Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dream of Heavenly Transformation

This is a very recent Dream from a woman who loves Jesus Christ...
Hello My brothers and sisters,I had another dream this morning that I wanted to share with you today. I had one short vision and one dream which I feel is a message to the Bride of Christ.

Part I

In the short vision, I was wearing the most beautiful purple linen summer dress on and I was holding a suitcase in my hand as if I was going on a trip.
End of Vision.

Part II

In my dream, the Lord allowed me to see many people in a bar laughing, drinking, behaving inappropriately,scheming, fighting, acting aggressively towards one another and out of control.

While witnessing this, I was in the center of the room and I could literally see my body shedding layers upon layers of past sins, bad memories, hurts, painful situations, traumatic experiences, sufferings, trials and tribulations that I have been through in my life. Constant layers upon layers of my self were coming off me as I was standing there. Like scales of haunting memories of my life while on earth and earthly sins were dropping off of me.

As each layer of the past was dropping off my body, my body began to feel lighter and lighter and more peace was being poured upon my spirit. It was like a fountain of peace and tranquility being poured on top of head and running throughout my body. It was such a wonderful experience. It felt like I was going through some type of metamorphosis or transformation like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

The next thing I experienced, I saw myself in the most beautiful white wedding dress and my body began to float and go upwards. As my body was beginning to go up I could see all these people, hundreds and hundreds of people around me looking and staring at me in awe, wonder and shock. They were mocking and scoffing me, laughing at me making sarcastic comments etc..

While this was going on, my body kept rising and I felt lighter and lighter and more and more peace was entering my spirit.The peace that is indescribable and feeling like I am floating on a cloud.
As my body is rising up, and I am in my white wedding dress but also I can see this wondrous, white, ethereal light surrounding me. The clouds were so beautiful and majestic in their splendor. I see could see clear skies like never before with magnificent clouds.

At the same time, I am feeling insurmountable peace in my soul and feeling lighter and lighter as I am going up towards the clouds.

I am no longer hearing the shouts of the people below me.  At that moment I am entering entering into the Heavenly realm prepared for those who Love Almighty GOD with all their hearts, minds, and Souls! 

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