Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Living Saint

98 year old Dobri Dobrev, a man who lost most of his hearing in the second world war, has traveled 25 kilometers every day for decades from his village in his homemade clothes and leather shoes to the city of Sofia - a trip he makes by foot where he spends the day begging for money. 

What is a shock to everyone who finds out Dobri donates every penny he collects.  He estimates that figure is over 40,000 euros or (60,000US) towards the restoration of decaying Bulgarian monasteries and churches and most importantly the utility bills of orphanages. 

Dobri lives entirely off his monthly state pension of 80 euro (110US).

By those who know him, Dobri is called a Saint, an ascetic hermit, an Angel, a Divine stranger, a Holy beggar. To look at Dobri one has not the faintest idea of the true holiness of this selfless man. This year Dobri turns 98 years old.  Yet, despite his advanced age he still perseveres  to live out his oath of kindness towards all of humanity. 

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