Sunday, March 10, 2013

It's Never to Late

This is a TRUE story which happened this past week in Dallas-Ft Worth area.  A young man attending  Steve Foss's church felt lead to witness at a Nursing home on  a Saturday afternoon.  The rest of the story, as spoken b y Steve Foss at Sunday services is as follows...

"A young man of ours went into a local nursing home yesterday, Saturday afternoon.  After witnessesing to a few receptive individuals the young man came upon a frightful sight.  There, all alone, in a room was a woman crying in great pain twisted into a fetal position.  She was groaning like a wounded animal.  With great courage the young man begun to share the gospel of JESUS CHRIST with her.  

In great pain she shook her slighty, back and forth, weeping "No, no, my soul is lost, there is NO hope for me". 

Undeterred, the youth ministered to her that the Blood of JESUS CHRIST cleanses all sins, no matter their size or number.  The woman paused in her sobbing, asking a question of the young boy.   

"I've lead a horrible life, been selfish, mean, and spiteful to everyone around me.  Her confession brought on racking sobs of guilt.   

The young man, emboldened by the Holy Spirit, raised his voice saying..."Though your sins be as scarlet, the Blood of JESUS CHRIST can wash them white as the driven snow."  

Clinging to the boys words the woman began to plead for another chance. But, I want to be forgiven, I want it to be like when I was a little girl again.  PLEASE, I'll do anything..I want to be forgiven! 

With that the young minister led her in the Sinners prayer which she prayed with all the might she had leftTo the Lord she poured out her heart and surrendered her SoulImmediately afterwards, she smiled and said her last words on Earth...

 "Now I'm going to heaven. Because, the Lord Jesus is in my heart" With her last word the heart monitor flatlined with that all familiar solid tone and she was dead.

It is NEVER too late to share the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST.  

Glory to Almighty GOD who sent HIS Only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST to save a sinful world.

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