Wednesday, April 2, 2014

St. Francis of Assisi's meeting with Sultan Al-Kamil in 1219


St. Francis of Assisi because of his world renowned celebrated Holiness was asked by the great Muslim leader, Sultan Al-Kamil in 1219, for an audience.  This meeting occurred sometime during the Fifth Crusade.

Sultan Al-Kamil, having some familiarity with the old testament, due to his dealings with Jewish traders, wanted to test the wisdom of St. Francis.  The Muslim warlord confronted St. Francis of Assisi with passages from the Sermon on the Mount, words spoken by our Savior JESUS CHRIST, recorded in the Gospel of St. Matthew.  The passage says:

"Verily,  I say to you not to resist evil with evil. If one strikes thee on thy right cheek, turn to him also the left cheek. And if a man will contend with thee in judgment, for thy coat, give him your shirt also." (Matthew 5: 39-40.)
The Warlord asked Francis why, in the light of this teaching of Jesus, should Crusaders be invading the lands of the Muslims? Since the passage teaches “turning the other cheek” and repaying evil with good, the sultan was contending that there was no justification for the Crusader invasions, even though he knew that the Muslims had taken the land by force from the Christians centuries earlier. 


 Once again the response of Francis surprised Sultan al-Kamil. St Francis pointed out that the sultan had not completely studied the Gospel, and pointed out to the king the words Jesus had spoken earlier in the same discourse:  

"And if thy right eye scandalize thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee. For it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather than that thy whole body be cast into hell. And if thy right hand scandalize thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather than that thy whole body be cast into hell." (Matthew 5: 29-30.)
Francis then proceeded to impart a distinctive interpretation to these lines, by referring them to those who attempt to turn Christians away from their faith and love of God. The sultan was as dear to him as his own eye, he admitted to the potentate. 
ANYONE that pulls us away from our Faith in JESUS CHRIST, must at all costs, whether they be family, friends, co-worker, boss, job, government, etc. must be removed, over come, expelled, defeated, or even annihilated... so that our faith, our salvation is secure. 

In response to the Muslim Warlord, St. Francis of Assisi said “ . . . it is not only just but a Divine blessing that Christians invade the land you inhabit.”  
After all, your Muslim warriors seek to deny salvation to all those whom they spread the lie of islam too.  Not only that but you and your muslim warriors blaspheme the only name under Heaven which has the power to save men's souls.
Now, IF,  the sultan and his people were to seek the wisdom of the HOLY SPIRIT and in doing, come to recognize, confess, and adore the Divine Son of Almighty GOD, the Creator and Redeemer of all mankind then the Crusades would be in error. 

Our invasion of your lands in the name of JESUS CHRIST and HIS Holy Church, is a testament to GOD'S love for his lost children.   No one is outside of the saving grace of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.  We come not to conquer but to see that you and your people are set free from the lie of islam.  


  1. Both men were seeking peace. No one knows the content of their conversation. Please do not publish your own agenda as fact.

  2. The Fact is St Francis was offering the truth and eternal life. The Muslim Warlord was in error by believing the false lie of islam. The conversation has been recorded and written about both by Christian historians and Islamic scholars. So, don't let your preconceived liberal fallacies cloud your reason. Jesus Christ is the fount of all Life, period.
