Friday, January 17, 2014

There are no 2nd Chances in HELL

During an intense prayer time Michael Yeager prayed to be sent to HELL so that he could understand eternal damnation.   To Michael this experience was physical and real. When GOD allowed it to happen Michael didn't understand that what was happening was occurring, not in the natural, but in the spirit.

When Micheal's prayer was answered with out any warning the floor of his room ripped open, and he fell into hell for over two hours!  The one thing he came away with was the fact that there are no 2nd chances in hell.  There is no love in hell.  There is only eternal torment and regret.  I pray that this NEVER happens to you my brothers and Sisters. 

Cry our to JESUS CHRIST while there is still time!   The clock is ticking, the hour is late...

May GOD Bless You All...

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