Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Whom do you Serve

Many people, thanks to the mind washing of liberal media, have the attitude: that it is their birthright not to be troubled or offended in any way by something people might say or believe.  Any preacher who claims to represent God and dares to interject that sinful behavior has consequences is often shunned and avoided.  

The “God, most modern Christians worship” would never trouble them. Joel Osteen would have JESUS CHRIST be their life coach and therapist but not the Righteous and just judge.  The GOD of Benny Hinn is a magical Vegas slot machine which pours out finical rewards every time you pray. 

You can forget ever mentioning the literally thousands of verses from Scripture in which Jesus himself speaks sternly and warns of sin, death, judgment, and Hell.  Most Sunday Christians will have none of it, and are certain that “the Jesus they know,” would never raise his voice at them or challenge them even for a moment. The friendly, non-offensive, non-judgmental, pro gay, pro abortion GOD of the modern American mega-church fits in your pocket and when ever you need him you just pull him out rub his belly and manna just falls from the sky.

Having to do to anything remotely uncomfortable is just not in the Scriptures that Joel Osteen reads( He doesn't call it a BIBLE cause he doesn't want to offend the Gay-Muslims)

As for speaking about anything even remotely resembling a devil is simply out of the question.  Creflo Dollar  doesn't want to offend the Hollywood types(after all whats a Mega-Church without a few celebrities).  The absolutely absurd idea that the Lord JESUS CHRIST would summon us to battle, or ask us to choose sides, seems strangely foreign, intolerant, and compassionate.

Modern conceptions not only distort GOD but they downplay, if not ignore entirely the presence and influence of Satan. This is the same idea that if we Christians are nice to blood thirsty muslims and give them everything they want MAYBE they will cease trying to slaughter us.  So, with this ridiculous concept, which is paraded around Washington by liberals, the modern Christian mind set is if we cease fighting against Satan, he will stop being mean to us.  He might even be willing to have peace talks with us and come over for tea some time.

This dogma of the modern, mega-church is this...Please forgive us for being Christians...The BIBLE offends us too...In fact we don't even read it and we certainly don't have any offensive crosses in our ALL inclusive church...We follow Rick Warren who wrote a new BIBLE in which he removed any verses from that old outdated homo-phobic BIBLE that we found so offensive...  We're modern Christians who embrace all religions... The purpose driven life is entirely  based on feel good, morally irresponsible, spineless religion.  It has no relation to the GOD of the BIBLE, to the Son of GOD who was nailed to a cross so that HIS shed blood could save us ALL from our sins.   

Jesus called consistently for prayerful, sober vigilance against the powers of evil and sin. Like it or not, we are in a battle. Either we will soberly and vigilantly undertake the battle, or we will be conquered and led off like sheep to the slaughter.

Despite what modern mega-churches would like to eliminate, TRUE Christianity has been a militant religion since its inception. Jesus was exposed to every kind of danger from the beginning. Herod sought his life; Satan tried to tempt him in the desert; many enemies plotted on all sides as he worked his public ministry, misrepresenting him, levying false charges, and conspiring to sentence him to death, and eventually even succeeding though only for a moment.

Jesus told us UPFRONT that the world would hate us (Luke 21:17; John 15:20); that in this world we would have tribulation (Jn 16:33), and that we should watch and pray lest we give way to temptation (Matt 26:41). He summons us to persevere to the end if we would be saved (Mk 13:13). Jesus rather vividly described the kind of struggle with which we live when he said From the time of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force (Matthew 11:12). Indeed, no Christian until the time that Jesus returns, can consider himself on leave or dismissed from this great spiritual battle, from this great drama that we exist in, this battle between good and evil.

OFFENSIVE or not, we are in a life and death FIGHT for our very Souls... Earth is ground zero for a war which spans the first and second Heaven.  If you ever want to see Heaven, our Home, you must be willing to choose sides and fight with the Lord JESUS CHRIST for the Kingdom of God.  Because, when the Awesome and Terrible Day of the Lord falls upon us we will either be gathered as children of the One True GOD or we will be scattered into the blast furnace with the devil where the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever. 

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