Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Jesus Rescued Christina From the pit of Hell

Christina Maxwell died in the hospital as far away from GOD as a person can be.  She died and went down into the pit of hell where human beings are drowning in lakes of boiling hot lava.  In Hell Christina was overwhelmed by the horror and the suffering she saw all around her.  She begged GOD to do something but this only made the demons laugh at her.  Finally in a desperation attempt she cried out to the only name under Heaven and earth that can save men from eternal hell fire...That being the name of the Divine Son of Almighty GOD...JESUS CHRIST.

When Christina called upon the name of JESUS CHRIST the demons quaked in fear.  Only by the Divine mercy of the Lord was Christina given a 2nd chance.  The one single thing that Christina took away from this terrifying experience was that the ONLY way to Heaven is through the shed blood of our Savior JESUS CHRIST.  Christina learned that there are NOT multiple ways to heaven, there are NOT many paths to salvation.  There is only one path, only one way, only one name under Heaven which can save men's souls...it is known to those who wish to one day see our Father who art in Heaven...


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