Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ex-Satanist Gideon Mulenga - Set Free by Jesus!

This interview conducted by Jan-Aage Torp in 2007 with ex-satanist Gideon Mulenga of Zambia. Here is information from the kingdom of darkness, even about satanist infiltration into Christian churches. But here is above all a powerful testimony of the power and love of Jesus Christ to save and set free!

You might learn something from this". I was right. This video demonstrates the absolute necessity of a strong committed prayer life.  A christian that does not pray is like a gun without bullets.
Though, the power of GOD its there, its useless and ineffective.

I say to you from the bottom  of my heart

God bless you in the name of Our King and Savior JESUS CHRIST!

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