Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Love of Jesus Christ Always Renders Satan Powerless!

This is a heart felt testimony of a man who walked with the devil from 9 years of age.  His father was murdered, his life was trampled under foot by the devil and still John served the enemy.  It wasn't until Almighty GOD sent HIS only begotten Son Jesus Christ to intervene in John's life that he understood that the devil is no match for the power of GOD.   Even after John gave his life to JESUS CHRIST the devil kept coming after him, tormenting him, attacking him every night.  After one of John's visits to hell he cried out to the Lord JESUS CHRIST "Why are you letting the devil attack me?"  The Lord JESUS CHRIST replied..."I wanted to know if you were really serious."   After that night, having proved himself to the Lord, John never saw the devil again.

Praise Almighty GOD for HE sent HIS Divine Son JESUS CHRIST so that WE might have life and that overflowing and abundantly.  JESUS CHRIST came to destroy the works of the devil which are sickness and death.  The devil comes only to destroy and kill. Remember that and you will never be tricked by the lies of the enemy.

 Riches and fame come and go. All the money in the world can not buy you more life.  Saddam Hussein had a Billion dollars stashed away in the desert, along with Billions more hidden in Swiss banks.   Yet, on the day his life ended where was all that money?  Did all that money come and save him?  Did he cry out to the money and the money answer him?  NO! for all his riches and wealth Saddam Hussein had to watch his sons die and then he too went to the hangman's noose.  Money is the false god of this world which many people spend their whole lives chasing and serving.  Yet, when the end comes their lifeless, speechless, golden idols will not be able to save them.

Only JESUS CHRIST can save you!

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