Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hell Pictures---A Trip To Hell (Full version)

이 지옥 영상은 한국에서 열린 '지옥전'에 관심을 갖고 계시던 분들에 의해 유투브로 처음 소개 되었고 그 영상을 바탕으로 재구성 되었습니다.

This video about the Hell was first debuted by those who were interested in the 'Hell' exhibition in korea. And it was remade on the base of those videos.
우리는 이 그림들의 원작자로서 더 생생하고 현장감 있게 지옥에 대해 알리라는 주님의 응답을 받아 새롭게 영상을 제작하게 되었습니다.

We are the original artists of these drawings. We heard a voice of the Lord telling us that we need to let everyone know about the Hell much more clearly and vividly, so we remade this video.

천국과 지옥에 가서 비디오를 찍어서 가지고 오지 못하니 못 본 자들을 위해서 화가들을 통해 주님께서 그림으로 보여주는 것입니다.

A video of Heaven or Hell cannot be recorded and brought back so the Lord showed what they are like through these artists.
지금 보실 그림들은 다양한 지옥의 실제 현장을 그림으로 표현한 것들입니다.

The paintings you are about to see are actual scenes from the various parts of Hell that are expressed through these paintings.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Jesus Stops Man from killing entire Family

Young Moon Park. This is the most incredible testimony of heaven and hell. Park was a gang member when he was in his 20s and 30s in South Korea. He spent time for 100 days in prison due to getting drunk and riding his motorcycle in the 1980s. When he got out of prison, his wife asked him for a divorce. He was so mad at his in-law's that he planned to kill them all (8 people) and commit suicide. He had an encounter with Jesus and Jesus took him to heaven and hell the night he tried to kill them all. This experience changed his life completely.

Muhammad performed no miracles

Elijah on Mount Carmel

22 Then Elijah said to them, “I am the only one of the Lord’s prophets left, but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets. 23 Get two bulls for us. Let Baal’s prophets choose one for themselves, and let them cut it into pieces and put it on the wood but not set fire to it. I will prepare the other bull and put it on the wood but not set fire to it. 24 Then you call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord. The god who answers by fire—he is God.”

Then all the people said, “What you say is good.”

25 Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, “Choose one of the bulls and prepare it first, since there are so many of you. Call on the name of your god, but do not light the fire.” 26 So they took the bull given them and prepared it.

Then they called on the name of Baal from morning till noon. “Baal, answer us!” they shouted. But there was no response; no one answered. And they danced around the altar they had made.

27 At noon Elijah began to taunt them. “Shout louder!” he said. “Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.” 28 So they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed. 29 Midday passed, and they continued their frantic prophesying until the time for the evening sacrifice. But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention.

30 Then Elijah said to all the people, “Come here to me.” They came to him, and he repaired the altar of the Lord, which had been torn down. 31 Elijah took twelve stones, one for each of the tribes descended from Jacob, to whom the word of the Lord had come, saying, “Your name shall be Israel.” 32 With the stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord, and he dug a trench around it large enough to hold two seahs[a] of seed. 33 He arranged the wood, cut the bull into pieces and laid it on the wood. Then he said to them, “Fill four large jars with water and pour it on the offering and on the wood.”

34 “Do it again,” he said, and they did it again.

“Do it a third time,” he ordered, and they did it the third time. 35 The water ran down around the altar and even filled the trench.

36 At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: “Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. 37 Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.”

38 Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench.

39 When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried...

“The Lord-he is God! The Lord—he is God!”

When confronted with the LIVING GOD the false prophet Mohammad and his moon god allah are just like the fake god baal, they are powerless before the GOD of Heaven and Earth....    

The false prophet Mohammad performed no miracles, spoke no prophecies, and died like all mortal men.

Muslims have no hope of being saved - because nowhere in the Quran does Allah offer redemption.  Muhammad himself was unsure if he would ever be allowed into Heaven 

Allah is in fact a Meccan Moon god idol. To confess that Allah is god is the same as confessing that the Devil is god!

Jihad martyrs are pumped up with grand illusions which will result in eternal Hell Fire

And what reward does Paradise bring to the jihad martyr? He is promised a palace of pearls in which are 70 mansions; inside each mansion are 70 houses and in each house a bed on which are 70 sheets and on each sheet a beautiful virgin. He is assured that he will have the appetite and strength of 100 men for food and sex. 

This is the fantastic dream that is fed to poor Muslim boys who to the radical leaders of Islam are expendable.  Why is the leaders of Islam NEVER strap bomb belts on themselves?  Because, even they don't believe the filthy lies they are peddling.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Islam is a lie form the Pit of HELL (Part 2)



Muhammad had a psychological obsession with urine and feces. In fact, he spent a great deal of time teaching on where, when, and how to urinate and defecate.

He was so obsessed with the subject that he taught that if someone got urine on his clothes or body, they suffered hellfire in the afterlife!

