Saturday, March 16, 2013

There is POWER in the name of JESUS

 A very dramatic conclusion of Carol Kornacki set free from drugs, alcohol, addictions, prostitution and healed of a fatal liver disease all because of the power of Jesus Christ. 

This heroin addicted prostitute dying of Liver disease had never been loved. Everyone in her life had failed her miserably.  Her parents were evil and cruel.  The men in her life used her and threw her away.  She had multiple abortions before she was 21.  She had no reason to live and had NEVER known love. 

After being beaten nearly to death by a drug dealer she crawled into a building to hide herself so that he didn't kill her.  While in that building a man told her that she needed to meet Benny Hinn because he had the gift of healing.   With her liver in complete failure and her days on this earthy  numbered she went to see Benny Hinn.  When the time came for the alter call she was so demon possessed that she couldn't move not a muscle. Though, every fiber of her being wanted to be healed.  With help from Benny Hinn's wife Carol staggered down the aisle and cried out for JESUS CHRIST

There in front of thousands and thousands commited believers the Lord JESUS CHRIST showed up and cast out the 11 demons inside this broken woman.  Then, free of the devil JESUS CHRIST healed  Carol Kornacki and gave her a new life, a new heart, and filled her with the Most HOLY SPIRIT of Almighty GOD.

Carol Kornacki is now an on fire, tongue talking, Bible speaking, born again, Preacher for the Lord of Lords and King of Heaven, JESUS CHRIST!

We serve a MIGHTY GOD! 

GLORY to GOD ,Our Father who Art in Heaven...Hollowed be HIS Holy name for Ever and Ever!


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