Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Apostasy of Secularism

In our modern times the ‘Apostasy of Secularism’ threatens to undermine the foundations of the one true Faith Christianity. The very word Secularism is insidious in it’s vague perpetuity. Having abandoned truth for conjecture and innuendo all views have become acceptable in the New World Order.

Christians are accused of not practicing what they preach when they refuse to turn a blind eye to depraved behavior.  The son of God, Jesus Christ, said when attacked to turn the other cheek, not turn a blind eye to the repugnant actions called by some ‘a lifestyle’ others ‘A woman’s right.’

The Christian Faith at it’s inception was entrusted by it’s founder the Lord Jesus Christ with the moral responsibility to hold the line and declare the truth.

For the love of the flesh or gold and silver, many have cheaply bartered their soul.  Hidden behind the label of ‘socially progressive’ all manner of perversions have been loosed upon an unsuspecting public. The Mainstream Media has perfected the tactic of deception by omission.  It is there just below the magazine adds where young per-pubescent children are sexualized that the hidden evil festers with sinister intent.

The puppet master of modern society have thrown open the gates of Hells inviting all manner of filth and abominations which only three generations ago would have been reason for arrest and incarceration.

We ‘ARE’ each called to be our brother’s keeper.  It is not unchristian to warn someone when they are participating in a lifestyle or committing deeds which has them careening off a spiritual cliff to their damnation.

Hell is forever, an eternity of regret and suffering not just for those who fill the sea of fire but for those whose loved ones are eternally absent the golden shores of Heaven's bosom.

What are we setting ourselves up for when we replace right and wrong with some amorphic intangibility? In this new millennium those of definitive moral character are labeled Hard-liners, Extremists, Ultra-Conservatives or even Fanatics. Where, shall the True north of ones moral compass point be set,  if the port of embarkation is the middle of everywhere and the destination in the middle of nowhere?

Ultimately, the goal of the New World Order is that of a secular society founded on the ever shifting sands of amoral ambiguities, devoid of truth, Faith, and most importantly Almighty God.  The first step towards that goal is the pruning and demonizing of institutionalized religious faiths for a more truncated, ‘User-Friendly’ version.

This will be a  fluid set of moral suggestions not mired down by absolute truths or anything even remotely resembling condemnation or sin.   This new 'enlightened' one-world, all encompassing, non-judgmental, feel-good, religiosity will accept all comers regardless of their behavior, actions, or beliefs.  This new universal enlightened world brotherhood will be unambiguous, unobtrusive, unassuming, yet entirely diabolical in it’s nature not to offend.

JESUS CHRIST is the Way, the Truth, and the Light of the World.  HE is the Divine Son of Almighty GOD, the Word made Flesh. Through HIM, all things were made.  No one may come to the Father except through the Son.  Glory to Almighty GOD who sent HIS Only Begotten SON to Save a fallen and defiant world.

Bobby Anding

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