Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Islam is a Lie from the Pit of HELL (Part 1)


In Islam the Hadith. It is a collection of early Muslim traditions which record the words and deeds of Muhammad according to his wives, family members, friends and Muslim leaders which are not usually found in the Quran.
The Muslim scholar, Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, in his book, Introduction to Islam, states that 'the custodian and repository of the original teachings of Islam' are found 'above all in the Quran and the Hadith' (p. 250). 
To this he adds that 'the Quran and the Hadith' are 'the basis of all Islamic law' (p. 163).

The reason according to Dr. Hamidullah that Muslims revere the Hadith as well as the Quran is that the Hadith is as hellishly inspired as the Quran.


The Muslim scholar, Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, in his book, Introduction to Islam, states that 'the custodian and repository of the original teachings of Islam' are found 'above all in the Quran and the Hadith' (p. 250). To this he adds that 'the Quran and the Hadith' are 'the basis of all [Islamic] law' (p. 163).

The reason according to Dr. Hamidullah that Muslims revere the Hadith as well as the Quran is that the Hadith is as divinely inspired as the Quran itself!

'The teachings of Islam are based primarily on the Quran and the Hadith, and, as we shall presently see, both are boasted on divine inspiration' (p. 23).

This is why Muslim writers such as Hammudullah Abdalatati in his book, Islam In Focus, (The Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore, Singapore, 1991), state that the Hadith is 'considered the Second Source of Islam' because,'all the articles of faith... are based upon and derived from the teachings of the Quran and the Traditions [Hadith] of Muhammad (p. 21).'

Thus it is no surprise to find that the material in the Hadith is considered inspired and authoritative to orthodox Muslims.


We are using the nine-volume translation of the Hadith made by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan entitled, The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih Al-Bukhari (Kazi Publications, Lahore, Pakistan, 1979).

It is recommended and approved by all Muslim authorities, including the spiritual heads of Mecca and Medina.


Dr. Khan's work is a faithful translation of the Hadith put together by none other than the greatest of all Hadith scholars, Al-Bukhari.

The introduction states:

'It has been unanimously agreed that Iman Bukhari's work is the most authentic of all the other works in Hadith literature put together. The authenticity of Al-Bukhari's work is such that the religious learned scholars of Islam said concerning him: 'The most authentic book after the Book of Allah [i.e., the Quran] is Sahih-Al-Bukhari' )p. xiv.

He only chose approximately 7275 [Hadiths] of which there is no doubt about their authenticity.

[Allah] revealed to him the Glorious Quran and the Second Inspiration, i.e., his Traditions.

It is incumbent upon you to strive hard to do righteous deeds according to the traditions of Muhammad as is clearly expressed in his Hadith (p. xvii).

Dr. Khan does not hesitate to describe the Hadith as 'the Second Inspiration' and to state that it is 'incumbent' upon every Muslim to believe and to obey it.


The reason that we went to such lengths to prove the highest religious authorities of Islam view the Hadith as being inspired and authoritative is that many Muslims will deny this when confronted with some of the obviously absurd teachings of Muhammad.

In one radio program, one Muslim caller argued in a circle as follows:

'Muhammad was Allah's prophet. Therefore he could not have said something so stupid as to suggest that we should drink camel urine. Thus you are a liar, Dr. Morey. 

The Hadith cannot say this.'After I went on to prove from the Hadith that Muhammad did indeed recommend camel urine, he responded:

'We Muslims only recognize the Holy Quran as God's Book. We do not accept the Hadith as inspired.'

Of course, he had to deny the inspiration of the Hadith in order to avoid having to defend Muhammad on the drinking of urine.

We understand the dilemma of modern Muslims. While they desperately want to maintain that Muhammad was Allah's apostle, yet the Hadith clearly reveals that Muhammad could not be inspired because he taught many things which are not only patently wrong but absurd.


The Quran was written in heaven according to Hadith no. 643, vol. 9 Thus no earthly pre-Islamic sources for the material found in the Quran should exist. But they do exist in great abundance.

Thus it is no surprise to find that the Quran was written in the Quraish dialect (vol. 6, no. 507). This fact is often not known by non-Arab muslims.

The Quran after Muhammad's death was scattered on palm leaves, rocks, bones, etc. (vol. 6, no. 509). Thus the Hadith itself bears witness to the fact that Muhammad did not prepare a manuscript of the Quran before his death. 

