This amazing story was sent to me today from This happened during Matt Schwartz's , founder and president of Intercessors for Israel March for the Lord in 1994.
Among the hundreds of Israelis we met that day in 1994 was an 80-year-old man named Moishe (Moses). Moishe is a Bible-believing, orthodox Jew, originally from Germany. He met his wife Esther, in a concentration camp that was liberated by the Americans in 1945. Moishe and Esther married, and made Aliya to Israel in 1945. They celebrated the birth of Israel in 1948. They are religious Jews, keep Sabbath, and believe in Messiah’s imminent coming. When they heard our music in the streets (Moishe is the owner of Sterns Jewelry Store), they ran out from their store. When our Messiah parade came by, Moishe ran out to us and said, “This is the same music I have been hearing in my dreams at night.” (That’s amazing, since we were also singing, Amazing Grace, Hallelujah and other godly hymns not known or sung by Jews.) Moishe told us that He was having a recurring dream, every night for the past 90 nights. For three months, he woke up in the middle of the night expecting to meet the Messiah.
First Moishe heard the sound of trumpets sounding all through the land of Israel. The trumpets were so real they woke him up, usually around 3:00 a.m., in the morning. It was so real, Moishe told us, that he got up from bed, put on his bathrobe, and went to the front door of their small apartment in Tel Aviv. Moishe opened the door and could hear the sound of trumpets in the distance. “The sound was beautiful,” he said. Then he heard a voice gently saying to him, “Moishe, look up.” When he looked up to the sky, Moishe saw “a mighty army, dressed for battle.” The army was gathered for war. They wore white robes, had ephods of pure gold on their chests, and had drawn swords.
The army, Moishe said, numbered into the millions. They were all riding upon white stallions. Their leader sat on the lead white horse. Upon His head, Moishe told us, was a crown with many jewels. This “Messiah” wore a royal robe, which Moishe said was a “white and blue tallit, the Jewish prayer shawl. He had eyes of fire. He was getting ready to execute judgment on Israel’s enemies who had sought to seize Jerusalem. Just behind the leader and his army in the sky, was a city with 12 gates, also descending from heaven. The army waited. The heavenly city hovered over the city of Jerusalem,
Moishe said, “Lord, who are you? What is your name? I know you are our Messiah. We have waited for this day since 1948.” Suddenly, a gentle voice answered Moishe, saying, “I am called the Champion.”
Then the trumpets stopped. The army faded away, and finally, the Champion said, “Moishe, I love you. I am coming soon. Wait for me.” Moishe woke his wife, Esther. She said, “Moishe, go to the rabbis. Tell them about your dream.”
Moishe obeyed his wife. He talked with over thirty different Orthodox Jewish rabbis in Tel Aviv and in Jerusalem. The rabbis had never heard of a Messiah coming from heaven with a mighty army of soldiers riding on whitehorses, or of a city called the “New Jerusalem,” or of the Messiah being called, “The Champion.” When Moishe and his wife ran out to meet our parade, he told about his dream and asked us a simple question. Do you know who is this person, who rides a horse and comes from heaven to Israel, and calls himself, “the Champion ?”
I had a pastor with me from Eugene, Oregon named Brad Lane. Brad began to answer Moishe and his lovely wife, Esther. Our dancers stopped dancing. Our worship team played gently in the background, “Hallelujah.” Moishe and Esther, both 80 years old, stood in the middle of our circle. Pastor Brad Lane, answered Moishe and his wife, saying, “Moishe, God has given you this anointed dream for the past 90 nights. God Loves you and your family. God knows you’re a God-fearing, righteous Jew. You survived the Holocaust. You live in Israel. You believe in the Messiah. The reason that the rabbis have never heard of the Champion, riding to Jerusalem on a white horse, is because that portrait is not in the Tenach (the Old Testament) but is found in the New Testament. Would you like to see this Scripture. It’s in the book of Revelation, chapter 19. Moishe, said, “Yes, of course, I want to see this verse.” We all gathered and began to pray, “Lord, touch Moishe’s heart as he reads the book of Revelation.”
