Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Prophets of GOD are Coming

The suffering and unhappiness of  people in this generation is because they are “Not open and Not willing to hear to  the Word of God.”   The people Jesus's time preferred to hide in RELIGION and it's elaborate rituals such as the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  Most people today prefer a life where GOD is a separate thing caged off from the rest of their life. Most people do not want GOD in their everyday life. Many Christians today would rather be silent then profess their Faith.  Many Christian are embarrassed when a fellow Believer points out that Homosexuality is a sin. Many Christians would rather fit in with the Pagans then to stand out and risk being an Social outcast.  

Today, society tells Christians to keep their Faith in the closet while telling every sexual degenerate that they should be flying their freak flag wide and free.  Society reminds Christians on a daily basis that to differ with political correctness means that they are messengers of hate.   Every major News channel has talking heads which publicly shame any Christian who dares speak out against abortion.  The News anchors, mostly women, berate Christians that to be PRO-LIFE is to be stuck in the past, clinging to an archaic outdated belief system.  The talk show hosts who have millions of viewers are nearly all Homosexuals who use their daily shows as indoctrination sessions programing the minds of American housewives.  

If you want to be rich, famous, play pro-sports,  if you want to grab your 15 minuets of fame, then you need to tone down your Christian dogma.  IF you have the skills, TEBOW, to play pro-football, then you need to have the willingness to keep your Faith in the Closet and you mouth from professing the Gospel.  Otherwise, there will not be room for you in the NFL. There will be no time for you to get your feet under you, to learn from the Veterans on the team.  No, you will be eliminated because you choose JESUS CHRIST over a lifetime of fortune and Fame in the NFL.

If you want to be on a major cable network then you better learn that the name of JESUS CHRIST is a four letter word in broadcasting.  To even think of mentioning what the BIBLE says is means for termination (DUCK DYNASTY.) The only reason for a reprieve is that there are still, a dwindling number, a few, Christian left who vote with their wallets.  Make no mistake the Cable Network ONLY backed down because they worship money, and they were not about to let the Golden Calf slip through their greedy fingers.  

If you are a major business owner in America today you are told you can either be in business or you can be a Christian but you can't be both. HOBBY LOBBY, stood up to the leviathan federal goverment who demanded that HOBBY LOBBY pay for abortions and birth control medicines. The Christians at HOBBY LOBBY said NO..."We are Christians 1st and business owners 2nd."    The federal goverment took HOBBY LOBBY to court and now it will be up to the UNITED STATES SUPREME Court to decide if HOBBY LOBBY owners are allowed to be CHRISTIANS business owners who live by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST and every word in the BIBLE.  

It is already illegal to preach the GOSPEL over the airwaves in Europe and Canada.  Churches are forced to allow homosexuals to marry in Christian Churches.   It is illegal in almost ALL Mideast countries to be a Christian, to preach about the word of GOD, to proselytize Christianity to muslims.  In China it is illegal to be a Christian Preacher or to have a house Church where Christianity is preached and the Gospel is spread.

Soon, Christianity, true Blood bought, Holy Spirit filled, BIBLE believing Christianity will be illegal in America. It will be called hate speech, homophobic, archaic, superstitious, anti-American. Christians will be labeled as religious zealots, religious extremists, Christian hardliners.   It is already happening and the powers of darkness are growing ever bolder while the light and salt of Christians are dimming and becoming generic non-denominational, non-threatening, feel good, tasteless, road salt... good for nothing but to be thrown out onto the road way so that others can drive all over it. 

When JESUS CHRIST returns to gather HIS people unto HIMSELF what will HE find?     

"Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?  I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly...

 However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:7 NIV


Friday, December 27, 2013

Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson at Harding University

This is a talk given by Willie Robertson explaining how and why his family are the success that confounds Hollywood. To US Believers there is no mystery at all why Duck Dynasty is a smash hit.   It's because they put GOD 1st, 2nd and 3rd, then they have family, friends, co-workers, neighbors.  Somewhere, far down on the list at number 147 is money and success.