'One of the major sins is not to protect oneself [one's clothes and body] from one's urine [i.e., from being soiled with it]. Once the Prophet, while passing one of the grave-yards of Medina or Mecca, heard the voices of two persons being tortured in their graves.'

'The Prophet then added, '''Yes! [they are being tortured for a major sin]. Indeed, one of them never saved himself from being soiled with his urine' (vol. 1, chap. 57, no. 215).

According to vol. 2, no. 443, Muhammad said that people are tortured in hellfire because they soil themselves with urine.

Yet, at the same time, Muhammad ordered people to drink camel urine mixed in milk as medicine!
'So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of camels and to drink their milk and urine' [as a medicine] (vol. 1, no. 234).

The rules for urination and defecation are as follows:
1. You must not face Mecca when urinating or defecating (vol. 1, nos. 146, 147, 150, 151).
2. You must not use your right hand to hold or wipe yourself (vol. 1, nos. 155, 156).
3. You must wash your privates after going to the bathroom (vol. 1, nos. 152, 153, 154, 157).


Muhammad taught many things which seem to the modern reader to be patently absurd. Some of his beliefs were so far out that no one today could possibly accept or defend them. Yet, we recognize that sincere Muslims must do so or give up their claim that he was Allah's Apostle.

We understand their difficulty. How can they defend the indefensible? How can they justify what is so obviously absurd? This is the crux of the matter. 

The following teachings of Muhammad are a partial list of some of the strange things he taught to his disciples.


In Hadith no. 543, vol. 4, we read,
'The Prophet said, '''Allah created Adam, making him 60 cubits tall.'''
This would make Adam around 90 ft. tall! Was Adam really as tall as a three-story building? How tall was Eve? And their children? And why are we not that tall? How could he stand if he were that heavy? Does not the science of human anatomy tell us that Adam could not have been 60 cubits tall? What Muslim is prepared to defend Muhammad's 90 ft. Adam?

If a fly falls into your cup, do not worry about it because Muhammad said that while one wing has the disease, the other has the antidote. So drink up (vol. 4, no. 537).

Angels will not enter a house if a dog is there according to vol. 4, no. 539. Thus Hadith no. 540, vol. 4, reads,'''Allah's Apostle ordered that the dogs should be killed.'''

Dog lovers would not make good Muslims.


Muhammad claimed that Gabriel gave him the secret as to why a child looks like its father or its mother. This answer was given to prove that Muhammad was Allah's Apostle.

He declared,

'As for the resemblance of the child to its parents: If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets a discharge first, the child will resemble the father, and if the woman gets her discharge first, the child will resemble her.'

What modern Muslim is prepared to prove that one's 'discharge' and not genetics is the key to the physical characteristics of one's children?


The stars were created by Allah as missiles to throw at the devils, according to Muhammad in vol. 2, chap. 3, p. 282. Astronomers should be interested in this doctrine of Muhammad.


Muhammad commanded everyone to have a will when he himself failed to make one.

'I asked Adullah bin Abu Aufa, '''Did the Prophet make a will?''' He replied, '''No.''' I asked him, '''How is it then that the making of a will has been enjoined on people?''' (vol. 4, nos. 3,4).


The jinn or spirits eat dung and bones according to Muhammad (vol. 5, no. 200)! This bit of information is as far out as one can go.


Muhammad had no assurance of salvation.

'The Prophet said, '''By Allah, though I am the Apostle of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do to me''' (vol. 5, no. 266).


Muhammad agreed to the murder of a man through lies and deceit (vol. 5, no. 369). He evidently did not believe in the sanctity of truth or life.


The angel Gabriel has 600 wings according to Muhammad (vol. 6, no. 380).


Muhammad would suck in water up his nose and then blow it out because,
'Satan stays in the upper part of the nose all night' (vol. 4, no. 516).

I have yet to find a single Muslim who will defend this strange doctrine and practice of Muhammad.


Muhammad believed that a fever when sick was from the heat of hell.

'The Prophet said, '''Fever is from the heat of the [Hell] fire, so cool it with water''' ) vol. 4, nos. 483-486).

All sorts of questions come to mind when you really think about this doctrine of Muhammad.

Noah's Ark appeared and floated in front of their eyes (vol. 6, no. 391, chap. 288). How or why this happened we are not told.


Muhammad's followers fought over who would get the dirty water left over from his washings. They would smear it on their bodies or drink it to secure a magical blessing from it (vol. 1, nos. 187, 188).


Even more gross was the practice of Muhammad spitting into the hands of his followers so they could smear his saliva on their faces!

'By Allah, whenever Allah's Apostle spitted, the spittle would fall in the hand of one of them [i.e., the Prophet's companions] who would rub it on his face and skin' (vol. 3, no. 891).

It was in this light that we can understand why Muhammad smeared dead bodies with his spit (vol. 2, nos. 360, 433).


