Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jesus set Woman Free from Homosexuality

Young woman spent 20 years as a Lesbian until She invited Jesus Christ into her life.  The Bible say..."Ask and you shall receive..."  When this woman completely surrendered to JESUS CHRIST the Lord was Merciful and answered her prayers.   Admittedly, She did not instantly stop being gay.   She said..."I CAME JUST LIKE I WAS A SINNER!"  Yet, when She turned to Jesus Christ, He changed the desires of Her heart till slowly dya by day, she no longer lusted in her heart to be gay.

JESUS CHRIST came to set the world free from sin.  JESUS CHRIST came so that the captives could be set free.  To often men and women suffer in addiction of all sorts, drugs, alcohol, sex, money, etc.  Many of these people see their sins but have not the power to set themselves FREE.  JESUS CHRIST has the power to set ALL people free, no matter the strength or length of their sinful addiction. 

Almighty GOD sent HIS Only Begotten Son JESUS CHRIST because the devil has enslaved the whole world through sin.  The Power of the shed blood of JESUS CHRIST is greater and stronger then addiction, bondage, or prison walls.

If you want to be FREE from ANY addiction, call on the name of JESUS CHRIST and HE will set you FREE.the secret is not to give up. Each day push in more and more to our Lord JESUS CHRIST.  Read the Word of GOD, the BIBLE.  Seek the LORD with all your heart, all your might, and all your will and HE will answer you.  JESUS CHRIST will NEVER abandon you, nor forsake you. 

Come to JESUS CHRIST NOW as you are! You Do not have to wait till you are dressed better, or wait until you have your addiction under control. 

COME NOW to JESUS CHRIST and HE will accept you with open arms. 

  Come NOW to JESUS CHRIST HE is waiting for you.

 Come NOW to JESUS CHRIST while you still have time.

Tomorrow may be too late...

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