Monday, January 20, 2014

Pastor David Jones Witnesses the Awesome and Terrifying "The Day of the Lord" Jones is a Praise and Worship Leader, Author, Visionary, Father and a Preacher who has served in ministries for over 25 years, 10 of those years pastoring a church. In 2012, God moved the ministry to Charlotte North Carolina where David now resides with his wife and three children.

David is especially well-known for his energetic praise and worship and being a man in pursuit of God’s heart. As he leads his people into praise and worship, God’s presence manifests, deliverance, healing and salvation begin to take place. When David preaches the Word of God, it is uncompromised and comes forth with a heavy anointing, with authority and with power. Angels are manifesting while supernatural miracles of healings and deliverances are taking place. Souls are being saved by the power of God.

 "And in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come." Joel 2:28-32 NKJ

This is the first preacher who has seen the awesome power of the LORD as I have personally witnessed.  Today, the word of GOD in popular culture spews from the mouths of 'feel good, prosperity preaching pastors, priests, bishops, archbishops, and any other title the diamond ring wearing wolves in sheep clothing   care to give themselves.  Sin and all that sin encompasses is far from the lips of men who VAINLY preach like false gods over churches of thousands.  These are the same prosperity preaches who feel that life should be about money, nice cars, dressing well, and having ALL that the god of this world promises.  

My questions is..."What happens when the Almighty GOD who struck the world with a flood, ending all life, except for 1 family, comes calling?  Will that new car, big house, and 3rd wife hide you from the face of the LORD which is like a burning SUN?   Men will claw their eyes out when the LORD of Hosts appears with eyes like fire and a voice that shakes the mountain tops.  People will run too and fro but they will not be able to hide from the face of the eternal GOD.  

Who will stand with the preachers, pastors, and priests when the LORD of HEAVEN asks..."What have you done for the least of my people?"  On the great and terrible day of the LORD no one will want to be to near those men and women who made themselves rich off of the backs of poor hardworking Christians.

The HOLY SPIRIT will shine with Holy Fire and mens hearts will fail them as GOD begins to mark iniquity.  No flesh will glorify itself on the great and terrible day of the LORD.  No one will brag or boast when JESUS CHRIST brings forth the eternal scales of Divine Justice. His Holy and Righteous judgement will be as a a blast furnace upon those who made a living leading GOD'S people astray.  On that fateful day money, fame, power, wealth, social status, religious affiliation, will be unable to hide a man's heart from the HOLY all seeing eyes of the living GOD.    No one will be able to make amends, or give false testimony when Almighty GOD stands upon the earth with the Heavenly hosts at HIS back and an iron rod in HIS hand.     

The birds of the air will rejoice on that day because they will feast on the flesh of all the unrepentant sinners of the earth.  Men will cry out..."Please give me another chance, I thought I had more time", but the end of time has come, like a thief in the night.

GOD is offering YOU the same Divine grace right now!  At this very moment you have the chance to surrender your life to GOD through HIS Divine Son JESUS CHRIST. 

"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul..." Matthew 16:26


  1. I have waited over 40 years and sometimes feel foolish because events have ALWAYS seemed to be drawing close to the end, but Jesus has still not come, people have had dreams, picked up hitch-hikers that vanished, heard shofars...all for over 40 years and nothing. It always seems soon.

  2. Is there anyway to get in touch with pastor jones it is important. My email is

  3. Pastor David Jones
    20201 Kingsland Blvd
    Katy, TX 77450 - View Map
    Phone: (832) 863-5927

  4. I high appreciate this post. It’s hard to find the good from the bad sometimes, but I think you’ve nailed it! would you mind updating your blog with more information? Antpodes Night Cream