If you put GOD 1st, everything else is easy...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

My Time in Heaven by Richard Sigmund

Rev. Richard Sigmund was involved in a car accident on Oct 17, 1974. He testified what he had seen at that time. Heaven is real place. People who are redeemed by blood of Jesus could go to heaven. This is wonderful testimony about heaven. If you don't believe in Jesus yet, it is time to repent your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior who died for your sins.

You can read his book:

 'My time in Heaven: A True Story of Dying and Coming back' 
by Richard Sigmund


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Phil Robertson Preaches the Gospel


 In our current malaise of moral ambiguity Phil Robertson the Patriarch of A&E’s smash reality hit Duck Dynasty has chosen to speak the truth.  Homosexuality among many other moral failings being pushed on the American people is wrong, period, end of story.  A&E think that they have Phil Robertson in a tight spot. A&E thinks that if they turn off the financial spigot that they can somehow control Phil Robertson.  A&E is strongly mistaken if they think that suspending Phil from appearing on the show is going to shut him up or somehow stifle his message of hope and Salvation in JESUS CHRIST.  If history teaches us anything it's that persecution makes Christianity grow and spread even faster.  The more that A&E tries to muzzle Phil Robertson the more they are going to spread the saving Gospel of JESUS CHRIST.  

Here are a few of his most recent quotes...

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.” 

Another is...

“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”


“If you simply put your faith in Jesus coming down in flesh, through a human being, God becoming flesh living on the earth, dying on the cross for the sins of the world, being buried, and being raised from the dead—yours and mine and everybody else’s problems will be solved. And the next time we see you, we will say: ‘You are now a brother. Our brother.’ So then we look at you with love and affection."

 Make no mistake Phil Robertson is not some over weight Holy roller wearing and ill fitting polyester suit passing around the collection plate.   He is a man who has been there and done that, warts and all.  In Phil’s darkest days back in the early 1970s, before he surrendered his life to JESUS CHRIST, he had to flee the state of Arkansas.  He was running from a felony assault he had committed.  Phil brutally beat a bar owner to within a inch of his life. As if that wasn't enough he also beat the bar owners wife as well. Pretty shady stuff for a man confessing GOD.   Luckily, Kay Robertson, Phil's wife was able to persuade the bar owner to not call the cops and press charges.  The caveat was that the Robertson's had to pay off the bar owner and his wife with the Robertsons’ entire life savings. 

See, the trick here is that  Phil Robertson understands that Duck Dynasty, the reality show on A&E is nation wide platform.  Phil's end game is to save souls.  For that Phil Robertson and his family are more than happy to sacrifice a little money to be able to spread the Gospel of the Saving Grace of JESUS CHRIST!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Saints Versus Demons

Sister Josefa Menendez (1890-1923), who became a nun in France. The devil often appeared to her in the form of a terrifying black dog, a black snake, or in the form of a "shadow" man. 

On December 4th, 1921 Josefa was violently pulled from her bed and she was thrown to the ground, and then pummeled by a barrage of demonic blows she was
made to listen to abominable blasphemies against Our Lord and Our Lady. Long hours were so spent, and the torture renewed on the two following nights. After one such terrible night, she wrote on the morning of 
Tuesday, 6th December:
"Unable to bear any more, I knelt beside my bed, endeavouring to forget the horror of that malevolent voice insulting Our Lord and Our Lady. Suddenly I heard gnashing of teeth and a yell of rage. Then all vanished and before me stood Our Lady, all loveliness.
"Do not fear, my daughter; I am here."
"I told her how terrified I was of the devil, who made me suffer so much.
"He may torment you, but he has no power to harm you. His fury is very great on account of the souls that escape him . . . souls are of such great worth . . . If you but knew the value of a single soul!"
"Giving me her blessing, she said: 'Do not fear.' 
"I kissed her hand and she went away."

Later Jesus appeared to Josefa, and she immediately told Him of her greatest concern--the fear that in those hellish torments that her soul had lost something of its purity or innocence. 