Satan urinates into the ears of those who fall asleep during prayers (vol. 2, no. 245).


According to Muhammad, if you commit the sin of 'hadith' (the passing of wind through the anus) while you are engaged in prayer, Allah will not hear your prayers! (vol. 1, no. 628; vol. 9, no. 86).

Bad breath means that Allah will not hear your prayers. You may not eat garlic or onions before going to prayers because Allah will not hear you with their smell on your breath. (vol. 1, nos. 812, 813, 814, 815; vol. 7, nos. 362, 363).


Yawning is from Satan according to Muhammad in Hadith no. 509, vol. 4.

It seems clear from this Hadith, and the two previous ones, that it was really Muhammad who was offended by such things as bad breath, yawning, or passing wind.

That God would be offended by the natural processes of the human body which He made is not acceptable to the rational mind.


According to Sheikh Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Hamid of the Sacred Mosque of Mecca (Saudi Arabia),
'Allah's Apostle said: '''The souls of the martyrs are in the bodies of green birds dwelling in paradise wherever they like''' '

If this is true, we do not understand how these 'green birds' will be able to 'enjoy' all those beautiful women chained in different corners of paradise!

Islam is a Lie from the Pit of HELL (Part 1)


In Islam the Hadith. It is a collection of early Muslim traditions which record the words and deeds of Muhammad according to his wives, family members, friends and Muslim leaders which are not usually found in the Quran.
The Muslim scholar, Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, in his book, Introduction to Islam, states that 'the custodian and repository of the original teachings of Islam' are found 'above all in the Quran and the Hadith' (p. 250). 
To this he adds that 'the Quran and the Hadith' are 'the basis of all Islamic law' (p. 163).

The reason according to Dr. Hamidullah that Muslims revere the Hadith as well as the Quran is that the Hadith is as hellishly inspired as the Quran.


The Muslim scholar, Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah, in his book, Introduction to Islam, states that 'the custodian and repository of the original teachings of Islam' are found 'above all in the Quran and the Hadith' (p. 250). To this he adds that 'the Quran and the Hadith' are 'the basis of all [Islamic] law' (p. 163).

The reason according to Dr. Hamidullah that Muslims revere the Hadith as well as the Quran is that the Hadith is as divinely inspired as the Quran itself!

'The teachings of Islam are based primarily on the Quran and the Hadith, and, as we shall presently see, both are boasted on divine inspiration' (p. 23).

This is why Muslim writers such as Hammudullah Abdalatati in his book, Islam In Focus, (The Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore, Singapore, 1991), state that the Hadith is 'considered the Second Source of Islam' because,'all the articles of faith... are based upon and derived from the teachings of the Quran and the Traditions [Hadith] of Muhammad (p. 21).'

Thus it is no surprise to find that the material in the Hadith is considered inspired and authoritative to orthodox Muslims.


We are using the nine-volume translation of the Hadith made by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan entitled, The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih Al-Bukhari (Kazi Publications, Lahore, Pakistan, 1979).

It is recommended and approved by all Muslim authorities, including the spiritual heads of Mecca and Medina.


Dr. Khan's work is a faithful translation of the Hadith put together by none other than the greatest of all Hadith scholars, Al-Bukhari.

The introduction states:

'It has been unanimously agreed that Iman Bukhari's work is the most authentic of all the other works in Hadith literature put together. The authenticity of Al-Bukhari's work is such that the religious learned scholars of Islam said concerning him: 'The most authentic book after the Book of Allah [i.e., the Quran] is Sahih-Al-Bukhari' )p. xiv.

He only chose approximately 7275 [Hadiths] of which there is no doubt about their authenticity.

[Allah] revealed to him the Glorious Quran and the Second Inspiration, i.e., his Traditions.

It is incumbent upon you to strive hard to do righteous deeds according to the traditions of Muhammad as is clearly expressed in his Hadith (p. xvii).

Dr. Khan does not hesitate to describe the Hadith as 'the Second Inspiration' and to state that it is 'incumbent' upon every Muslim to believe and to obey it.


The reason that we went to such lengths to prove the highest religious authorities of Islam view the Hadith as being inspired and authoritative is that many Muslims will deny this when confronted with some of the obviously absurd teachings of Muhammad.

In one radio program, one Muslim caller argued in a circle as follows:

'Muhammad was Allah's prophet. Therefore he could not have said something so stupid as to suggest that we should drink camel urine. Thus you are a liar, Dr. Morey. 

The Hadith cannot say this.'After I went on to prove from the Hadith that Muhammad did indeed recommend camel urine, he responded:

'We Muslims only recognize the Holy Quran as God's Book. We do not accept the Hadith as inspired.'

Of course, he had to deny the inspiration of the Hadith in order to avoid having to defend Muhammad on the drinking of urine.

We understand the dilemma of modern Muslims. While they desperately want to maintain that Muhammad was Allah's apostle, yet the Hadith clearly reveals that Muhammad could not be inspired because he taught many things which are not only patently wrong but absurd.


