Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Miracles of Dr Tatiana Belous

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"Inspiring and compelling story of Tatiana Belous, women who answered God's call in-spite of untold cost. This interview with Tatiana not only gives one a detailed look into heaven and hell but it tells of indescribable devotion and exemplifies such extraordinary spiritual courage and strength to be the best I have personally ever read. What Tatiana and her husband endured is unimaginable, the unspeakable suffering for our Lord Jesus... 

Throughout this brilliant interview, we see a contrasting example of the suffering and the freedom found in Jesus Christ. To be servants without compromise, in spite of the horrors they endured, they stood strong in the face of unimaginable adversities." "Absolutely incredible story that has utterly changed my life, for which I am immensely grateful. Tanya"

I have personally read this Faith inspiring story of Doctor Tatiana Belous.  I loved every page. I have read many testimonies from behind the Iron curtain.  Often, when devout Communists are faced with the living GOD, Our FATHER who Art in Heaven, they shrink back.  Not because they fear GOD intellectually, but because somewhere deep in their spirit they still possess a shred of Divine awareness.  As their mouths chant communists slogans their hearts tremble at the power they know to be true.

One such day this happened to Tatiana as a young girl.  She was given a task by her Communists instructors to write a paper proving that GOD does not exist.  When Tatiana went home and told her father, a decorated WW2 veteran, almost 7 feet tall and bursting with muscles, began to shake and warned her..."Daughter no one wrestles against GOD an wins."  Tatiana had been taught from birth that there is no GOD, but Lenin and the State.  So, with trepidation and Communists bravado she set out to prove that there is no GOD.  Fast forward 2 days later, Tatiana is reading a Russian BIBLE when she hears the words..."Why do you persecute me Tatiana?"  Just as the Apostle Paul was knocked from his high horse, so too was Tatiana.   The rest of the Story is wonderful and I could not put it down.

Scroll down to...

Tatiana Belous - Raised from the dead after 72 hours (PDF-1,57 MB) 

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