Jesus replied to her: "Do not be afraid; your soul is steeped in My Blood, and none of that can stain it."
Then alluding to a specific word which more than once in the preceding days had given her strength: "Your Mothers have found the word . . . "Abandonment". The devil has no power but what is given him from on high. Tell you Mothers that I am supreme."

Nevertheless, the demons sought to discourage her from her mission of sacrificing and suffering for souls, and they endeavored by all means to drive her to despair, and she overheard them saying such things as:
“You will be one of us! ... we shall tire you out! ... we shall overcome you! ...Don't let go of her; be on your guard to plague her in any way you can! ... she must not escape!...we must induce her to despair! ...

And in the life of Josefa Menendez there occurred an even greater phenomenon that is very rare in the lives of the Saints: God permitted the devil to take her down to hell. There, in hell, she spent long hours, sometimes a whole night, in unspeakable agonies. Though she was dragged down into the bottomless pit more than a hundred times, each sojourn seemed to her to be the first, and appeared to last countless ages. 
She endured all the tortures of hell, with the one exception: that of the hatred of God. For Josefa, the most painful of these torments was to hear the horrid confessions of the damned, their cries of hatred, of pain and of despair.

Under the eyes of those in her convent, Josefa would suddenly disappear, and after long search she would be found thrown into some loft, or beneath heavy furniture, or in some unfrequented spot. In their
presence she was burnt, and without seeing the devil, they saw her clothes consumed and on her
body unmistakable traces of fire, which caused wounds that took very long to heal. Likewise the
effects of fire which burned her were seen on her garments and flesh; fragments of scorched
linen are still preserved to this day. Ten times in all Josefa was thus set on fire. She saw the devil vomit on her flames of which visible traces were seen not on her clothes only, but on her person. Painful wounds which took long to heal left on her body scars which she carried to the grave. The evil one suggested despairing thoughts, blasphemies, and wicked temptations that continued for days and nights, during which God hid Himself, and Josefa, bewildered, felt as if abandoned and at the mercy of the most ignoble and infamous of tormentors.

Yet, when at long last she came back to life, completely worn out and spent, her body
agonized with pain, she looked upon no suffering, however severe it may be, as too much to bear.
 She said boldly..."If by it I should save a soul from that dreaded abode of torment."

"In the night of 16th March towards ten o'clock," wrote Josefa, "I became aware, as on the
preceding days, of a confused noise of cries and chains. I rose quickly and dressed, and
trembling with fright, knelt down near my bed. The uproar was approaching, and not knowing
what to do, I left the dormitory, and went to our Mother Superiors cell; then I came back to the
dormitory. The same terrifying sounds were all round me; then all of a sudden I saw in front of
me the devil himself."
"Tie her feet and bind her hands," the devil cried. . . .

"Instantly I lost sight of where I was, and felt myself tightly bound and being dragged away.

Other voices screamed: "It is no good to bind her feet; it is her heart that you must bind."
"It does not belong to me." came the answer from the devil.

"Then I was dragged along a very dark and lengthy passage, and on all sides resounded
terrible cries. On opposite sides of the walls of this narrow corridor were niches out of which
poured smoke, though with very little flame, and which emitted an intolerable stench. From
these recesses came blaspheming voices, uttering impure words. Some cursed their bodies,
others their parents. Others, again reproached themselves with having refused grace, and not
avoided what they knew to be sinful. It was a medley of confused screams of rage and despair. I
was dragged through that kind of corridor, which seemed endless. Then I received a violent
punch which doubled me in two, and forced me into one of the niches. I felt as if I were being
pressed between two burning planks and pierced through and through with scorching needle
points. Opposite and beside me souls were blaspheming and cursing me. What caused me most
suffering . . . and with which no torture can be compared, was the anguish of my soul to find
myself separated from God. . . .

"It seemed to me that I spent long years in that hell, yet it lasted only six or seven hours. . . .
Suddenly I was violently pulled out of the niche, and I found myself in a dark place; after
striking me, the devil disappeared and left me free. . . . How can I describe my feelings on
realizing that I was still alive, and could still love God!