The Quran was written in heaven according to Hadith no. 643, vol. 9 Thus no earthly pre-Islamic sources for the material found in the Quran should exist. But they do exist in great abundance.

Thus it is no surprise to find that the Quran was written in the Quraish dialect (vol. 6, no. 507). This fact is often not known by non-Arab muslims.

The Quran after Muhammad's death was scattered on palm leaves, rocks, bones, etc. (vol. 6, no. 509). Thus the Hadith itself bears witness to the fact that Muhammad did not prepare a manuscript of the Quran before his death. 

As a matter of record, the Hadith confirms that the Quran was put together by the Caliph Uthman after Muhammad died. This point is often denied by those Muslims who are ignorant of their own scriptures.

'Uthman got the Quran compiled and sent a few of its copies to far off places (vol. 1, no. 63). Uthman... wrote the manuscripts of the Hoyl Quran in the form of a book (vol. 4, no. 709).

See also vol. 6, nos. 507 and 510.

When Utheman finished his version of the Quran, the Hadith records that he tried to destroy all the conflicting Qurans (vol. 6, no. 510). This is clear proof that there were conflicting versions of the Quran.

The fact that the Quran is missing certain verses and that other verses were abrogated is admitted in the Hadith in vol. 4, nos. 57, 62, 69, 299; vol. 6, nos. 510, 511.

The Hadith even records that when certain people died, those portions of the quran known only to them perished with them (vol. 6, no. 509).

The Hadith records that Muhammad at times was bewitched and said and saw things under satanic inspiration (vol. 4, nos. 400, 490).

This admission on the part of the Hadith destroys in principle the Muslim claim that Muhammad was infallibly inspired.

Since it is admitted that Muhammad at times did and said things under satanic inspiration, then this in principle calls into question everything he did and said.

Like the Quran, the Hadith puts speeches into the mouths of biblical characters such as Noah, Moses, Jesus, etc., which they could not have spoken because of the vocabulary used, the doctrines taught, the historical references made, etc. They are clearly fraudulent.

vol. 1, chap. 1, p. 16

vol. 1, nos. 74, 78, 124

The Hadith admits that it has variant readings and contradictory Hadiths (vol. 1, nos. 42, 47, 74, 78, 80, 81, 86, 102, 107, 112, 159, 160, 161; vol. 3, nos. 159-161).

The translator admits in a footnote in vol. 3, no. 159, Hadith No. 159 contradicts the Hadith of Al-Hassan.

Like the Quran, some Hadiths were canceled or abrogated: vol. 1, nos. 179, 180.


The Hadith makes the repeated claim that no one ever leaves Islam.

He then asked, 'Does anybody amongst those who embrace his [i.e., Muhammad's] religion become displeased and renounce the religion afterwards?' I replied, '''NO''' '(vol. 1, nos. 6 and 48).

Then it contradicts itself by saying that death is the punishment for those who leave.

The prophet said, 'If somebody [a muslim] discard his religion [of Islam], kill him' (vol. 4, no. 260).

It even records the murders of those who left Islam for another religion (vol. 5, no. 630).

Volume nine of the Hadith has an entire section dedicated to warning those who would leave Islam - that they will be murdered (see vol. 9, pgs. 10-11, 26, 45-50, 341-342).

'So, wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection' (vol. 9, no. 64).


Muhammad taught that the Jews worshiped Ezra as the Son of Allah just as Christians worshiped Jesus as the Son of Allah (vol. 1, p. xvii). He was wrong on both counts.

Muhammad said, 'Any Jews or Christians who heard about me and did not believe in me and what was revealed to me of the Holy Quran and my traditions, his ultimate destination is the [Hell] Fire' (vol. 1, p. li).

According to Hadith no. 414, vol. 2, Muhammad said,  'Allah cursed the Jews and the Christians because they took the graves of their Prophets as places for worship.'


Muhammad taught that the majority of the people in hell were women!

'The Prophet said, '''I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women''' '(vol. 1, nos. 28, 301; vol. 2, no. 161).

The reason the majority of the people in hell were women is stated in vol. 2, no. 541,

'O Women! I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you.'

Muhammad believed that women were deficient in intelligence' and thus they should not be given equal rights under Islamic law.

For example, he legislated that a woman's testimony in court was worth only half that of a man. Thus it would take the testimony of two women to offset the testimony of one man. Imagine what this would do to women who were raped!

'The Prophet said, '''Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?''' The women said, '''Yes.''' He said, '''This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind''' ' (vol. 3, no. 826).

Muhammad even ruled that women are to receive only half of what their brothers receive in inheritance (vol. 4, no. 10). Thus women are financially punished for being females.

Perhaps the most degrading picture of women is that Paradise will have beautiful women, whose only purpose is to satisfy the sexual urges of men, chained to different corners.

