOON that ALL of us will be in Heaven, truly free and eternally happy with Almighty GOD our Father!. 

Glory to GOD who Never gives up on HIS Children. 

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