"I do not know what I am not ready to endure to avoid hell, in spite of my fear of pain. I see
clearly that all the sufferings of earth are nothing in comparison with the horror of no longer
being able to love, for in that place all breathes hatred and thirst to damn other souls."
Josefa Menendez 
'The Way of Divine Love'

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Militant Homosexual pro-abortionist feminists attack Christians defending cathedral

Buenos Aires,  Extremely disturbing video footage from Argentina shows a mob of feminists at a recent protest attacking and sexually molesting a group of Rosary-praying Catholic men who were peacefully protecting the cathedral in the city of San Juan from threats of vandalism.

The women, many of them topless, spray-painted the men’s crotches and faces and swastikas on their chests and foreheads, using markers to paint their faces with Hitler-like moustaches. They also performed obscene sexual acts in front of them and pushed their breasts onto their faces, all the while shouting “get your rosaries out of our ovaries.”

According to InfoCatolica, some of the women chanted a song, with the lyrics:
“To the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, who wants to get between our sheets, we say that we want to be gays, whores, transvestites  and lesbians. We want Legal abortion, on demand, in every hospital.” 

During the attack some men were visibly weeping, none of them retaliated against the abuses.  

Just as our Lord JESUS CHRIST said on the cross...Father forgive them they know not what they do..."

 These women and men have been duped to believe that being homosexual is natural.  They have been taught to surrender to every wanton fleshly pleasure that crosses their sick minds.   What they fail to see is that they have sold their souls to the devil for fleeting carnal pleasures.  They know not, that the weight of their sins have ETERNAL consequences.  If for just one second their eyes could be spiritually opened they would fall to their knees and beg GOD'S forgiveness. 

These men and women are not the enemies of Christianity. They are the lost sheep who need our prayers most.  Our Lord JESUS CHRIST died so that ALL may live.  I pray for the Fire of the HOLY SPIRIT to fall upon all of them and wake them before it is too late. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Power of Prayer

Bill Wiese author of '23 minutes in Hell' had a younger brother who rejected the Lord almost of his life.  Bill and many family members prayed for his younger brother's conversion, but it was their mother who diligently prayed for 40 years. 

Bill's younger brother just couldn't seem to grasp that GOD was real and that the Lord loved him. Many, too many count episodes of chain smoking, drinking, depression, financial hardships, marked the downward spiral of Bill's younger brothers tumultuous hard knock life.  Finally, having lost everything he had to move into his parents basement which was a degrading low point for Bill's younger brother.  The tight living conditions and lack of employment coupled with no finances increased stress levels for everyone. 

Bill's younger brother hid from the world and his problems in his parents basement.  He continued to drink and chain smoke ignoring his parent's advice and concern, his time in their basement instead of chastising pushed him even further into his apathy and addictions.   Bill's younger brother refused to change in his lifestyle.

Then, one day, unable to shake a serious cold and a constant ache in his chest he finally went to see a Doctor.  That was when he found out he had cancer of the liver, lungs, and throat.  Bill and the rest of his family prayed for him night and day.  They told him repeatedly that God could deliver and heal him if he would only open his heart and accept JESUS CHRIST as his Savior.

He did pray and accept Jesus as his Savior but he still refused to FULLY surrender to JESUS CHRIST as Lord over his ENTIRE life.  As he lay in the hospital bed both his body and his mind were riddled with despair.  As his body began to shut down his mom kept a vigil never leaving his side.  She was herculean in her angelic acre for her youngest son.  Around the clock she assailed heaven with non-stop prayers.  She knew the power of the Lord JESUS CHRIST, she knew that Almighty GOD loves her youngest son so much HE sent HIS only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST to die on the cross so that her youngest boy might live. 

Finally, the end came for him and in his last two days he slipped into a coma.  With his entire family by his bed side, hand in hand, matching prayer for prayer, they shook the gates of Heaven on his behalf.  His mom said, leading them on..."If he can't pray for himself then we will pray for him." And...pray they did, for 36 hours straight, taking a break only to get a sip of water or to use the rest room.  Then, it happened....

