Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ahn Ei Sook a Korean Saint

  This is a biography of a woman living in Korea (before Korea was divided into the North and South, and was under a Japanese occupation.), who was imprisoned in prison camps for her faith, refusing to bow down to Japanese idol worship.

Her life is filled with God's interventions, and her faith-filled decision to go to the parliament (Diet)of Japan to speak out against the injustice of persecution of Christians is truly inspiring.

She spoke out against the mighty Imperial Japanese Army at the height of it's powers and warned them that if they didn't turn from their FALSE shinto gods that the TRUE GOD of Heaven and Earth would judge Japan by Fire and Sulfur from the sky.  The Japanese laughed at her and arrested her, mocking her for her folly. After all, the Japanese ruled the entire pacific from China to Korea and all the Islands in between.  Even America in 1938 was afraid of the mighty Japanese Naval power.

Fast forward 7 years and the very parliament building where she warned the Japanese to turn from their idolatrous ways was burned to the ground by the American Air-force which fire bombed the entire city.  Then, just as GOD had spoke through Ahn E. Sook the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were vaporized by sulfurous fire from the sky.

When the word of GOD goes forth nothing can stand in it's way or alter its course!

Ahn E. Sook stood alone among thousands of kneeling people. Her bold defiance of the tyrannical demand to bow to pagan Japanese shrines condemned her to a living death in the filth and degradation of a Japanese prison. This brave woman remained faithful to Christ in the face of brutality, oppression, and ruthlessness of her captors. The story of how she won many of her fellow prisoners to Christ in the most deplorable conditions is an inspiration to all.

I just finished this book nearly in one sitting.  I could not put it down.  The sheer strength and determination of this tiny 90lb Korean Saint was mesmerizing.  Her weakness was overwhelming and she was terrified, yet she kept one tiny foot in front of the other and kept moving forward in GOD'S will.  She was unsure of herself, she worried, and felt the gripping hand on fear on her shoulder every day.  She KNEW that what she was called to do would end up with her in prison and most likely dead.  Yet, she pushed forward, sure that every turn the Japanese were going to kill her.

She accepted death in the service to our Lord JESUS CHRIST, but like most human beings it was the pain and torture that she feared most.  It was not that she sought to avoid hardship, it was the fear that during terrible physical suffering she would fail our Lord JESUS CHRIST. 

I recommend this book and more then that I recommend Ahn E. Sook as a role model for young ladies everywhere.


  1. i just read "IF I PERISH" awesome young woman of great faith in Jesus. overwhelming life

  2. i just read "IF I PERISH" awesome young woman of great faith in Jesus. overwhelming life
