Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Power of Prayer

Bill Wiese author of '23 minutes in Hell' had a younger brother who rejected the Lord almost of his life.  Bill and many family members prayed for his younger brother's conversion, but it was their mother who diligently prayed for 40 years. 

Bill's younger brother just couldn't seem to grasp that GOD was real and that the Lord loved him. Many, too many count episodes of chain smoking, drinking, depression, financial hardships, marked the downward spiral of Bill's younger brothers tumultuous hard knock life.  Finally, having lost everything he had to move into his parents basement which was a degrading low point for Bill's younger brother.  The tight living conditions and lack of employment coupled with no finances increased stress levels for everyone. 

Bill's younger brother hid from the world and his problems in his parents basement.  He continued to drink and chain smoke ignoring his parent's advice and concern, his time in their basement instead of chastising pushed him even further into his apathy and addictions.   Bill's younger brother refused to change in his lifestyle.

Then, one day, unable to shake a serious cold and a constant ache in his chest he finally went to see a Doctor.  That was when he found out he had cancer of the liver, lungs, and throat.  Bill and the rest of his family prayed for him night and day.  They told him repeatedly that God could deliver and heal him if he would only open his heart and accept JESUS CHRIST as his Savior.

He did pray and accept Jesus as his Savior but he still refused to FULLY surrender to JESUS CHRIST as Lord over his ENTIRE life.  As he lay in the hospital bed both his body and his mind were riddled with despair.  As his body began to shut down his mom kept a vigil never leaving his side.  She was herculean in her angelic acre for her youngest son.  Around the clock she assailed heaven with non-stop prayers.  She knew the power of the Lord JESUS CHRIST, she knew that Almighty GOD loves her youngest son so much HE sent HIS only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST to die on the cross so that her youngest boy might live. 

Finally, the end came for him and in his last two days he slipped into a coma.  With his entire family by his bed side, hand in hand, matching prayer for prayer, they shook the gates of Heaven on his behalf.  His mom said, leading them on..."If he can't pray for himself then we will pray for him." And...pray they did, for 36 hours straight, taking a break only to get a sip of water or to use the rest room.  Then, it happened....

His body hanging on by a thread, deep in an unrecoverable coma, he suddenly bolted straight up and shouted from the depth of his being.....

“Thank you, Jesus!” 

With that he lay down and the heart monitor went silent.  Glory to Almighty GOD who NEVER lets the righteous go forsaken! JESUS CHRIST had heard the prayers of Bill, his devout mother, and the rest of the Wiese family.   An awesome miracle of eternal joy allowed Bill's younger brother to glorify our Father who art in Heaven by letting his mother, Bill, and the rest of the family know that he had finally surrendered his heart to Jesus.  BY his great joy Bill says he knows that our Lord answered his younger brothers cry by accepting him into the Kingdom of our Father in Heaven.


God is a loving and merciful Father.  Bill Wiese, his mother and the rest of the family never gave up believing that JESUS CHRIST hears our prayers and answers the righteous in due course. They never gave up and they never quit praying.  The Saint's of old called this praying through.  That is, praying, no matter how long, till you get an answer.  It may not be the answer we want, but it will be the answer that in GOD'S perfect eyes will be the best for us. 

Praise be to JESUS CHRIST who NEVER lets the righteous go forsaken...

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