His body hanging on by a thread, deep in an unrecoverable coma, he suddenly bolted straight up and shouted from the depth of his being.....

“Thank you, Jesus!” 

With that he lay down and the heart monitor went silent.  Glory to Almighty GOD who NEVER lets the righteous go forsaken! JESUS CHRIST had heard the prayers of Bill, his devout mother, and the rest of the Wiese family.   An awesome miracle of eternal joy allowed Bill's younger brother to glorify our Father who art in Heaven by letting his mother, Bill, and the rest of the family know that he had finally surrendered his heart to Jesus.  BY his great joy Bill says he knows that our Lord answered his younger brothers cry by accepting him into the Kingdom of our Father in Heaven.


God is a loving and merciful Father.  Bill Wiese, his mother and the rest of the family never gave up believing that JESUS CHRIST hears our prayers and answers the righteous in due course. They never gave up and they never quit praying.  The Saint's of old called this praying through.  That is, praying, no matter how long, till you get an answer.  It may not be the answer we want, but it will be the answer that in GOD'S perfect eyes will be the best for us. 

Praise be to JESUS CHRIST who NEVER lets the righteous go forsaken...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ahn Ei Sook a Korean Saint

  This is a biography of a woman living in Korea (before Korea was divided into the North and South, and was under a Japanese occupation.), who was imprisoned in prison camps for her faith, refusing to bow down to Japanese idol worship.

Her life is filled with God's interventions, and her faith-filled decision to go to the parliament (Diet)of Japan to speak out against the injustice of persecution of Christians is truly inspiring.

She spoke out against the mighty Imperial Japanese Army at the height of it's powers and warned them that if they didn't turn from their FALSE shinto gods that the TRUE GOD of Heaven and Earth would judge Japan by Fire and Sulfur from the sky.  The Japanese laughed at her and arrested her, mocking her for her folly. After all, the Japanese ruled the entire pacific from China to Korea and all the Islands in between.  Even America in 1938 was afraid of the mighty Japanese Naval power.

Fast forward 7 years and the very parliament building where she warned the Japanese to turn from their idolatrous ways was burned to the ground by the American Air-force which fire bombed the entire city.  Then, just as GOD had spoke through Ahn E. Sook the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were vaporized by sulfurous fire from the sky.

When the word of GOD goes forth nothing can stand in it's way or alter its course!

Ahn E. Sook stood alone among thousands of kneeling people. Her bold defiance of the tyrannical demand to bow to pagan Japanese shrines condemned her to a living death in the filth and degradation of a Japanese prison. This brave woman remained faithful to Christ in the face of brutality, oppression, and ruthlessness of her captors. The story of how she won many of her fellow prisoners to Christ in the most deplorable conditions is an inspiration to all.

I just finished this book nearly in one sitting.  I could not put it down.  The sheer strength and determination of this tiny 90lb Korean Saint was mesmerizing.  Her weakness was overwhelming and she was terrified, yet she kept one tiny foot in front of the other and kept moving forward in GOD'S will.  She was unsure of herself, she worried, and felt the gripping hand on fear on her shoulder every day.  She KNEW that what she was called to do would end up with her in prison and most likely dead.  Yet, she pushed forward, sure that every turn the Japanese were going to kill her.

She accepted death in the service to our Lord JESUS CHRIST, but like most human beings it was the pain and torture that she feared most.  It was not that she sought to avoid hardship, it was the fear that during terrible physical suffering she would fail our Lord JESUS CHRIST. 

I recommend this book and more then that I recommend Ahn E. Sook as a role model for young ladies everywhere.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Stages Of Sin From St. Bernard Of Clairvaux

There are just times when a saint speaks and one is stunned by the insight, the piercing analysis, like a surgeon’s scalpel dividing diseased from healthy tissue. Such is a quote from St. Bernard that Ralph Martin references in his Book “The Fulfillment of all desires.”

In this quote Bernard analyzes the descent into the increasing darkness of sin experienced by those who do not turn back, who refuse to hear the call to repent. And not individuals only, but, I would argue, cultures too.

