Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jewish Atheist meets Face to Face with God

Freedom ministries' Igor Ashkinazi, a Jewish man and former atheist, shares his testimony of a supernatural encounter with God. This is an incredible story of a man who didn't believe in GOD.  He lived his whole life a non-practicing Jew.  He traveled from Russia to America and landed in New Orleans. He built up a very successful career of training young American Jewish gymnasts at the New Orleans Jewish Community Center.  

He was doing very well and was well respected till he tried drugs for the 1st time.  6 months later he quit his job moved to Los Angeles because he did not want any of his students to see him in such a bad state of addiction.  It was then. at 3am, sick from doing drugs non-stop for days on end that GOD came knocking on his door.  Never forget the Jews, while they missed the Messiah, are GOD'S chosen people.  Which is why GOD is leading the Apple of HIS eye, to HIS Divine Son JESUS CHRIST.  

 This story is really a wonderful story...

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