As a matter of record, the Hadith confirms that the Quran was put together by the Caliph Uthman after Muhammad died. This point is often denied by those Muslims who are ignorant of their own scriptures.

'Uthman got the Quran compiled and sent a few of its copies to far off places (vol. 1, no. 63). Uthman... wrote the manuscripts of the Hoyl Quran in the form of a book (vol. 4, no. 709).

See also vol. 6, nos. 507 and 510.

When Utheman finished his version of the Quran, the Hadith records that he tried to destroy all the conflicting Qurans (vol. 6, no. 510). This is clear proof that there were conflicting versions of the Quran.

The fact that the Quran is missing certain verses and that other verses were abrogated is admitted in the Hadith in vol. 4, nos. 57, 62, 69, 299; vol. 6, nos. 510, 511.

The Hadith even records that when certain people died, those portions of the quran known only to them perished with them (vol. 6, no. 509).

The Hadith records that Muhammad at times was bewitched and said and saw things under satanic inspiration (vol. 4, nos. 400, 490).

This admission on the part of the Hadith destroys in principle the Muslim claim that Muhammad was infallibly inspired.

Since it is admitted that Muhammad at times did and said things under satanic inspiration, then this in principle calls into question everything he did and said.

Like the Quran, the Hadith puts speeches into the mouths of biblical characters such as Noah, Moses, Jesus, etc., which they could not have spoken because of the vocabulary used, the doctrines taught, the historical references made, etc. They are clearly fraudulent.

vol. 1, chap. 1, p. 16

vol. 1, nos. 74, 78, 124

The Hadith admits that it has variant readings and contradictory Hadiths (vol. 1, nos. 42, 47, 74, 78, 80, 81, 86, 102, 107, 112, 159, 160, 161; vol. 3, nos. 159-161).

The translator admits in a footnote in vol. 3, no. 159, Hadith No. 159 contradicts the Hadith of Al-Hassan.

Like the Quran, some Hadiths were canceled or abrogated: vol. 1, nos. 179, 180.


The Hadith makes the repeated claim that no one ever leaves Islam.

He then asked, 'Does anybody amongst those who embrace his [i.e., Muhammad's] religion become displeased and renounce the religion afterwards?' I replied, '''NO''' '(vol. 1, nos. 6 and 48).

Then it contradicts itself by saying that death is the punishment for those who leave.

The prophet said, 'If somebody [a muslim] discard his religion [of Islam], kill him' (vol. 4, no. 260).

It even records the murders of those who left Islam for another religion (vol. 5, no. 630).

Volume nine of the Hadith has an entire section dedicated to warning those who would leave Islam - that they will be murdered (see vol. 9, pgs. 10-11, 26, 45-50, 341-342).

'So, wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection' (vol. 9, no. 64).


Muhammad taught that the Jews worshiped Ezra as the Son of Allah just as Christians worshiped Jesus as the Son of Allah (vol. 1, p. xvii). He was wrong on both counts.

Muhammad said, 'Any Jews or Christians who heard about me and did not believe in me and what was revealed to me of the Holy Quran and my traditions, his ultimate destination is the [Hell] Fire' (vol. 1, p. li).

According to Hadith no. 414, vol. 2, Muhammad said,  'Allah cursed the Jews and the Christians because they took the graves of their Prophets as places for worship.'


Muhammad taught that the majority of the people in hell were women!

'The Prophet said, '''I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women''' '(vol. 1, nos. 28, 301; vol. 2, no. 161).

The reason the majority of the people in hell were women is stated in vol. 2, no. 541,

'O Women! I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you.'

Muhammad believed that women were deficient in intelligence' and thus they should not be given equal rights under Islamic law.

For example, he legislated that a woman's testimony in court was worth only half that of a man. Thus it would take the testimony of two women to offset the testimony of one man. Imagine what this would do to women who were raped!

'The Prophet said, '''Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?''' The women said, '''Yes.''' He said, '''This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind''' ' (vol. 3, no. 826).

Muhammad even ruled that women are to receive only half of what their brothers receive in inheritance (vol. 4, no. 10). Thus women are financially punished for being females.

Perhaps the most degrading picture of women is that Paradise will have beautiful women, whose only purpose is to satisfy the sexual urges of men, chained to different corners.

'The statement of Allah, Beautiful women restrained [i.e., chained] in pavilions. Allah's Apostle said, '''In Paradise there is a pavilion made of a single hollow pearl sixty miles wide, in each corner there are wives who will not see those in the other corners; and the believers will visit and enjoy them.''' '

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