St. Bernard’s quote is powerful as only the truth of GOD can be... Here is the full quote:

If this cold once penetrates the soul when (as so often happens) the soul is neglectful and the spirit asleep and if no one (God forbid) is there to curb it, then it reaches into the soul’s interior, descends to the depths of the heart and the recesses of the mind, paralyzes the affections, obstructs the paths of counsel, unsteadies the light of judgment, fetters the liberty of the spirit, and soon – as appears to bodies sick with fever – a rigor of the mind takes over.

Vigor slackens, energies grow languid, repugnance for austerity increases, fear of poverty disquiets, the soul shrivels, grace is withdrawn, time means boredom, reason is lulled to sleep, the spirit is quenched, the fresh fervor wanes away, a fastidious lukewarmness weighs down, brotherly love grows cold, pleasure attracts, security is a trap, old habits return. Can I say more?

The law is cheated, justice is rejected, what is right is outlawed, the fear of the Lord is abandoned. Shamelessness finally gets free rein. There comes that rash leap, so dishonorable, so disgraceful, so full of ignominy and confusion; a leap from the heights into the abyss, from the court-yard to the dung-heap, from the throne to the sewer, from heaven to the mud, from the cloister to the world, from paradise to hell. (sermon 63.6b on the Song of Songs, The Fox in the Vineyard).

Translated into more modern language By: ...

1. If this cold once penetrates the soul when (as so often happens) the soul is neglectful and the spirit asleep - For it too easily happens that we are morally or spiritually asleep. And this provides doorways for the evil one, for the world, the flesh, and the devil. Jesus warns, Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matt 26:41). And yet we love to sleep. We also love to anesthetize ourselves with alcohol, drugs, and other diversions. Jesus says in one of the parables that he sowed good seed in his field, But while everyone was sleeping, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away (Matt 13:25). We love to sleep. Bad stuff happens when we are spiritually and morally asleep.

2. And if no one (God forbid) is there to curb it, then it reaches into the soul’s interior, descends to the depths of the heart and the recesses of the mind - If we are smart, we walk in spiritual company with the Church, and with close spiritual friends and spiritual leaders in the Church. Even if, at times we get sleepy, they rouse us and warn us. But too many do not do this and if they pray at all they are lone rangers and many drift from or discount the voice of the Church and family members. Thus, in our weakness there is no one, by our own fault, to warn us, or if some one does, we ignore or ridicule them. Thus the darkness of sin reaches deeper into our interior.

3. Paralyzes the affections, - our desires being to go awry first. Our desire for spiritual things is shutting down.

4. Obstructs the paths of counsel, The darkness of sin makes good counsel seem difficult at first, obnoxious later. For example, one may begin to wonder, “Why does it matter if I go to Mass or not? What’s the big deal….Why is looking at a little porn so bad….why is the Church so “uptight” about stuff?”

5. Unsteadies the light of judgment - Severed from good counsel our judgments become poor and self serving.

6. fetters the liberty of the spirit - The (human) spirit is that part of us that opens us to God, that delights in the truth and in goodness. But as the flesh begins to dominate, the spirit’s influence is diminished and its “liberty” to move within us to draw us to the good, true and beautiful, is hindered.

7. And soon – as appears to bodies sick with fever – a rigor of the mind takes over: – Our thoughts become distorted, stinking thinking begins to masquerade as sensible. As St. Paul says of the Gentiles of his time that, having suppressed the truth, they became futile in their thinking, and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools (Rom 1:21-22)

8. Vigor slackens - What was once virtuous, i.e. a good habit and easy to do, now seems hard and one lacks strength or vigor to do good.

9. Energies grow languid - Without the enthusiasm of an alive spirit infused with grace we begin to lack the energy to do what is good and right. It all seems so much harder, so much effort!

10. Repugnance for austerity increases - As the spirit goes more into a coma and the flesh becomes more demanding, any limits to pleasure make us wince and get angry. It is almost like a gluttony wherein  the stomach is stretched and must have a bigger meal each time to satisfy. Never, satisfied, the flesh demands more and more, and any notion of limits causes anger and avoidance.