'The statement of Allah, Beautiful women restrained [i.e., chained] in pavilions. Allah's Apostle said, '''In Paradise there is a pavilion made of a single hollow pearl sixty miles wide, in each corner there are wives who will not see those in the other corners; and the believers will visit and enjoy them.''' '

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dream of Heavenly Transformation

This is a very recent Dream from a woman who loves Jesus Christ...
Hello My brothers and sisters,I had another dream this morning that I wanted to share with you today. I had one short vision and one dream which I feel is a message to the Bride of Christ.

Part I

In the short vision, I was wearing the most beautiful purple linen summer dress on and I was holding a suitcase in my hand as if I was going on a trip.
End of Vision.

Part II

In my dream, the Lord allowed me to see many people in a bar laughing, drinking, behaving inappropriately,scheming, fighting, acting aggressively towards one another and out of control.

While witnessing this, I was in the center of the room and I could literally see my body shedding layers upon layers of past sins, bad memories, hurts, painful situations, traumatic experiences, sufferings, trials and tribulations that I have been through in my life. Constant layers upon layers of my self were coming off me as I was standing there. Like scales of haunting memories of my life while on earth and earthly sins were dropping off of me.

As each layer of the past was dropping off my body, my body began to feel lighter and lighter and more peace was being poured upon my spirit. It was like a fountain of peace and tranquility being poured on top of head and running throughout my body. It was such a wonderful experience. It felt like I was going through some type of metamorphosis or transformation like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

The next thing I experienced, I saw myself in the most beautiful white wedding dress and my body began to float and go upwards. As my body was beginning to go up I could see all these people, hundreds and hundreds of people around me looking and staring at me in awe, wonder and shock. They were mocking and scoffing me, laughing at me making sarcastic comments etc..

While this was going on, my body kept rising and I felt lighter and lighter and more and more peace was entering my spirit.The peace that is indescribable and feeling like I am floating on a cloud.
As my body is rising up, and I am in my white wedding dress but also I can see this wondrous, white, ethereal light surrounding me. The clouds were so beautiful and majestic in their splendor. I see could see clear skies like never before with magnificent clouds.

At the same time, I am feeling insurmountable peace in my soul and feeling lighter and lighter as I am going up towards the clouds.

I am no longer hearing the shouts of the people below me.  At that moment I am entering entering into the Heavenly realm prepared for those who Love Almighty GOD with all their hearts, minds, and Souls! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Visions of Hell by John Bunyan Part 2


The Tortures of Hell

There were yet more tragic scenes of sorrow that we saw as we left these two cursed wretches accusing each other. One woman had flaming sulfur continually forced down her throat by a tormenting spirit. He did this with such horrible cruelty and insolence that I said to him, “Why should you so delight in tormenting that cursed wretch, and be pouring that flaming, infernal liquid down her throat?”

“This is a more than just reward,” replied the demon. “This woman in her life time was such a greedy wretch that though she had plenty of gold, she could never be satisfied. Therefore I now pour it down her throat. She cared not who she ruined as long as she could get their gold. And when she had gathered together a greater treasure than she could ever spend, her love of money would not let her spend enough of it to supply herself with her basic living needs. She often went with an empty stomach, though her money bags were full. She kept no house because she would not be taxed, and would not keep her treasure in her hands for fear she should be robbed. She would not put her money in bonds and mortgages for fear of being cheated; although she always cheated everyone that she could. She was so great a cheat that she cheated her own body of its food, and her own soul of mercy. Since gold was her god on earth, is it not a just reward that she should have her belly full of it in hell?”

When her tormentor had done speaking, I asked her whether this was all true. To this she answered me, “No; to my grief it is not.”

“Why is this not true,” I said, “and why are you grieved that it is not true?”
“Because if what my tormentor told you is true,” she said, “I would be satisfied. He tells you that he pours gold down my throat; but he is a lying devil and speaks falsely. If it was gold I would never complain. But he mocks me, and instead of gold he only gives me this horrid, stinking sulfur. If I had my gold I would be happy still, for I value it so much that if I had it, I would not part with it even if an entrance to heaven could be bought.”

I told my angelic conductor that I was amazed to hear a wretch in hell itself so greedy for riches while forever being tormented.
“This,” he said, “may convince you that it is sin which is the greatest of all evils. Whenever the love of sin controls a soul, it is the greatest of all punishments for them to be abandoned to that evil love. The love of gold which this cursed soul is consumed by, is a more fatal punishment than what the demons can inflict upon her here.”

“O!” said I, “if only wicked men on earth could for one moment hear the horrid shrieks of those damned souls, they could not be in love with sin again.”
“Eternal Truth has told us otherwise, for those who will not fear His ministers, nor have regard to what His Word contains, will not be warned though one should come from hell.”

