Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Doubting Man Gets Healed By God


 Roy Davidson's stomach ulcers caused had caused him intense decades long searing pain.  The Doctors had told Roy that even if somehow medicine could heal Roy's ulcers that the scar tissue left behind would continue to make him suffer for the rest of his life.  More then one Doctor told Roy that medical science could not cure him.   Resigned, to a life time of pain Roy did his best to endure the daily agony of bleeding ulcers.   Though, a believer in JESUS CHRIST, Roy really didn't believe that GOD, who was busy running the Universe, would take time out of HIS busy schedule to come and heal him. 

It was  during a mission trip to Haiti to assist after the terrible earthquake that Roy's severe abdominal pain became crippling.   O this mission trip to Haiti were Godly men who KNEW that JESUS CHRIST not only had the power to heal, but that HE wanted to offer that healing power to any who would Faithfully ask for it.  The pain in Haiti had become so bad that the local Haitian Doctors informed Roy that he might no make it.   Having no other options Roy had to decide whether he could trust God to heal him through Spirit-filled men he barely knew.

I can tell you from personal experience that sometimes GOD lets us get backed into a corner with no options left, so that we might finally turn to HIM and cry out with our whole heart.    Too often,  we forget that JESUS CHRIST is the Divine Son of GOD and when HE says that by HIS stripes we are healed HE means it.   JESUS CHRIST meant what he said when HE said..."Ask my FATHER in my name and you shall receive."  Our Lord JESUS CHRIST wants very much to bless you.  It is NOT that HE is with holding your blessing it usually is the case that we don't have the faith to ask, because we erroneously believe that GOD won't answer our prayer.

 Another faulty thought process is that.."Well, the Doctors say there is no hope for me.  That I am incurable."  We tend to believe what the Doctors tell us.  What you have to remember that JESUS CHRIST is not a Doctor with limited human abilities. 

JESUS CHRIST has been given ALL AUTHORITY in Heaven and on Earth.  There is nothing, no miracle too big, no request too small that JESUS cannot fill.  In Heaven there are Angels who's only job is to deliver eye popping, jaw dropping, fall over backward miracles.  The funny thing is when the Angels drop off these one in a million miracles they are often let down, because they know that the miracle of the century down here on earth are common practice in the Kingdom of Holy Spirit Believers.

In fact the Angels often turn to the instantly healed believers and ask them..."WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK FOR MORE!"  Almighty GOD is all about the MORE!  GOD hung the stars in the sky, he put the mountains in place, he spoke the universe into existence. Do you really think he can't cure cancer, polio, diabetes, aids, drug addiction, alcoholism,  or another "ISIM" that you can throw at HIM?

Our FATHER who art in Heaven sent HIS only begotten SON so that you and I can be FREE from sin, sickness, diseases, poverty, depression, and the kicker's FREE for the asking.  I am not kidding!  You don't have to log on to some crappy government website that breaks down, there are no forms to fill out, no restrictions, no credit approval, nope, nada, zip...

All you have to so is ask JESUS CHRIST to be your Savior and HE will do the rest.   You know who NOW knows that this is true?   Roy Davidson.  He was cured of an incurable illness that almost killed him.  Modern medicine had nothing for him. The Doctors had given up on him.   Even Roy had given up.  You know who didn't give up?


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