Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Shaman's Testimony about Meeting the One True GOD

Through my studies I have heard about testimonies from Shaman in the Mexcian peninsula.  After hearing a short testimony I wanted to look further into ways in which the devil ensnares indigenous peoples.  The devil will always set traps which seem innocuous.  That is how the devil, masquerading as a jungle spirit, fooled Chief Shoefoot into letting demons make a home. 

As a young man Chief Shoefoot was trained to be a Yanamamo Shaman or witch doctor. Unknowing, of what he was doing, Shoefoot invited multiple spirits into his "chest."  The lie the devil told him was that this was to equip him to heal and lead his people.

Shoefoot said after he let the spirits in that you feel fear and a sense the utter hoplessness.  This horrible feeling of constant inescapable fear dominated him night and day with no letting up. Many times Shoefoot wanted to die, to escape the mental and spiritual torment.  He was sure that death was far preferable to this unending nightmare which he was helpless to stop.

Then, one day he heard about a neighboring tribe and in that tribe one of the young men training to be a Shaman came into contact with a white man.  This white man was a Christian missionary who came to the jungle to bring the light of the Holy Spirit.  When Shoefoot heard about this white man and that he professed that his GOD was more powerful then all the jungle spirits combined, Shoefoot went to meet with him.

It was then that he discovered the living, breathing,  Holy GOD and this changed his destiny from death into LIFE!

This video is such a HUGE blessing to see  and hear the living power of God compared to the power of the enemy even in our strongholds.   I and Shoefoot ask you to please pray about setting free the rest of the Yanamamo tribe and every other tribe that is in bondage to the devil.

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