We had not gone much farther before we saw a wretched soul lying on a bed of burning steel, almost choked with brimstone. He cried out with such dreadful anguish and desperation, that I asked my conductor to wait. I heard him speak as follows:

“Ah, miserable wretch! Undone forever, forever! Oh, this killing word, 'forever!' Will not a million years be long enough to bear that pain, which if I could avoid it, I would not endure for even one moment for the sake of being offered one million worlds? No, no my misery never will have an end; after millions of years it will still be for ever. Oh, what a helpless and hopeless condition I am in! It is this 'forever' that is the hell of hell! O cursed wretch! Cursed to all eternity! How willfully have I undone myself! 

Oh, what stupendous folly am I guilty of, to choose sin’s short and momentary pleasure at the dear price of everlasting pain! How often I was told it would be so! How often I was encouraged to leave those paths of sin that brought me to the chambers of eternal death! But I, like a dumb animal, would not listen to those pleadings. Now it is too late to change it, for my eternal state is fixed for ever. 

Why was I made a person, that I would choose this fate? Why was I made with an immortal soul, and yet should take so little care of it? Oh how my own neglect stings me to death, and yet I know I cannot die! I live a dying life, worse than ten thousand deaths; and yet I once could have changed all this, but did not! 

Oh, that is the gnawing worm that never dies! I might once have been happy, salvation was offered to me and I refused it. Had salvation been offered to me only once, it would have been an unforgivable folly to refuse it. But salvation was offered me a thousand times, and yet (wretch that I was) I still as often refused it. 

O cursed sin, that with deluding pleasures leads mankind to eternal ruin! God often called, but I as often refused; He stretched His hand out, but I would not mind it. How often have I ignored His counsel! How often have I refused His reproof! But now the scene is changed, the case is altered. 

Now He laughs at my calamity, and mocks at the destruction which is come upon me. He would have helped me once, but I would not accept His help. Therefore those eternal miseries I am condemned to undergo are but the just reward of my own doing.”

I could not hear this sorrowful lamentation without thinking about the wonderful grace that God had shown to me, eternal praises to His holy name! For my heart told me that I had deserved eternal judgment as much as that sad wretch, but that God's grace alone had made us different. O how unsearchable are His counsels! Who can fathom His divine decree?

After these thoughts I spoke to the sorrowful complainer, and told him I had heard his woeful complaints. I saw that his misery was great, and his loss irreparable, and told him I would willingly hear more about it if this might possibly help lessen his sufferings.”

“No, not at all; my pains cannot be relieved even for one small moment. But by your question I understand that you are a stranger here; and may you ever be a stranger! Ah, had I but the least hope still remaining, how I would kneel and cry and pray for ever to be redeemed from this hell! But it is all in vain, I am lost forever. But so that you will be warned about ending up here, I will tell you what the damned suffer.”

The DAMMED Speak

“Our miseries in this infernal dungeon are of two kinds: what we have lost, and what we suffer. I will first speak about what we have lost.

1. In this sad dark place of misery and sorrow, we have lost the presence of the ever blessed God. This is what makes this dungeon hell. Though we had lost a thousand worlds, it would not be as important as this one greatest loss. Could we but see the least glimpse of His favor here, we might be happy; but have lost it to our everlasting woe.

2. Here we have also lost the company of saints and angels, and instead have nothing but tormenting devils.

3. Here we have lost heaven, too, the center of blessedness. There is a deep gulf between us and heaven, so that we are shut out from it forever. Those everlasting gates that let the redeemed into heaven are now for ever shut against us.

4. To make our wretchedness far worse, we have lost the hope of ever obtaining a better condition. This makes us truly hopeless. Well may our hearts now break, since we are both without hope and help. This is what we have lost; and if we think of these things, it is enough to tear and gnaw upon our miserable souls forever. Yet, oh, that this were all that our torments were!
But we are also tormented by suffering and pain, as I will try to explain to you now.

1. First, we undergo a variety of torments. We are tormented here a thousand, no, ten thousand different ways. Those that suffer upon the earth seldom have more than one affliction at a time. But if they had ulcers, gallstones, headaches, and fever all at the same time, would they not think they were very miserable? Yet all those together are but like the biting of a flea compared to those intolerable, sharp pains that we endure. Here we have all the sufferings of hell. Here is an unquenchable fire which burns us; a lake of burning brimstone that ever chokes us; and eternal chains that bind us. Here there is utter darkness to frighten us, and a worm of conscience that gnaws upon us everlastingly. Any one of these is worse to bear than all the torments that mankind ever felt on earth!

2. But our torments here are not only various, but are also complete. They afflict every part of the body, and torment all the powers of the soul. This makes what we suffer the worst of tortures. In those sicknesses which men have on earth, though some members of their bodies will suffer, yet other parts will have no pain. Here it is different; every member of the soul and body suffers at the same time.

