Saturday, March 16, 2013

Advanced Tactics of Spiritual Warfare

"For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil; and the devil himself, and all his dominion and power, and particularly his power over death, and death itself; and especially the sins of men, which are the works of the devil..." John 3:8

Make no mistake we are at War with Powers and Principalities, seen and unseen.  The hardest thing for any new Christian is to learn that the devil is a living, breathing, intelligence who hates mankind.  The devil wants only to kill and destroy all mankind.  If you accept that JESUS CHRIST came in the flesh, suffered, and died at the Cross, and was resurrected on the third day by the power of the Holy Spirit. Then you MUST accept that HE came to set free the captives, YOU and I,  from the devil who currently rules this world.

If you are a Christian then you must engage in Spiritual Warfare each and every day.  It is a sad fact of the world we currently live in.  The video above has advanced techniques of Spiritual Warfare.  If you need a simple place to start then simply command in the name of JESUS CHRIST...

"In the name of JESUS CHRIST I command you demon to depart from me immediate and never return!" 

All power comes from the name of JESUS CHRIST.  Those who believe in JESUS CHRIST can cast out demons.  This is the power given to all believers by the Lord JESUS CHRIST.

"Those who believe in me: In my name they will drive out demons...Mark 16:17

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