Thursday, August 1, 2013

Desmond Tutu is Risking Eternal HELL FIRE

Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu made headlines by saying that he’d rather go to hell than be in heaven with a God who is Homophobic 

South Africa’s iconic retired archbishop, Desmond Tutu, said on Friday that if he had his pick, he’d go to hell before heading to a heaven that condemned homosexuality as sin.

“I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this,” he said, by way of denouncing any and all religions that discriminate against gays. I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to a gay friendly Hell then a homophobic Heaven.”

Desmond Tutu went on to say  "We must regret that Jesus died too young, before his views had had the chance to “evolve” enough to fit modern sensibilities. Had Jesus lived longer he might have become a more enlightened savior. He made the remarks during the United Nations‘ launch of its gay-rights campaign in Cape Town.

I have read a little information on Desmond Tutu but I can not fathom any man having read the BIBLE and having 'supposedly' served Almighty GOD through HIS Son JESUS CHRIST saying such a blasphemous quote. 

I can tell you that no man can imagine or comprehend the horror of hell.  Archbishop Desmond Tutu is not only spiritually blind but he is blaspheming the Divine Son of GOD by saying that JESUS died before HE could mature enough to see that homosexuality is actually a good thing.   How could any man who EVER read the Bible say something so vile and condescending?  I am amazed that Desmond Tutu does not understand the evil he is spewing.  No only is he condemning himself to an eternity of Hellfire, but he is leading hundreds of thousands if not millions straight to hell with him.

Can the world be so blind?

 Is the spiritual light so dim in the world that Christian Archbishops are calling GOD homophobic?  If Tutu had any inkling of that which awaits him in hell he would rip his tongue out and beg for Divine mercy and grace.  He actually said if GOD accepted him into Heaven but refused to accept homosexuality that Tutu would deny GOD his presence and happily leap into the pit of hell.  I am just flabbergasted that anyone could say something so incredibly dangerous as to tempt Almighty GOD.  Right now, I wouldn't be anywhere near Desmond Tutu and I would warn those around him that they are in eternal danger. 

" Fear not the men who can kill the body, but fear the one who can throw you body and Soul into everlasting fire..." Matt. 10:28 NKJ

Hell Fire never ever ends. the pain never ever stops.  Just when you think it cant get any worse a Pandora's box of horrors opens up and all new torments spew from the burning lake of fire.  Worms that burrow thought you flesh and bones, fire that burns but never consumes, the stench of rotting meat, screams which drill into your skull from every direction, darkness so thick that it chokes the throat and blinds the eyes.  This is what Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu would choose over an eternity of bliss in Heaven with GOD our Father and Creator.  

Did you know that there are people kneeling in hell right now praying harder then any Saint on earth.  There are people begging Almighty GOD for just one more second of life just so that they could repent and pray for HIS eternal forgiveness. 

During an Exorcism a Catholic priest addressed the demonically possessed woman a question.  Addressing the demon hiding out within the woman the Priest asked the demon what would you give to escape eternal judgement in HELL Fire? After hours of screaming, thrashing, biting and vomiting, the woman's body went limp and the demon, fighting not to be cast out of the woman, went silent.  A minute went by then two, the room became so quiet that the Priest could hear his own heartbeat.  A voice, different then the one that had been blaspheming the Lord's name only minutes ago, soft and apologetic, wavering at first but getting stronger as it went on said...

"I would happily be torn limb from limb and have all of my flesh ripped from my bones piece by piece by worms and maggots. Then, have that flesh thrown into molten fire till it was nothing more then ash and smoke.  Then, repeat that process over and over ten thousand times an hour all day and every night till Judgement day.  I would suffer all that and more just to be in HIS presence for 5 seconds to be able to ask for HIS forgiveness." 

Then, a ear piercing, high pitched, shriek torn from the woman's throat, all the light bulbs in the room exploded sending shards of glass every where. 

"But, I cant! I am lost forever! There is no hope in HELL, there is no end to the eternity that I have to face all alone in the darkness with nothing but my regrets, tortured  by the knowledge that I did this to myself...Oh That I was NEVER born!" 

I am simply astonished by the blind arrogance of Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Is the world really that Spiritually blind?  

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