Brad said, “Moishe, I want you to read this, out loud, and tell me, if this describes your dream.” Slowly, Moishe, put on his reading glasses. Some of his employees from the jewelry store had joined our circle on Deizengorf Street. Esther, Moishe’s wife of 50 years, stood by his side. Car horns honked, taxis, drove by. It was a typical Sunday afternoon in the bustling city of Tel Aviv, Israel. Moishe began to read out loud, from Revelation 19:11-12, the words written by John, the Apostle, some 2000 years ago, in the 66th book of the Bible. “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. 12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God’” (Revelation 19: 11-13).
Moishe stopped reading. Pastor Brad Lane, from Eugene Oregon said, Moishe, Does this describe The Champion you have seen in your dream? Moishe said, “Yes, Brad, it does.” Brad said, “Moishe, would you like to know the real Hebrew name of your “Champion”?
Moishe said, “Yes, Brad. Tell me His name. Who is He ? Brad said, “His name is Jesus. His Hebrew name is Y’shua, Yeshua Ben David. Jesus, the son of David. Would you like to ask Him to be your Savior and Lord today? Moishe didn’t hesitate when he answered, “Yes, Brad, I am ready. Brad turned to me, and said, Pastor Matt, would you lead us in prayer.” I said, “with pleasure.” Moishe, Esther and several of their employees, a group of five, prayed with us a simple, but powerful prayer of salvation. “Yesua, I am a sinner. I accept your finished work on the Cross. I repent of my sins. Please, save me, heal me, redeem me, love me, and let me come into your kingdom. I accept the gift of eternal life, I know you are the Messiah, I believe in You. I trust you. In the name of Yshua, hamashiah, Amen.”
A gentle peace settled over Moishe and his wife. His three Israeli employees had tears in their eyes. One of them, an Israeli girl named, Dayla, said, “God has sent you to Israel, to show us the way to peace. Jesus is coming again soon.”
We went into Moishes’ store, and he and Esther served us some Israeli coffee and Jewish cakes. We held hands a second time, and prayed again. This time, Lorna, my dance leader from Toledo, Ohio, said, “Moishe, Esther, God has more for you today.” Lorna, a 51-year-old housewife from America, laid her hands on Moishe and his wife and prayed for them to be “filled with the Holy Spirit.” We waited. We all prayed. Then we started singing, Hava, negillah. We began to dance. Moishe, Esther and their three saved Israeli staff led us in the traditional Jewish Hora. We praised the Lord. They closed the store. We stayed and had dinner with them. We made friends, for life. We told the five of them that had just gotten saved about, Ari and Shira Sorko Ram, Messianic Pastors. We gave them the address of thiscongregation in Tel Aviv. They promised to attend the mid-week bible study. Pastor Brad Lane, from Eugene Oregon, had the final word. He said, “Moishe, God gave you a special dream. Dreams, are found in Joel, 2:28. The Scriptures say, ‘In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.’ Jesus is coming again soon. Moishe, tell your friends and family in Israel about your dreams. Read to them Revelation 19:11,12. Moishe and Esther smiled.
They, at age 80, had found their long awaited Messiah. They had peace at last. They are a part of Israel’s first fruits. They will be in the rapture. They love the Lord. Thank you for praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Moishe and Esther are an answer to your prayers. They know the man of peace is NOT a leader from Europe, or a false, secular Israeli prophet. They have found peace in Y’shua, who is called in Isaiah 9:6, Israel’s true, “Prince of Peace.”
Moishe clarification by Jim Bramlett Apr 30, 2002
Dear friends:
In the message about Moishe yesterday, the Lord said to him, “Moishe, I love you. I am coming soon. Wait for me.”
This was eight years ago, in 1994, and Moishe was age 80. Moishe would be age 88 now. Since Jesus said to him, “Wait for me,” like me you may be wondering if Moshe is still alive, and if maybe we have another Dr. Eby-type situation.
For your info, I queried Matt Schwartz about this, and last night he replied: “Yes, exactly, like Dr. Eby. As far as I know, Moishe is still alive. Last I heard he had witnessed to many in Israel, then made a journey back to Hamburg Germany to tell some of his old friends about his dream and of the coming of Israel’s Messiah.”
I ran into this story today in my old email. I was wondering if you have anymore information on Moishe and if he's still alive in 2021!!