“Our eyes are tormented here with the sight of devils who appear in all the horrible shapes and black appearances that sin can give them. Our ears are continually tormented with the loud continual yelling of the damned. Our nostrils are smothered with sulfurous flames; our tongues with burning blisters; and the whole body is rolled in flames of liquid fire. All the powers and faculties of our souls are also tormented here. The imagination suffers with the thoughts of our present pain and the memory of the heaven we have lost. Our minds are tormented as we remember how foolishly we spent our precious time on earth. Our understanding is tormented with the thoughts of our past pleasures, present pains, and future sorrows, which are to last forever. And our consciences are tormented with a continual gnawing worm.

3. Another thing that makes our misery so awful is the sharpness of our torments. The fire that burns us is so violent that all the water in the sea can never quench it. The pains we suffer here are so extreme that it is impossible for anyone to know them except the damned.

4. Another part of our misery is the ceaselessness of our torments. As various, as complete, and as extremely violent as they are, they are also continual. We have no rest from them. If there were any relaxation, it might be some relief. But there is no easing of our torments, and what we suffer now we must suffer forever.

5. The society or company we have here is another part of our misery. Tormenting devils and tormented souls are all our company. Dreadful shrieks, howlings, and fearful cursing are our continual conversation because of the fierceness of our pain.

6. The place we are in also increases our sufferings. It is the completion of all misery, a prison, a dungeon, a bottomless pit, a lake of brimstone, a furnace of fire that burns to eternity, the blackness of darkness for ever; and lastly, hell itself. Such a wretched place as this can only increase our wretchedness.

7. The cruelty of our tormentors is another thing that adds to our sufferings. Our tormentors are devils in whom there is no pity. While they are tormented themselves, they still take pleasure in tormenting us.

8. All those sufferings that I have recounted are very grievous. But that which makes them the most grievous is that they shall always be forever. All of our intolerable sufferings shall last to all eternity! ‘Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire,’ is what continually sounds in my ears. Oh, that I could reverse that fatal sentence! Oh, if there was but a bare possibility of salvation! This is the miserable situation we are in, and shall be in forever.”

Sunday, August 18, 2013

For what will you Trade Your Eternal Soul?

If you gain the WHOLE Entire World and are KING of all you see, it will only be for a very short time.  The flesh you live in has a very short shelf life.  For the 70 or 80 or even 90 years you live in sin the price that will be demanded of you will be an eternity. in HELL.  

St Theresa was shown by an Angel a glowing orange hole which was shimmering from the heat pouring out of it.  From a distance it looked like the top of a volcano. The Angel bid St Theresa to look more closely. Instantly, her vision refocused and she realized that there was someone in that fearfully burning chimney protruding from the barren landscape. Look closer still said the Angel pointing at something scurrying frantically to and fro within the searing heat.   

 It was then that St Theresa realized that the creature within the glowing blast furnace was a man.  The Angel asked St Theresa if she did indeed now see the man within and St Theresa said Yes.  The Angel informed St Theresa that the man running and leaping trying with all his might to escape the terrible inferno had died at the age of 57. He was a wealthy man of his time.  He amassed his fortune by brute force and with an iron fist sought to gather as much as he could without a thought to anyone else but himself.  He had enough to last for ten lifetimes, but it was never enough. No matter how much he had he wanted more.  He never once considered the poor, the sick, or the needy.  He never gave thanks to GOD nor ever did he listen as the FATHER sent many men and women to try and turn him from his evil ways.   The man believed that his wealth could protect him from anything.  He died counting his money.  As the pain in his chest spread to his right arm he gave no thought to GOD, to eternity.  As his life slipped from him his only thought was to clench the gold coins on the table into his fist so that no one could take them from him.   

When the rich man opened his eyes again he opened them here in this place.  This searing blast furnace whose walls are to high and cliffs to sheer will be his home for the rest of eternity.  St Theresa watched as the man shrieked and wailed as the fire cooked his flesh. She saw his feet leave charred flesh on the molten rock as he ran from one side of the rock face to the other.  She could smell the awful stench of his cooking flesh mixed with the heavy sulfur and brmiestone.  Just as the bone would begin to show on his feet or hands his flesh would reconstitute itself and the horrific process would begin anew. 

Being a child of GOD St Theresa asked if there was no hope for this poor Soul?  The Angel took in St Theresa's visage and replied...This man has been here for a thousand years. For ten centuries he has run from side to side screaming for help, ever with the hope that if he could just run fast enough, leap high enough, that he might be able to free himself from the roasting pit.  HE will never leave this place, he will never have rest, his torment will NEVER end because in HELL time has no meaning.  

St Theresa shivered at the terrbile implication that for the 57 years wasted on earth this man had traded his Soul for an eternity in HELL.  

What will you trade for your eternal Soul?  

Visions of Earth and Hell by John Bunyan Part 1

John Bunyan was a 17th century English preacher who spent twelve years in prison for his Christian faith and wrote over 40 books. His best known writing is Pilgrim’s Progress, one of the most famous and popular books in all of world history. John Bunyan wrote the following account when he was a young man, of how an angel was sent by the Lord to take him to see heaven and hell.

