Friday, January 17, 2014

The Prophets of GOD are coming II

Not to call an immoral action sinful; is to hate your brother and condemn him to an eternal death.

The most loving and compassionate thing we can do is to help people to turn away from sin. Because SIN is DEATH and Sinful behavior leads to a slow downward spiral into darkness.  Better to offend a loved one while they are alive, those who are headed for certain destruction, rather than mourn them after they are dead.  Love is being able to speak the truth no matter how politically incorrect it sounds.  Love is caring about the person so much that you are willing to offend them.  Love is the willingness to say NO, to speak the truth, to stand on the word of GOD.  JESUS CHRIST didn’t come into the world to preach a feel good prosperity gospel where everyone has 3 houses and 2 Cadillac’s in the drive way.

JESUS CHRIST said…“Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, BUT A SWORD! “For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; and A MAN’S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD…” Matthew 10:34 NKJ

You know why HE said that…Because, the word of GOD, which is TRUTH, cuts to the bone and people who are living in Sin do not in any way want someone to shine a light into their darkness.   

It's okay to say Homosexuality is WRONG!  

It's okay to say that Abortion is MURDER!

Its okay to say Adultery is WRONG

It's okay to disagree with popular opinion

It's okay to be different, to stand up, to STAND OUT!

 To ignore another person’s wrongful actions is a sign of apathy or indifference.  Not warning your loved ones because you fear offending them is cowardliness of the worst order.   Those loved ones when they are standing at the edge of the eternal lake of fire will turn to you looking down from Heaven and ask..."Why didn't you stop me? Why didn't you warn me?"  What will you say to them as they disappear screaming into the fires of HELL?   What will an eternity in Heaven be like without those you love?  

The call to repentance is at the heart of the Gospel.  JESUS CHRIST Himself proclaimed to all who would listen... “The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the Good News” (Mark 1:15).

The Good News is that God’s mercy and forgiveness extend to those who repent. 

The Blood of JESUS CHRIST cleanses ALL Unrighteousness!!!  Not some, not a little, but ALL Unrighteousness!!!

GOD'S Divine Mercy is that HE loves us so much, that HE sent HIS Only Begotten Son, to call the world to repentance.  Our Lord JESUS CHRIST did not come into the world to judge it, but to save it.  Sometimes, to save the patient you have to cut deep into the infection and rip out that which is cancerous and festering.  Only then, after removing the sin in someone life can the real healing process begins.

Believe me when I tell you….I do not stand here before you as a self-righteous saint who has achieved spiritual perfection, but as a wretched, low life, sinner, who, on death's door step cried out to JESUS. Never believing that HE would want anything to do with the likes of me or even answer a miserable loser like myself.  To my complete surprise JESUS CHRIST answered my cry with open arms.  HE said in an audible voice..."Come to me there is no pain or suffering in me..."  

He forgave me my sins, even the ones I couldn't find it in my heart to forgive myself.  Even the worst of my low life behavior was forgiven.  The Blood of JESUS CHRIST was the only thing in this universe which had the power to remove the heavy weight I toiled under each day. 

And now each day the healing proceeds, one day into the next the light of GOD’S love finding a new foothold in my life and the darkness that once ruled completely.   Like Daniel being pulled from the Lion pit, the early morning sun declaring GOD'S protection during the night.  My Life, bit by bit turns from the dark night of the soul to the eternal day where the SON of GOD rules inside of me in peace and happiness. 

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