11. Fear of poverty disquiets The more we get, the more we have to lose and the less secure we feel. The world and the flesh now have in their grip through fear. Poverty is freeing, but wealth enslaves. You can’t steal from a man who has nothing to lose, you can’t intimidate him. But a rich person, a person rooted in the world has too much to lose and is thus disquieted by even the most benign of threats. The laborer’s sleep is sweet, whether he has eaten little or much; but the rich man’s wealth will not let him sleep at all. (Eccles  4:11)

12. The soul shrivels - Just as any part of the body which is underused begins to atrophy (weaken and shrink) so too the soul and its faculties, increasingly unused, recede, grow weak and go dormant.

13. Grace is withdrawn - as sin grows serious, now mortal sin robs the soul of graces.

14. Time means boredom - without spiritual insight, boredom is sure to follow. Nothing has real meaning. Even the delights of the flesh, now so demanded, fail to satisfy. Scripture says regarding a soul in this state: All things are wearisome; Man is not able to tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor is the ear filled with hearing. That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun (Eccles 1:8-9)

15. Reason is lulled to sleep - foolish thinking is not seen for what it is. One cannot follow the path of simple logic or reason because the flesh feel threatened by it. Sins of the flesh are not the most serious of sins (sins of the spirit are) but they are the most disgraceful because of their capacity to cloud the mind.

16. The spirit is quenched - The human spirit becomes increasingly dead.

17. The fresh fervor wanes away - Even good days, spiritually speaking are fewer and fewer.

18. A fastidious lukewarmness weighs down - one actually begins to cultivate mediocrity, compromise and to celebrate it as open-minded, tolerant and avoiding “extremes.”

19. Brotherly love grows cold - Was it Camus or Sartre who said, “Hell is other people.” Yes, sin is growing very deep now, the world is closing in on an increasingly petty object: “Me.”

20. Pleasure attracts - It always has, but now inordinately and with greater and greater power.

21. Security is a trap - In other words it is a lie. This world is a thief. It takes back everything, no matter what the John Hancock Insurance Co. says. But increasingly the sinful soul prefers lies to truth, even knowing deep down that they are lies.

22. Old habits return - If one had made progress in virtue, now it erodes.

23. Can I say more? The law is cheated In other words, legalism and minimalism becomes a tactic. One seeks the “least expensive” interpretation of everything, parses words, and uses every trick to see how the clearly manifest will of God is either not clear, does not apply or how it can be observed in the most perfunctory of ways. One will often collect experts to tickle their ears. Whatever it takes to cheat the law, skirt the edges and reinterpret clear norms.

24. Justice is rejected After cheating the law the next step down is just to reject it outright. The person does not care what God says. They now begin to exult the imperial autonomous self saying in effect that they will do what they want and they will decide if it is right or wrong.

25. What is right is outlawed, - next comes trying to outlaw others from proclaiming the truth. Call what they say “hate speech” fine them, arrest them make them answer in court. Banish the truth from schools and the public square. Demonize and criminalize all possible ways of proclaiming the truth.

26. The fear of the Lord is abandoned - The delusion that one will never face consequences of judgement for what they do is embraced. They will answer to God, but they deny it and are permitted a very deep delusion that they will never have to answer for what they do.

27. Shamelessness finally gets free rein Things that ought to cause shame, and used to do so are now celebrated. Scripture laments them saying, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them (Rom 1:32). The celebration of sin, even the exultation of it as virtue shows that the darkness is now complete, the fall reaches as cracking and crushing thud. St Bernard describes it this way:
Make no mistake, there is no life in sin, no matter how sexy it is, no matter how good it makes you feel. 

Sin is Death

To often you hear, but I love her she completes me. I'm proud to be a Lesbian...

Sin is Death

We are all gods and we have to answer to no one but ourselves...

Sin is Death

Men should be allowed to marry other men and sleep with as many men as they desire...

Sin is Death  

There is no life in death, no love in hell, there is only eternal separation from GOD

Sin is Death