Chapter 1

One morning I went out into a nearby woods, where I had planned to kill myself. But before I tried to use the knife I heard a secret whisper say,
"Do not fall into everlasting misery to gratify the enemy of your soul. 
The fatal stroke you are about to give yourself will seal your own damnation. For if there is a God, as surely as there is, how can you hope for mercy from Him if you willfully destroy yourself who were made in His image?" 

Where this secret whisper came from, I do not know, but I believe it came from God; for it came with so much power it made me throw away my knife, and it showed me the great evil of suicide. The horror of what I had almost done made me shake so much that I could hardly stand. 
I recognized my deliverance to have come from the Lord, and in gratitude
I returned thanks. 

I knelt down on the ground and worshiped Him, asking that He would take away the blackness in my soul so that I would never again question His being or great power which I had just experienced.

Suddenly I was surrounded with a glorious light, brighter than anything I had ever seen before. I saw coming toward me a glorious person like a man, but circled with beams of light and glory which shined from him as he came nearer. I tried to stand up, but had no strength left in me, so I fell flat on my face. As he lifted me up and I was given new strength, I said to him, "O my shining deliverer, how shall I acknowledge my thankfulness, and in what manner should I adore you?" 

With majesty and mildness he replied, "Pay your adorations to God, and not to me who am your fellow-creature. I am sent from Him Whose being you have so lately denied, to stop you from falling into eternal ruin." 
This touched my heart with such a sense of my own unworthiness that I could only cry out, "Oh, how utterly unworthy I am of all this grace and mercy!" To this the heavenly messenger replied, "When God decided to show mercy He did not consult your unworthiness, but His own unbounded goodness and vast love. He saw how the grand enemy of souls desired your ruin, but He upheld you by His secret power. Through this, when Satan thought that you were destroyed, the snare was broken and you have escaped." These words made me break forth into song, and I praised my Savior and declared that He is God alone.

Chapter 2: Beyond the Sun and Stars

The heavenly messenger then said, "That you may never doubt the reality of eternal things, I have come to show you the truth of them: not by faith only but also by sight. I will show you things never yet seen by mortal eye, and to that end your eyes shall be strengthened and made able to behold heavenly things."

At these words of the angel I was very surprised, and doubted I would be able to bear it. I said to him, "Who is able to bear such a sight?"

To this he replied, "The joy of the Lord shall be your strength." When he had said this, he took hold of me and said, "Fear not, for I am sent to show the things you have not seen." Then before I was aware I found myself far above the earth, which seemed now to be very small.

Then I said to my bright conductor, "Please let it not offend you if I ask a question or two." To this he replied, "Speak on. It is my work to inform you of what you ask. For I am a ministering spirit, sent forth to minister to you and to those that will inherit salvation."

Then I said, "Please inform me about that dark spot below, which has grown smaller and smaller as we have mounted higher, and which appears much darker since I have come into this region of light."

My conductor replied, "That little spot that now looks so dark and despised is the world which you have lived on. 

To obtain one small part of that spot of earth so many men have risked and lost their immortal souls; which are so precious that the Prince of Peace has told us that though a man could gain the whole world, it would not equal so great a loss. As you have ascended higher towards heaven, the world has appeared still smaller and more insignificant; and it will appear the same to all who can by faith get their hearts above it. 

If the sons of men below could but see the world as it is, they would not covet it as they do now, but alas, they are in a state of darkness. And what is worse, they love to walk in this darkness. For although the prince of Light came down among them and showed them the true light of life, yet they go on in darkness and will not bring themselves to the light, because their deeds are evil."

Then I asked him, "What are those multitudes of black and horrible forms that hover in the air above the world? I would have been much afraid of them, but I saw that as you passed by, they fled; perhaps not being able to abide your brightness."

To this he answered me
, "They are the fallen angels which for their pride and rebellion were cast down from heaven. They wander in the air by decree of the Almighty, being bound in chains of darkness and kept unto the judgment of the great day. They are permitted to descend into the world, both for the trial of the elect, and for the condemnation of the wicked. And although you see that they now have black and horrible
forms, yet they were once the sons of Light. They once were clothed in robes of glorious brightness, like what you see me wear. But the loss of this, although it was the result of their own willful sin, fills them with anger and hatred against the ever blessed God Whose power and majesty they fear and hate.

"Tell me," I said, "O blessed conductor, have they no hopes of being reconciled to God again, after some term of time, or at least some of them?"

"No, not at all. They are lost forever. They were the first that sinned, and had no tempter; and they were all at once cast down from heaven. Besides, the Son of God, the blessed Messiah by Whom alone salvation can be gained, did not take upon Himself the angelic nature. He left the apostate angels all to perish, and took upon Himself only the seed of Abraham. For this reason they have so much hatred against the sons of men, because it is a torment for them to see men made the heirs of heaven while they are doomed to hell."